Feature - Implemented Protect against use of +PvP items if Hippy Stone is not broken

Hey, gang. I am requesting this feature now as the upcoming season fast approaches. I have fallen prey too many times to using items like the CSA Firestarting Kit before I realize the Hippy Stone is not broken, thereby wasting the item and the extra turns. Could we be able to get some protection against item use if the Hippy Stone is not yet broken? TIA
Doesn't it ask you unless you disable it? I keep getting popups when taking care of my omnivorous quests regarding eating/drinking PvP items without breaking the hippy stone.

Or is that warning only applicable for consumables rather than used items?
Well this was done for eatables, drinkables and spleenables, I remember because I provided the patch. CSA campfires were on the "do it later" list, here's the thread. I wasn't even doing PVP at the time I wrote the original patch and I had a lot more time back then. Maybe someone who actually does PVP can look into this before I get the chance to.
I suppose I have only tested it with the CSA Firestarting Kit. Sorry. I only use the spleen items for bonus PvP, as everything else isn't really worth it. I will try it when the next season happens. Would it be possible to add the CSAFK then, please and thank you?
Considering that the CSA fire-starting kit has a non-PVP use, it seems like a bad idea to "protect" you from using it if you don't have your hippy stone broken.

Do you have other items which are only +PVP items which are not protected?
Considering that the CSA fire-starting kit has a non-PVP use, it seems like a bad idea to "protect" you from using it if you don't have your hippy stone broken.

We could set maximumUses = 0 iff choiceAdventure595 is on PVP fights
Sorry to reopen this, but I was definitely able to use the CSA Firestarting kit without my stone being smashed. I am in hardcore Jarlsberg run if this helps.
Sorry to reopen this, but I was definitely able to use the CSA Firestarting kit without my stone being smashed. I am in hardcore Jarlsberg run if this helps.

Your choiceAdventure595 property needs to be set to "1" for this to work. Can you confirm that?
If you used it from the relay browser, then mafia won't do anything to help you there. Just like it won't keep you from overdrinking from the relay browser.
I did use it from the browser. Oops. And I did check the choiceAdventure595, and it was set to 0. So, should I be right click using it from Mafia Inventory, or from the Adventure/Overview tab?
It should be used as part of breakfast too. Unfortunately, it's common to not have one at the start of the day during an ascension, which is when you're most likely to not have a broken stone if you are using fire-starting kits for pvp fights.