bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

I got this error when fighting batbugbears
[1462] Sonar
Encounter: batbugbear
Round 0: HodgeyBasher7L wins initiative!
The string "g" is not an integer; returning 0 (bumcheekascend.ash, line 3440)
The string "e" is not an integer; returning 0 (bumcheekascend.ash, line 3442)
The string "v" is not an integer; returning 0 (bumcheekascend.ash, line 3444)
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
Casting Moxie of the Mariachi 1 times...
skills.php: redirected to a fight page.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
Mood swing complete.
I got this error when fighting batbugbears
[1462] Sonar
Encounter: batbugbear
Round 0: HodgeyBasher7L wins initiative!
The string "g" is not an integer; returning 0 (bumcheekascend.ash, line 3440)
The string "e" is not an integer; returning 0 (bumcheekascend.ash, line 3442)
The string "v" is not an integer; returning 0 (bumcheekascend.ash, line 3444)
KoLmafia thinks it is round 2 but KoL thinks it is round 1
Casting Moxie of the Mariachi 1 times...
skills.php: redirected to a fight page.
KoLmafia declares world peace.
Mood swing complete.

Is this with the released version or the SVN-version? I think I have fixed it in the SVN-version, but have not been able to test it (stupid world event) so would be interesting to know.

I don't know how to edit code, let me look at the page before this one again even though I already read it and this time pay a little more attention and try to learn something rather than trying to get a quick answer. Thanks for the fast reply Chish!
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Yeah, I don't know how to change line code..

With a text editor, like notepad. It has to be a text editor incapable of formatting, like notepad. Just copy/paste. If you use a Mac, then you'll use their equivalent of notepad whose name I do not remember.

Thanks for pointing out what I already read. Not to be a dick but help is better than nothing which is what you gave me.

These sentences were unnecessary since what you really wanted to ask was how to edit the code. Chish was being helpful since he did not know that you read the previous page. A logical belief since most people who post the same question asked several posts earlier did not read the thread. Since you didn't tell him that, it was not his fault that his helpful answer was useless to you. He deserved a proper response, not abuse.
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True and true. I was going to say "I've just been having a bad day" (which I have) but that's just an excuse for as I put it being a dick. I apoligize for what I said Chish and instead of asking for further help I'll get on the wiki and figure this out on my own so next time something like this happens I won't have to ask for help. In case you're wondering my day is still as bad but as I said it should have no bearing on how I treat others especially ones on here who share the same passion for the game that I do. Please accept my apology, and if I can't figure this out in a few hours I'll post back up ;) thanks for telling me what I needed to hear and not just being dicks back to me guys :) Maybe next time I'll slow down and think before I post.
Apology accepted, i_eat_food. To be honest I was a bit less polite than I could have been. It's just frustrating to see people who use KoLmafia not invest any effort into learning how it works. But learning how a project as large as KoLmafia is at this point can be pretty intimidating, so its understandable that you just want a quick answer with as little trouble as possible.

I guess something like this requires a little extra patience on BOTH ends. I'll try and give a more in-depth explanation next time.
I still haven't got it figured out just yet :( All I have is freakin text wrangler and it's hard to use when you're used to actual word programs :( I am still tinkering with it though and will definitely give it another day before I come back begging for help ;)

Also, I know this isn't the place for this at all but I did in the last week finally learn how to set custom combat scripts :D I know, I know small battle but for me it was huge! WIN!!!
Oh dear. All you need to do is to find the correct line in the script. According to Winterbay it is line 3285. I assume that text wrangler has some way of displaying line numbers? If that doesn't work for you, then I'm sure that text wranger has some sort of ability to search for text. Search for $location[Entryway] and change it to $location[Bat Hole Entryway]
Oh dear. All you need to do is to find the correct line in the script. According to Winterbay it is line 3285. I assume that text wrangler has some way of displaying line numbers? If that doesn't work for you, then I'm sure that text wranger has some sort of ability to search for text. Search for $location[Entryway] and change it to $location[Bat Hole Entryway]

If you click on a line of code in TextWrangler, it will show you the line no. in the bottom left hand corner of the window. There are also options for turning on and off line numbers in your text file. If you turn them on to find stuff, be sure to turn them off when you save the final verson of the file, as ASH (or indeed, most compilers) won't be happy with them on. Also, as in most Mac applications, propeller-F will open a search dialog-box. Then propeller-G will find the next occurance of the sought text.
I think that's the first time I've heard that button on Mac being explained as the propeller button, I like that name a lot better than "option" which is much more common :)
I think that's the first time I've heard that button on Mac being explained as the propeller button, I like that name a lot better than "option" which is much more common :)

Actually, on my mac keyboard at least, option and propeller are two different keys with much different uses. Then there is also the control key, which does even more differenter stuff.
I've seen the button. If someone told me to press the command key I'd have to try to figure out what they meant. I knew instinctively what propeller-F meant even though I've only very briefly used a friend's mac. It's definitely the propeller key.

Edit: Looking at images of Mac keyboards on google I see that most of them actually have the word "command" or "cmd" on them as well as the propeller image. It definitely is not an "option" key.
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The "clover key" sounds like you never know what is going to happen when you press it... it depends on your luck. "Propeller" key sounds more marketable to me :)

Now that we are way off-track, and since I mentioned the word marketable, I was wondering if anyone can make any sense of this wonderful-sounding sentence:
"Engineers can leverage
systems-level analysis to
make intelligent trade-offs
in a low-risk, cost-effective
virtual design environment."
Doesn't this look like a marketer's dream come true?