Bug - Not A Bug Extremely Slow Searching in gCLI


New member
Hi All,

I've tried various things to diagnose this like disabling all scripts (recovery, between battle etc) but I can't seem to fix this. Normal mall searching from the Purchases tab is fine - search and purchase is pretty quick. However, doing something like "eat hot hi mein" takes ages. There is a massive delay between "Search complete" and actually purchasing the hi mein and eating it.

This also happens when auto adventuring and mafia is maintaining the mood. When it needs to search the mall for restoration items it takes ages, as a result my daily turns are taking literally hours to complete.

Like I said, I've turned off the between battle script and universal recovery as I thought it might be something with them, but no difference...

Anyone else had/have this issue?
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Everyone I've talked to... mafia and otherwise... has been having a lot of lag-related trouble lately. Granted, the vast majority were mafia using folks, but I'm still leaning toward "KoL issue" unless I hear reports that most non-mafia users are doing better.
I know that this is nearly a year later - but the issue is still happening (currently using R11585)... This only happens when I'm at work, when at home, searching is fine. The only difference is that I'm behind a proxy at work and home is a direct connection...

Not sure how that would affect anything since normal adventuring (browser or mafia automated) are pretty quick... It's just the mall searching...

my daily turns are taking literally hours to complete

This is normal for me... Is it not normal for anyone else? I just assumed it was due to the load balancer not responding to more requests than it can handle.

Sometimes mall searching takes a while for me, what kind of time frame are you looking at? Are you talking minutes?
If it's only happening at your work when routing through a proxy, I would have to expect that the proxy has something to do with it. Whether it's the proxy itself, mafia's proxy support, or kol I wouldn't be able to say.
Well I just discovered that BBB was taking 9-10 seconds to run each turn. I'm guessing there's more stuff slowing me down too.

What's the best way to profile a combat script?
If you look at WHAM there are time-printing parts of it. You can use similar phrases to assess what takes most time to run in a script.
If you look at WHAM there are time-printing parts of it. You can use similar phrases to assess what takes most time to run in a script.

I'm actually using WHAM. It's still difficult to pinpoint what's running slow. WHAM takes about 5 seconds to run, as does SmartStasis. Couple that with BBB calling run_combat() twice, and you end up with upwards of 20 seconds per adventure.

Anyway, probably not the right thread to discuss :p
Just a follow up to my original problem... I have determined the cause (and was able to replicate it at home)... Running kolmafia from a shared folder causes the searches to be really slow. When I copied the kolmafia JAR file to my local drive, everything is much faster.

Not sure if that is due to kolmafia or java...
Not sure if that is due to kolmafia or java...

Why aren't you sure? Perhaps because the real answer is neither is at fault? Shared folders are known to contribute to performance problems depending upon how the environment is set up. If the shared folder is not on the same physical machine there is local network performance to consider. No matter where it is there is almost always an additional layer of access control that degrades performance while it decides if you are allowed to see what is shared. I have seen virus scanners that will aggressively scan every file that is accessed on a shared folder whereas they will only scan files that change on a non-shared folder. And so on...