Destroy All Monsters

Logs always help. "I think" makes me wonder.
Ha! Yeah, just didn't want to clutter things up if it was my fault, like me not remembering the nurse fix. ;)

[449] Haunted Ballroom
Encounter: zombie waltzers
Strategy: /root/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [zombie walt]
Round 0: Crowther wins initiative!
Running ZLib version: r31 (current)
Running BatBrain version: 1.11 (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.7 (current)
Running Destroy All Monsters version: (current)
Run SmartStasis! (-28 profit to stasis with Sing -- low)
1/4 monsters drop goals here.
This monster is the best source of goals (0.32)!
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 1: Crowther tries to steal an item!
You lose 20 hit points
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using attack -- killrounds: 18, dierounds: 6)
Round 2: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 2: Crowther casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 3: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
Round 4: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
Round 5: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
You lose 19 hit points
Round 6: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
You lose 18 hit points
Round 7: Crowther attacks!
You lose 20 hit points
You acquire an effect: Half-Eaten Brain (duration: 10 Adventures)
Round 8: Crowther attacks!
You lose 19 hit points
Round 9: Crowther attacks!
You lose 18 hit points
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using attack -- killrounds: 18, dierounds: 0)
DestroyAllMonsters is unable to figure out a useful combat strategy

Health fell below 0. Auto-abort triggered.

[450] Haunted Ballroom
Encounter: zombie waltzers
Strategy: /root/.kolmafia/ccs/Destroy.ccs [zombie walt]
Round 0: Crowther wins initiative!
Running ZLib version: r31 (current)
Running BatBrain version: 1.11 (current)
Running SmartStasis version: 3.7 (current)
Running Destroy All Monsters version: (current)
Run SmartStasis! (-28 profit to stasis with Sing -- low)
1/4 monsters drop goals here.
This monster is the best source of goals (0.32)!
Round 1: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 1: Crowther tries to steal an item!
You lose 21 hit points
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using attack -- killrounds: 18, dierounds: 7)
Round 2: Crowther executes a macro!
Round 2: Crowther casts ENTANGLING NOODLES!
Round 3: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
Round 4: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
Round 5: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
You lose 19 hit points
Round 6: Crowther casts STREAM OF SAUCE!
You lose 21 hit points
You acquire an effect: Half-Eaten Brain (duration: 10 Adventures)
Round 7: Crowther attacks!
You lose 20 hit points
Round 8: Crowther attacks!
You lose 22 hit points
Round 9: Crowther attacks!
You lose 20 hit points
Round 10: Crowther attacks!
You lose 20 hit points
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using attack -- killrounds: 18, dierounds: 0)
DestroyAllMonsters is unable to figure out a useful combat strategy

Health fell below 0. Auto-abort triggered.
Actually, in both cases, the plan was for it to attack...
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using attack -- killrounds: 18, dierounds: 6)
If that shouldn't have been the proper response, that gives an interesting question.
Actually, in both cases, the plan was for it to attack...If that shouldn't have been the proper response, that gives an interesting question.

Which is odd, since it states that you will die in 6 rounds and kill the monster in 18. That certainly doesn't sound like a good idea to me...
Script certainly likes to say one thing and then do another:

[521] Defiled Niche
Encounter: dirty old lihc
Strategy: C:\Program Files\KOLMafia\ccs\DestroyAllMonsters!.ccs [default]
Round 0: ezhuks wins initiative!
Run SmartStasis! (-1941 profit to stasis with attack -- low)
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using Spaghetti Spear -- killrounds: 11, dierounds: 2)
Round 1: ezhuks executes a macro!
Round 1: ezhuks casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
You lose 25 hit points
Round 2: ezhuks casts CANNELLONI CANNON!
Round 3: ezhuks wins the fight!
After Battle: Either way, your Evilometer beeps three times.
You gain 12 hit points
You gain 11 Mana Points
You gain 5 Fortitude
You gain 9 Enchantedness
You gain 3 Sarcasm
Actually, that information is more like "If it uses attack". It then decides not to do so since that would be stupid.
I think Jam's point was
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using Spaghetti Spear -- killrounds: 11, dierounds: 2)
but it goes on to use CANNELLONI CANNON!
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I think Jam's point was
DestroyAllMonsters starts now! (using Spaghetti Spear -- killrounds: 11, dierounds: 2)
but it goes on to use CANNELLONI CANNON!

That was pretty much my point, yes :)

Also, does DAM ever take into consideration skills like Entangling Noodles ? I may have not been paying 100% attention, but I don't think I've seen it being used.
Actually, that information is more like "If it uses Spaghetti Spear". It then decides not to do so since that would be stupid.

Yes, it does consider using Entangling Noodles.
I've been using Destroy-All-Monsters for about 10 days now, on all of my characters, for both in-run and aftercore. The only addition I would like to see is a check for the skill Feed, I've set my CCS up to check for it, and use it if I have it, but it's not the most efficient use. (I have to change CCS for low level bounties)

I did just find a new issue Hobopolis, it thought that lasagna bandages was good enough:
36091] Hobopolis Town Square
Encounter: Hydrocephalic Judas, the Future of Hoboing
Strategy: C:\KoLmafia\ccs\test3.ccs [default]
Round 0: damuri wins initiative!
Run SmartStasis! (68 profit to stasis with Lasagna Bandages -- good enough)
Round 1: damuri executes a macro!
Round 1: damuri casts LASAGNA BANDAGES!
You gain 10 hit points
You lose 89 hit points
Round 2: damuri executes a macro!
Round 2: damuri casts LASAGNA BANDAGES!
You gain 13 hit points
You lose 91 hit points
Round 12: damuri casts LASAGNA BANDAGES!
You gain 15 hit points
You're on your own, partner.
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Feed would be a good addition for SmartStasis. It certainly falls under that purview. Zarqon, what do you think?

