600 - 700 ADV diet!! T

i may have jumped the gun on this, still working bugs out
yuup definatley jumped the gun on this...

OK, since you jumped the gun does that mean we should ignore this until you re-release?

How about a little description of what you think it does? I think it has a hard wired list of foods and helpers, calculates the cost to acquire them all and, if the user confirms the cost is acceptable, it consumes them. based upon the title, the expected yield is 600+ adventures.

I also didn't see anything that was variable based upon player level or steel organ consumption so you probably ought to say when it is useful as well.
As far as i can tell this is a "Get as many adventures as possible" script, it doesn't seem to be about optimization
OK, since you jumped the gun does that mean we should ignore this until you re-release?

How about a little description of what you think it does? I think it has a hard wired list of foods and helpers, calculates the cost to acquire them all and, if the user confirms the cost is acceptable, it consumes them. based upon the title, the expected yield is 600+ adventures.

I also didn't see anything that was variable based upon player level or steel organ consumption so you probably ought to say when it is useful as well.

It should be able to get you atleast 600 adv, the problem is that on my initial test i forgot to account for the hot and cold damage from frostys mug and the salad fork, and seeing as how i have very little meat and most of it being used in the initial run it makes it hard to test it. i am also kinda sure that there is a drunkenness test in there some where to make sure you dont over drink weather your at 14 or 19. um it would probly be best not to run it until it has been re realeased, should be today

yes it is a hradwired list that should be consumed in a certain order but seeing as how doing all of that is a huge pain in the ass, i made this script and there is a less of a chance of over drink i made this script.
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your welcome, i am currently trying to figure out wich is easier, to just maximize hp to over 1000 or to play around with element resistance checks and what not. i am not sure of witch one yet prolly the on that is going to be easier. and then after that is done ill have to go through and actually count to give an accurate count of adventures you can get. and then ill try to find a min lvl
Awsome Adventure Rerelease ??? adv

This is the re release of a script I did earlier, should have all the bugs out, make sure you mafia doesnt pull from the clan stash, had an issue with it trying to pull white satin pants for some reason.

what it does
on the low end of adventure you get 326 on the high end is 418 , i did not calculate for munchies pills, ode, or milk of magnesium or the brothers blessing.
gives an estimated price you will spend with a user confirm
it should make it so you dont die when eating the salad fork or frosty's mug
lvl 15 required
assumes you can where shirt
and you should make sure your hp can get over 1000
if you encounter any more bugs let me know and I will try to get them fixed
you need to change the auto buy price limit to 500k


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thank you god of merging. there seems to be a problem when i run this script it wont buy anything over 40 k why is that?
Can someone proof read my script?unknown variable "int" 500k if you find the problem

This is probably something I have over looked, but I have been trying to figure this out for a couple hours now and have made no progress. What is happening is when I run my script i get this message "Unknown variable 'int' (TESTING.ash, line 79)". This is line 79 "int [item] listA;" I did not find a problem with this, and I have used that statement in the script before it was modified, and had no trouble. I was wondering if you guys could take a look at it and see if you can figure out what is going on. If you have any suggestions i would like to hear them, thank you

The meat would be more but I am in a run right now and don't have access to all my meats.


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Remove the semi-colon on line 76

EDIT: also change the parenthesis on lines 77 and 210 to braces.

EDIT2: there are more missing parenthesis/braces further down the road, but you can probably catch those yourself.
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I have removed the semicolon on line 76 but it still does not work, I get the same error message, thank you and thank you for merging it again. I will fix the things, thanks
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Is there an easier way to find the {} [] () openings and closings, than to just do it manually??? I have changed all my () to [] and then to {} and got no where pretty much, I have it as

if (inebriety_limit() == 19){
if(user_confirm("Is it okay to buy spice melange???"));<< I put the semi colon back in because it gave me an error mesage Expected ;, found [ (TESTING.ash, line 77)

Expected }, found { (TESTING.ash, line 75)

Is there a problem with the way I am writing it? as in should the sub blocks go into like a tab sort of set up?
what can i do ?

If (inebriety_limit() == 19){
if(user_confirm("Is it okay to buy spice melange???"));{

Is this the sort of set up I need?

class BlockDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean condition = true;
if (condition) { // begin block 1
System.out.println("Condition is true.");
} // end block one
else { // begin block 2
System.out.println("Condition is false.");
} // end block 2

sorry bout all the questions I just want it to work and its taking way longer than i expected it to and am quite frustrated.
help would be greatly appreciated
thanks again