Recent content by Camber

  1. C

    Bug - Fixed Generates error when CRIMBCO monster defeated

    Since the Crimbo monsters are newer than that, you need to use daily builds that include the newest changes to KoL. Please download the newest daily builds from
  2. C

    Not sure if this is a bug or not, problem with CCS

    [basement] isn't a standard CCS category. The categories are monster names, or parts thereof. You can make it one by breaking out the monsters by name that then call that section. This preserves the Default section for other combat. Change your CCS thusly: [ bottles of beer on a golem ]...
  3. C

    Not sure if this is a bug or not, problem with CCS

    I may be wrong, but it seems to me that you want everything to work just the way it worked last time you played KoL. Unfortunately for you, but for the betterment of KoL, there have been many changes to KoL and to mafia. So you will have to update all your scripts and then just use the daily...
  4. C

    Bug - Fixed Familiar equipment and canEquip()

    Could the internal checkpoints also save/restore your familiar? That would make the problem go away. Or this that just another can of worms...
  5. C

    Bug - Not A Bug Pumpkin item numbers not known by Mafia

    Since "update data" is NOT recommended, should 'data' be removed or moved to the end of the available arguments list in the wiki? Currently it is the first.
  6. C

    Feature Add +5 <item> goal when an item drop familiar is equipped

    Here is a thought, and pardon my lack of knowledge of what is possible, but could the goal choice be dynamic and use the logic of slyz' alias to read your familiar, and if it has drops avail, add the goal to the list? or even check which familiars you have that do drops and add goals for each one?
  7. C

    Bug - Fixed No error when can't change MCD

    I was out defending town by killing skeles with my non-ascended SC main when i tried to change ML via 'mcd 10' in the cli. After getting the expected results message, I was surprised to notice that my ML didn't change. Took me a moment to remember that I can't change it with this character...
  8. C

    Trying to auto-putty ducks

    For getting the bounty, you want to use bounty.ash. It won't putty monsters, the puttying is done by your CCS and betweenBattleScript. FirstThingsFirst.ash puttys the monster, but it then requires BestBetweenBattle.ash to use the putty. You will also need canadv.ash and zlib.ash. Each of...
  9. C

    What was YOUR last encounter?

    JasonHarper has a handy alias for reference checking: alias prefref => ash record r{string d;}; r[string,string]m; file_to_map("defaults.txt",m); foreach t,p,d in m if(to_lower_case(p).contains_text(to_lower_case($string[%%]))) print(p+" ("+t+", now '"+get_property(p)+"', default "+d.d+")")
  10. C

    Code for various areas

    Here are the first 2: ASH: if (contains_text(visit_url("questlog.php?which=2"),"cleansed the taint")) visit_url("friars.php?action=buffs&bro=2&pwd="); /* --- F R I A R B L E S S I N G --- bro=1 : Brother Flying Burrito (+food drops) bro=2 : Brother Corsican (+fam. exp) bro=3 : Brother...
  11. C

    CounterChecker: Wormwood, Semi-rares, Dance Cards and more

    No need, preferences/properties prefaced with an underscore are reset to zero each day.
  12. C

    Best Between Battle Script Ever -- formerly AutoMCD

    One last thing with the familiar switching for farming, can you switch back to the familiar we started with after cycling through them all? Thanks!
  13. C

    Feature - Implemented Show hp/mp restore ranges in Usable-Restores list

    I agree. I've been meaning to request buttons on the restore page to show only MP or HP or both. Too many times i use a restore both by mistake when i only need MP.
  14. C

    Still drink creation problems in mafia

    You are correct! i have been in aftercore for too long! I had assumed that having the bartender-in-a-box qualified, but i guess not. All is fine now! Thanks!