Recent content by gausie

  1. gausie

    Feature shop.php support

    @Ryo_Sangnoir submitted a PR to fix it (I think!) which has since been merged
  2. gausie

    Feature shop.php support

    Well here are those HTML files at least. I can take a look at the two problematic shops tomorrow
  3. gausie

    Feature shop.php support

    This is really fantastic work from which everyone will benefit. Thank you Veracity. Is there an easily sliced area we can contribute codewise?
  4. gausie

    Feature - Implemented Add a "Pending change in required Java version" nag message.

    I am very pro a launcher being made
  5. gausie

    r28087 - What's Changed [*]Create JSON API for relay scripts. by ]@phulin] in

    I ask that we resolve to have a discussion before implementing "policies" in the development of the project, especially ones gatekeeping contribution. I'm not strictly against this one in particular but I am definitely not convinced. I certainly would not follow it for my own feature PRs, so as...
  6. gausie

    Bug NPE caused by JS script

    Had a quick look at this, the choice adventure is run in an infinite loop. Visiting the relay browser triggers the NPE (in the JavascriptRuntime??) somehow but only if you have a relayScript that calls visit_url() in some way, even if that relayScript is ASH. Really weird bug.
  7. gausie

    Bug - Fixed item_fact() no monster NPE

    Haha just realised it will still probably NPE if you give a null path. I'll wait for the bug report, or when I get around to it - whichever is sooner.
  8. gausie

    Bug - Fixed item_fact() no monster NPE
  9. gausie


    Not to be rude but I have to say this: it's not a beta feature, it is a totally unsupported implementation detail that I don't have any remote interest in maintaining.
  10. gausie

    Bug NPE caused by JS script

    Hmmmmm. I wonder what is going on.
  11. gausie

    Discussion: Should we depreciate/remove Jenkins?

    The .dmg is unsigned so it doesn't even work really. I should really fix that...
  12. gausie


    I didn't point you towards this API and there was no agreement to its ongoing behaviour. The API I previously indicated - the one that lets you query a particular item - still works as expected.
  13. gausie

    Bug r27908 Jick Jar use is mistaken as use of a Suspicious Jar, preventing Procedurally-Generated Skeleton Tower adventuring

    Did you mess with that HTML source at all? Usually it comes through with no linebreaks to the DEBUG file