New Content - Implemented March 2012 IOTM - Happy Medium


It appears to be some form of replacement to the Knob Goblin Organ Grinder, except instead of food, it gives booze.

The medium has an aura that grows in intensity from blue to orange, to red, and during those periods you can obtain booze. The booze depends on the monster's type and medium's aura color.

Yes, there are now 66 new drinks. Most phyla of booze also gives an effect that appears to grow from 5->10->15 turns depending on the aura. Others restore HP/MP in a similiar fashion

Here's at least a list of the new items found so far, this is just going to take a while.

Consumption notes:
All booze is 2 inebriety.
Red aura booze appears to give 8-9 adventures, so 4.25 adv/drunk.

5573. Drac & Tan
5574. Transylvania Sling
5575. Shot of the Living Dead
5576. Buttery Knob
5577. Slippery Knob
5578. Flaming Knob
5579. Grasshopper
5580. Locust
5581. Plague of Locusts
5582. Red Dwarf
5583. Golden Mean
5584. Green Giant
5585. Aye Aye
5586. Aye Aye, Captain
5587. Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth
5588. Humanitini
5589. More Humanitini than Humanitini
5590. Oh, the Humanitini
5591. Great Old Fashioned
5592. Fuzzy Tentacle
5593. Crazymaker
5594. Zoodriver
5595. Sloe Comfortable Zoo
5596. Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire
5597. Suffering Sinner
5598. Suppurating Sinner
5599. Sizzling Sinner
5600. Firewater
5601. Earth and Firewater
5602. Earth, Wind and Firewater
5603. Slimosa
5604. Extra-slimy Slimosa
5605. Slimebite
5606. Cement Mixer
5607. Jackhammer
5608. Dump Truck
5609. Fauna Libre
5610. Chakra Libre
5611. Aura Libre
5612. Sazerorc
5613. Sazuruk-hai
5614. Flaming Sazerorc
5615. Green Velvet
5616. Green Muslin
5617. Green Burlap
5618. Mohobo
5619. Moonshine Mohobo
5620. Flaming Mohobo
5621. Drunken Philosopher
5622. Drunken Neurologist
5623. Drunken Astrophysicist
5624. Dark & Starry
5625. Black Hole
5626. Event Horizon
5627. Herring Daquiri
5628. Herring Wallbanger
5629. Herringtini
5630. Lollipop Drop
5631. Candy Alexander
5632. Candicaine
5633. Caipiranha
5634. Flying Caipiranha
5635. Flaming Caipiranha
5636. Punchplanter
5637. Doublepunchplanter
5638. Haymaker
5639. Small Medium
5640. crystal decanter
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Anyway a bit of an expansion:

Consumption data:

Can't comment too much on substat gains, but the adventure yields are pretty simple.

Blue aura booze gives 4 or 5 adventures, so average of 2.25 turns/drunkeness. It has no level restriction. It will grant 5 turns of the associated effect.
Orange aura booze gives 6 or 7 adventures, so average of 3.25 turns/drunkeness. It has a level 4 restriction. It will grant 10 turns of the associated effect.
Red aura booze gives 8 or 9 adventures, so average of 4.25 turns/drunkeness. It has a level 9 restriction. It will grant 15 turns of the associated effect.

The new effects are:
1015 Rampage! daisy.gif 90ab687945e3ef72f9aab0ff4e8e35c6
Rampage! Weapon Damage Percent: +50
1016. Mortarfied
1017. Creepypasted
1018. World's Shortest Giant
1019. Cockroach Scurry
1020. Transcendental Wind
1021. Orc Chops
1022. Heart Aflame
1023. Void Between the Stars
Knob Goblins:
1024. Gutterminded
1025. Arresistible
1026. Heisenberglary
1027. In the Slimelight
1028. Elemental Mastery
1029 Mo' Hobo hobohead.gif e6c9baf78893e9329a337033947946a5
Mo' Hobo Hobo Power: +10

Other already implemented effects:
Mer-Kin & Fish drinks grant Fishy.
Crimbo drinks give Holiday Bliss
Plants & constellations restore MP.
Humanoids restore HP.

There's also going to be a major expansion of phylum since the Medium can classify a lot of monsters that otherwise were indeterminate.
Other already implemented effects:
Mer-Kin & Fish drinks grant Fishy.
Crimbo drinks give Holiday Bliss
Plants & constellations restore MP.
Humanoids restore HP.

