Problems with the diff link in latest SVN update posts.


For the past couple of days, I've been getting error messages along the lines of:

[h=3]An Exception Has Occurred[/h]    [h=4]Python Traceback[/h] 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/viewvc/lib/", line 4337, in main
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/viewvc/lib/", line 397, in run_viewvc
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/viewvc/lib/", line 3154, in view_diff
    fp = request.repos.rawdiff(p1, rev1, p2, rev2, diff_type, diff_options)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/viewvc/lib/vclib/svn/", line 709, in rawdiff
    temp1 = temp_checkout(self, p1, r1)
  File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/viewvc/lib/vclib/svn/", line 247, in temp_checkout
    temp = tempfile.mktemp()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 356, in mktemp
    dir = gettempdir()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 262, in gettempdir
    tempdir = _get_default_tempdir()
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.4/", line 208, in _get_default_tempdir
    raise IOError, (_errno.ENOENT,
IOError: [Errno 2] No usable temporary directory found in ['/tmp', '/var/tmp', '/usr/tmp', '/']

when I click the diff link on one of the Latest SVN Change posts. I suspect this is a server side problem, but please correct me if it's something I need to address on my system.

It's an issue on sourceforge's end. It's pretty weird. If you wait a day or so, the issue resolves itself. Odder still, if you flip the r1 and r2 query strings, it works instantly without the day's wait. Go figure.
I recently got an email from Sourceforge that they were going to change something in the near future, so they may be deprecating it early. I haven't pushed the button to upgrade yet since I have no idea what would happen to the existing tools that people have built out related to KoLmafia's SVN if I did. If you guys think I should, I'll go ahead and do that and we can see what breaks. :)

Dear KoLmafia project admin,

Since your project has shown some activity in the last few months, we want to be sure that you're aware that some changes are happening at SourceForge, and we want to be sure you're not caught by surprise.

As you may already be aware, SourceForge is upgrading to a new platform (code-named Allura), and as a result, we'll be retiring the Classic SourceForge platform, which your project is still using. Our goal is to have everybody off of the old platform in the first quarter of next year, so that we can retire that code and focus our attention on the new platform. It would, of course, be preferable if you migrate your own project in your own time.

You can read more about the new platform at and then, when you're ready, press the Upgrade button next to your project name.

If you have any concerns about the process, or if your project has an unusually large number of forums, source code repositories, or trackers, please don't hesitate to contact us to discuss your upgrade. It's important to us that it go smoothly.

As always, thanks for being part of the SourceForge community.

Will be upgraded
At this time, we are able to update the following aspects of your project:

Meta-data (name, description, trove categories, etc)
Members and permissions
Project News
Hosted Applications and Project Web
Virtual Host configuration and MySQL databases
Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Bazaar and CVS repositories
Mailing Lists
Tracker data
Project Donations*
Hey, the SVN was in the list of stuff they'll actually keep, don't misquote TOO hard. :)

I say go for it. It'll break now or later, so if we have people paying attention to stuff for Advent, it probably won't stay broken too long.
Should probably make sure matt.chugg's on board, since changes to the rss bot will likely be needed.
I became aware of KoLMafia because I was working on a similar project independently, KwiKol. It was effectively abandoned because mafia was so far ahead of us in features that it made more sense to support mafia. However the inactive project still exists at SourceForge and I am the only remaining dev and admin. I just pressed the Upgrade button. I'll look at the results and see if that gives me observations that relate to KoLmafia.
Go for it, I'll patch up the feed when it breaks! sorry for lateness coming to this thread! shouldn't need anything from Fewyn or modifications to rssbot, the bot will just read what the feed gives it. i'll turn on email notifications for this thread!
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Just as I was about to push the button, I saw: "Note that the URLs used to access your code repositories will change, and an email will be sent to all project developers with the new URLs after the upgrade is complete."

So, I'll hold off until 2013.
Oh jeez. Couldn't they give you the new URL before you push the button so that you could prepare everyone for the button pushing? Seriously! How freakin' hard would it be to have a URL that could be predicted in advance!! They don't have to use random numbers or sequentially number them or pray to the Elder Gods for guidance each time the button is pushed. They could just convert project name to URL with troublesome characters converted to something less troublesome or give a numerical URL based on your project registration date. Or. Anything. That. Is. Not. Stupid.
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Note that the URLs used to access your code repositories will change, and an email will be sent to all project developers with the new URLs after the upgrade is complete.

This will likely affect the SSH scripts I'm using to upload the JET nightlies, but I'm sure the JET users wouldn't lose too much sleep over not having an updated build for a day or two if there were any unforeseen issues with me simply changing the upload path.

Also, I agree with Bale's sentiments, but I also think it should've been possible for the KoL devs to preserve/restore the old randomly generated names that were lost earlier this year. No big roll-out is ever going to be perfect :p
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I think I'll push the button on Tuesday, which is when I will have a good chunk of guaranteed time to figure out what might need changing after doing so. Unless someone has a reason for waiting, of course.
Let me know if anyone figures out how to get tortoiseSVN or subclipse working with the new repo, I can't quite figure it out.
Ah, got it working on tortoiseSVN at least. Right clicked on my working directory, chose relocate... and gave it "svn+ssh://".

The sourceforge page points you to, but that's a completely bogus address. Dropping the /trunk off the end does get you to a read-only version of the repo.
Ah, and for anyone using Eclipse with subclipse:

You now need to have SVNKit installed (this was probably already needed?) and have to change one setting. Go to Window > Preferences > Team > SVN and change the SVN interface client to SVNKit (Pure Java). You'll also need to right click on the base directory and do Team... > Switch to another Branch... and give it the new repo address. I'll update my Eclipse guide with this info when I get around to it.