Feature - Implemented Shrug "Overconfident"


Pep Talk, which gives you the intrinsic effect of "Overconfident", is the only intrinsic that can be "shrugged", so to speak. Mafia already allows for the shrugging of buffs, whether forced or inherently shruggable, by clicking on the turn number. Can this feature be included to include Overconfident by clicking on the ∞ next to it? It costs 1mp to shrug, which I find less significant than a SGEEA.

Thank you kindly for the consideration,
Feature was already implemented as Theraze points out.

Are you asking for a link to shrug the buff in the charpane? That would be a different request.
Feature was already implemented as Theraze points out.

Are you asking for a link to shrug the buff in the charpane? That would be a different request.

I think I was focused on the charpane, yeah, to click on the ∞ and shrug the effect via the relay browser.

My apologies for missing the other discussion on the matter.

click on the ∞ and shrug the effect via the relay browser.
This is on my personal "to do" list.

It's not grossly difficult; CharPaneDecorator will need to be able to isolate the "intrinsics" section of the charpane, just as it does with the "effects" section, and then add a link to the infinity for Overconfident to shrug it.

The reason that I haven't done anything about this is that I've discovered that once I first cast Pep Talk, I just leave it on until I am ready to fight Her Naughtiness, and shrugging it via the Skill Casting frame is easy enough as part of my "get ready for the final battle" set up.

In other words, it would not help MY playing of the game particularly to make it easy to shrug it from the charpane - especially since you have to go back to the Skill Casting frame to put it back up, unless its in a mood or something.