The wiki listed that the penguin drinks also gave fishy last time I checked. This may or may not be correct however :)
Requires charging like the fairy boots, but has 3 stages of charging. 1 2 3 exclamation points? ! !! !!
Unknown item found: Small Medium (5639, 281886462)
5639 Small Medium grow all 0
5639 281886462 medium_small.gif Small Medium
Small Medium Free Pull
New familiar: "Happy Medium" (159) @ medium_0.gif

Familiar Equips:

Unknown item found: crystal decanter (5640, 476481640)
5640 crystal decanter familiar all 75
5640 476481640 crystaldecanter.gif crystal decanter
crystal decanter Familiar Weight: +5

Some of the drinks:

Unknown item found: Candicaine (5632, 328568546)
5632 Candicaine drink all 50
5632 328568546 shot_f.gif Candicaine
# Candicaine
Unknown item found: Doublepunchplanter (5637, 805035627)
5637 Doublepunchplanter drink all 25
5637 805035627 hurricane.gif Doublepunchplanter
# Doublepunchplanter
Unknown item found: Haymaker (5638, 719116684)
5638 Haymaker drink all 50
5638 719116684 hurricane_f.gif Haymaker
# Haymaker
Unknown item found: Moonshine Mohobo (5619, 719072236)
5619 Moonshine Mohobo drink all 25
5619 719072236 celloshot.gif Moonshine Mohobo
# Moonshine Mohobo
Unknown item found: Mohobo (5618, 579699188)
5618 Mohobo drink all 10
5618 579699188 celloshot.gif Mohobo
# Mohobo
Unknown item found: Green Velvet (5615, 176879772)
5615 Green Velvet drink all 10
5615 176879772 juice.gif Green Velvet
# Green Velvet
Unknown item found: Flaming Sazerorc (5614, 816699572)
5614 Flaming Sazerorc drink all 50
5614 816699572 rocks_f.gif Flaming Sazerorc
# Flaming Sazerorc
Unknown item found: Green Burlap (5617, 763980094)
5617 Green Burlap drink all 50
5617 763980094 juice.gif Green Burlap
# Green Burlap
Unknown item found: Aura Libre (5611, 617824482)
5611 Aura Libre drink all 50
5611 617824482 rocks.gif Aura Libre
# Aura Libre
Unknown item found: Sazuruk-hai (5613, 499155913)
5613 Sazuruk-hai drink all 25
5613 499155913 rocks.gif Sazuruk-hai
# Sazuruk-hai
Unknown item found: Sazerorc (5612, 339948065)
5612 Sazerorc drink all 10
5612 339948065 rocks.gif Sazerorc
# Sazerorc
Unknown item found: Flaming Mohobo (5620, 249192502)
5620 Flaming Mohobo drink all 50
5620 249192502 rocks_f.gif Flaming Mohobo
# Flaming Mohobo
Unknown item found: Event Horizon (5626, 567089761)
5626 Event Horizon drink all 50
5626 567089761 rocks.gif Event Horizon
# Event Horizon
Unknown item found: Black Hole (5625, 560772723)
5625 Black Hole drink all 25
5625 560772723 juice.gif Black Hole
# Black Hole
Unknown item found: Dark & Starry (5624, 785499840)
5624 Dark & Starry drink all 10
5624 785499840 blackntan.gif Dark & Starry
# Dark & Starry
Unknown item found: Earth and Firewater (5601, 614733962)
5601 Earth and Firewater drink all 25
5601 614733962 rocks.gif Earth and Firewater
# Earth and Firewater
Unknown item found: Event Horizon (5626, 567089761)
5626 Event Horizon drink all 50
5626 567089761 rocks.gif Event Horizon
# Event Horizon
Unknown item found: Black Hole (5625, 560772723)
5625 Black Hole drink all 25
5625 560772723 juice.gif Black Hole
# Black Hole
Unknown item found: Dark & Starry (5624, 785499840)
5624 Dark & Starry drink all 10
5624 785499840 blackntan.gif Dark & Starry
# Dark & Starry
Unknown item found: Earth and Firewater (5601, 614733962)
5601 Earth and Firewater drink all 25
5601 614733962 rocks.gif Earth and Firewater
# Earth and Firewater
Unknown item found: Earth, Wind and Firewater (5602, 232568272)
5602 Earth, Wind and Firewater drink all 50
5602 232568272 rocks.gif Earth, Wind and Firewater
# Earth, Wind and Firewater
Unknown item found: Firewater (5600, 218191523)
5600 Firewater drink all 10
5600 218191523 rocks.gif Firewater
# Firewater
Unknown item found: Slimebite (5605, 352767086)
5605 Slimebite drink all 50
5605 352767086 shot_f.gif Slimebite
# Slimebite
Unknown item found: Cement Mixer (5606, 314170592)