The other problem that you point out is also SS related since it happens after "Run SmartStasis" and before "DestroyAllMonsters starts now!" (The script never made it to DAM in your example.) I wonder why it thought that there was so much advantage to Stasising a Hobo. What familiar, effects did you have that might have granted your HP/MP/drops per round?
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Overkill much?
This monster is not your huckleberry.
Stasis     loop complete.
SmartStasis complete.
DestroyAllMonsters     starts now! (using love song of naughty innuendo, love song of naughty     innuendo -- killrounds: 1, dierounds: 2617)
use 3759; call     batround; if hpbelow 4; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson";     endif;
sub batsub2; use 3759,3759; call batround; endsub; call batsub2;     repeat hascombatitem 3759 && (!times 21); if hpbelow 4; abort "BatBrain     abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif;
Executing     macro: scrollwhendone; sub batround; endsub; use 3759; call batround; if     hpbelow 4; abort "BatBrain abort: Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; sub     batsub2; use 3759,3759; call batround; endsub; call batsub2; repeat     hascombatitem 3759 && (!times 21); if hpbelow 4; abort "BatBrain abort:     Danger, Will Robinson"; endif; 
Round 5: weatherboy     executes a macro!
Round 5: weatherboy uses the love song of naughty     innuendo!
Round 6: white chocolate golem takes 982 damage.

+125 ML, mainstat 982
What familiar, effects did you have that might have granted your HP/MP/drops per round?

This account is a Lvl 29 Pasta (fairly low skilled), using a simple Fairy
Muscle: 861 (647)
Mysticality: 1102 (833)
Moxie: 816 (613)
Equip: Straw Hat, Letterman Jacket, Boombox, Loathing Legion Hook, Bounty-hunting pants, Old soft Shoes, Wossname, Zinc Delta, Li'l Businessman kit
Effects: Empathy, Cantata, Jingle Jangle, and Phat loot
New Version!
Download beta from the first post.

  • no longer claims that it will actually do something (since people took it too seriously)
  • Fixed killing of slimes at the Convention Hall Lobby to get their vials of slime!

Note to self: Someone complained in a mail that it won't use Chilled Monkey Brains to stun and injure monster for 0mp. Figure out how to make that seem good to this program.

Note to others: Please post your comments in this thread, not my PMs!
Problem with Chilled Monkey Brain is that it's a 50/50 stun. That means if you're using the stun to keep yourself alive, it's not as good as noodles or most guaranteed stuns...
Thanks. Not as awesome as my anonymous correspondent wanted me to believe. (I figure if he's too shy to post in the thread, he doesn't want me to broadcast his name? Maybe?)
Not shy, but thanks for your consideration!

Only reason I didn't post is because I realise this is a case that won't come up very often. Almost no-one gets Chilled monkey as it's after World punch AND the challenge path is now over. Anyway, the wiki ( doesn't think it's a 50/50 stun and neither does my testing. It's never failed to stun an enemy for me.

Assuming I'm not being an imbecile, shouldn't the code be similar to entangling noodles, except you know it's 1 round only?

FOB monsters

Its obviously not a problem with destroy all monsters, but I'm not sure where to comment on it:

Mafia is recognizing the FOB monsters as hobo's (in hobo town square)

I'm not sure if it should be something resolved in Mafia, or if I need to just modify all of my CCS to do something specific with the holiday monsters.

my ccs:
[ default ]
try to steal an item
consult DestroyAllMonsters.ash

[ hobo ]
attack with weapon
and my fight:
Request 131 of 395 (Hobopolis: Hobopolis Town Square) in progress...

[32468] Hobopolis Town Square
Encounter: Malevolent Tofurkey
Strategy: C:\KoLmafia\ccs\Bounty.ccs [hobo]
Round 0: pawn69 wins initiative!
Round 1: pawn69 executes a macro!
Round 1: pawn69 attacks!
You lose 8 hit points
You lose 153 hit points
Round 2: pawn69 attacks!
Round 3: malevolent tofurkey takes 1 damage.
You lose 142 hit points
Round 3: pawn69 attacks!
Round 4: malevolent tofurkey takes 1 damage.
Round 10: pawn69 attacks!
You lose 132 hit points
Round 11: pawn69 attacks!
Round 12: malevolent tofurkey takes 1 damage.
You lose 131 hit points

Using soft green whatever...
Beaten Up removed.
I think the problem is that your "hobo" matches not only the monster "hobo" but also the area "hobopolis" which means that it will use that part as long as it thinks you are in that zone (which you obviously are with the FOB monsters). If you change [ hobo ] to [ Normal Hobo ] you should be fine I think.

Edit: Which of course means that you need a section for each elemental hobo as well if you don't want DAM to take care of those as well.
I'll set that up, it also appears that Destroy-all couldn't figure out a way to kill the FOB monsters with an AT with few skills:
Liver of Steel
Torso Awaregness (HP)
Fashionably Late (HP)
Musk of the Moose (HP)
Sauce Contemplation (P)
Disco Power Nap (HP)
Superhuman Cocktailcrafting (HP)
Moxie of the Mariachi
The Moxious Madrigal
The Polka of Plenty
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric
The Ode to Booze
The Sonata of Sneakiness
Carlweather's Cantata of Confrontation

Moxious Maneuver wasn't even considered (it works fine)