5606 Cement Mixer drink all 10
5606 314170592 shot.gif Cement Mixer
# Cement Mixer
Unknown item found: Slimosa (5603, 436152623)
5603 Slimosa drink all 10
5603 436152623 chamflute.gif Slimosa
# Slimosa
Unknown item found: Fauna Libre (5609, 591788825)
5609 Fauna Libre drink all 10
5609 591788825 rocks.gif Fauna Libre
# Fauna Libre
Unknown item found: Jackhammer (5607, 131847953)
5607 Jackhammer drink all 25
5607 131847953 shot.gif Jackhammer
# Jackhammer
Unknown item found: Dump Truck (5608, 961253398)
5608 Dump Truck drink all 50
5608 961253398 shot.gif Dump Truck
# Dump Truck
Unknown item found: Buttery Knob (5576, 623617452)
5576 Buttery Knob drink all 10
5576 623617452 shot.gif Buttery Knob
# Buttery Knob
Unknown item found: Grasshopper (5579, 731340424)
5579 Grasshopper drink all 10
5579 731340424 rocks.gif Grasshopper
# Grasshopper
Unknown item found: Slippery Knob (5577, 800098645)
5577 Slippery Knob drink all 25
5577 800098645 shot.gif Slippery Knob
# Slippery Knob
Unknown item found: Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth (5587, 918518172)
5587 Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth drink all 50
5587 918518172 daquiri.gif Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth
# Aye Aye, Tooth Tooth
Unknown item found: Green Giant (5584, 877758643)
5584 Green Giant drink all 50
5584 877758643 shot.gif Green Giant
# Green Giant
Unknown item found: Aye Aye (5585, 763933310)
5585 Aye Aye drink all 10
5585 763933310 daquiri.gif Aye Aye
# Aye Aye
Unknown item found: Red Dwarf (5582, 235328112)
5582 Red Dwarf drink all 10
5582 235328112 martini.gif Red Dwarf
# Red Dwarf
Unknown item found: Locust (5580, 628493354)
5580 Locust drink all 25
5580 628493354 rocks.gif Locust
# Locust
Unknown item found: Plague of Locusts (5581, 937524662)
5581 Plague of Locusts drink all 50
5581 937524662 rocks.gif Plague of Locusts
# Plague of Locusts
Unknown item found: More Humanitini than Humanitini (5589, 282001208)
5589 More Humanitini than Humanitini drink all 25
5589 282001208 martini.gif More Humanitini than Humanitini
# More Humanitini than Humanitini
Unknown item found: Humanitini (5588, 822675650)
5588 Humanitini drink all 10
5588 822675650 martini.gif Humanitini
# Humanitini
Unknown item found: Oh, the Humanitini (5590, 839812561)
5590 Oh, the Humanitini drink all 50
5590 839812561 martini_f.gif Oh, the Humanitini
# Oh, the Humanitini
Unknown item found: Sloe Comfortable Zoo (5595, 271632304)
5595 Sloe Comfortable Zoo drink all 25
5595 271632304 rocks.gif Sloe Comfortable Zoo
# Sloe Comfortable Zoo
Unknown item found: Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire (5596, 573064017)
5596 Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire drink all 50
5596 573064017 rocks_f.gif Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire
# Sloe Comfortable Zoo on Fire
Unknown item found: Suffering Sinner (5597, 669900679)
5597 Suffering Sinner drink all 10
5597 669900679 tikiglass.gif Suffering Sinner
# Suffering Sinner
Unknown item found: Suppurating Sinner (5598, 141429574)
5598 Suppurating Sinner drink all 25
5598 141429574 tikiglass.gif Suppurating Sinner
# Suppurating Sinner
Unknown item found: Great Old Fashioned (5591, 238625388)
5591 Great Old Fashioned drink all 10
5591 238625388 rocks.gif Great Old Fashioned
# Great Old Fashioned
Unknown item found: Fuzzy Tentacle (5592, 187788581)
5592 Fuzzy Tentacle drink all 25
5592 187788581 chamfluteu.gif Fuzzy Tentacle
# Fuzzy Tentacle
Unknown item found: Crazymaker (5593, 660220677)
5593 Crazymaker drink all 50
5593 660220677 juice.gif Crazymaker
# Crazymaker
Unknown item found: Zoodriver (5594, 624051601)
5594 Zoodriver drink all 10
5594 624051601 rocks.gif Zoodriver
# Zoodriver
Unknown item found: Sizzling Sinner (5599, 609458941)
5599 Sizzling Sinner drink all 50
5599 609458941 tikiglass_f.gif Sizzling Sinner
# Sizzling Sinner

Effects to start

You acquire an effect: Transcendental Wind (duration: 15 Adventures)
1020 Transcendental Wind wind.gif bd99b8be9799c485fbcc6fe8d062f924
Transcendental Wind Mysticality: +50
You acquire an effect: Arresistible (duration: 15 Adventures)
1025 Arresistible handhook.gif e49cef94ac423d6766232f0b6666d74e
Arresistible Moxie: +50
You acquire an effect: Gutterminded (duration: 5 Adventures)
1024 Gutterminded guttermind.gif a7078f10bbe13fa991602b9990b0d9bb
Gutterminded Sleaze Damage: +50
You acquire an effect: Elemental Mastery (duration: 15 Adventures)
1028 Elemental Mastery elements.gif be49ceb388e1bab22701da4c743de4a7
Elemental Mastery Hot Damage: +5, Cold Damage: +5, Spooky Damage: +5, Stench Damage: +5, Sleaze Damage: +5
You acquire an effect: Cockroach Scurry (duration: 5 Adventures)
1019 Cockroach Scurry cockroach.gif 77379db8ebafa360f830dcb05e998168
Cockroach Scurry Initiative: +50
You acquire an effect: Mortarfied (duration: 5 Adventures)
1016 Mortarfied wallshield.gif 5a010f874e5d23503276a080aa95399d
Mortarfied Damage Absorption: +100
You acquire an effect: Mo' Hobo (duration: 15 Adventures)
1029 Mo' Hobo hobohead.gif e6c9baf78893e9329a337033947946a5
Mo' Hobo Hobo Power: +10
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Requires charging like the fairy boots, but has 3 stages of charging. 1 2 3 exclamation points? ! !! !!

Worse yet, the current charge is indicated by different familiar images: medium_0.gif, medium_1.gif, medium_2.gif, medium_3.gif.
There's an in-combat message that we can parse, but yes we should also look at the charpane image when appropriate.
You can't parse combat messages that happen outside mafia anyway. Or ones that happen in response to mafia's requests, but the server response doesn't make it back to mafia.
And I don't even know what all problems can happen when the image in the charpane doesn't match the "canonical" image. Hopefully none.
I bought one. Of course, I have a whole series of Axecore runs to do, so I'll only be looking at it a little bit in aftercore, every however many days.

api.php returns "familiarpic", so we can see what the state of the familiar is when we log in. Ditto for when we look at the charpane, every time it refreshes.

Obviously, I have no experience with the familiar, yet, but I think it would reasonable to track that and cool to dynamically change the image on the green sidepane of the GUI to dynamically update to reflect the current image.
Doesn't look like it - the number of grinder pies isn't limited either.

There's a linear progression for how long it takes to charge each aura, 3+(N*siphons). That means it takes 9 combats to get to red the first time, 12 the second time, 15 the third..
Revision 10720 detects the current familiar image from api.php and charpane.php and displays it in the green sidepane, rather than whatever the "default" image is for the current familiar.

KoLCharacter.currentFamiliarImage has the file name (sans path and .gif) and will thus be usable for tracking the current state of this familiar elsewhere.
I have some workable code written up for tracking siphons and the current state of the aura. Right now I have it implemented as two preferences "_mediumSiphons" and "_happyMediumAura". The former obviously needs to be a preference; should the latter? Scripters will want access to the state of the aura, so a preference seems like a reasonable place to put that information, though it's not information we need to store between sessions.
Having it as a preference means I can grep it from the files with external tools without mafia, right? For whatever that might be worth.
Having the aura as a preferences mean we have to write it every time it changes. Preferences.setString will do that; it will compare the value to the existing one and only actually set it - with associated disk I/O - if it changed. But, in general, I'd prefer to keep things that are only valid within the session as ASH functions, rather than preferences.

As slyz says, we do track the organ grinder exclusively with preferences, but the difference is that there is no way to figure out "_piePartsCount" by looking at the charpane.

But adding a special ASH function just for one feature of this familiar is irritating, too.

Use preferences, I guess.
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Well, if it could be a proxy field, but that would mean that 99% of familiars would have that proxy field as empty, so I don't know if that's worse. The various familiars that use charges though, including the medium, grinder, and stomping boots could all use that charges proxy field.