bumcheekcend.ash - A zero setup semi-automated ascension script!

Question, should the script be able to use an unbearable light if you have one in your inventory? (Or for when the pumpkin bombs are no longer useable in trendy path.) It looks like it doesn't now, and just keep's checking for the pumpkin which i already ate.

I submitted that as a FR at SourceForge. it was Closed but I don't know whether that was because

  • It has been implemented
  • It won't be implemented
  • It was a FR and BCC really wants everything to be a Bug Report

but at least there are two of us.
Newb here. Been using Mafia for about 8 months now and I LOVE it! Just found out about scripts a few weeks ago and I have yet got one to work :( I try to use the BCasc. but after te countdown it says I need to set the appropriate option in the relay browser... How do I do that?!?
There's currently a strange issue with BCC's in-built mysticality logic - it works even when it's turned off in the relay. I've filled in the bug report, but I just want to point the whole issue out. Cheers.
Can anyone help me at all? Please?

I've consumed too much bourbon to want to look everything up for you but basically you want to go to the first post, follow the SourceForge link, find the newest file with 'relay' and 'bumcheekcityascend" in the name, download it, place it in the /relay subdirectory. Then confirm you have a version of bumcheekcityascend in your /scripts subdirectory. Run mafia. Open the relay browser. On the top slightly to the right of center is a dropdown to run relay scripts. If it is not there the look for the mafia preferences page and enable relay scripts or something like that and enable it. Restart as necessary. Pick the relay script you just downloaded from the menu and run it. You will get a page of values and the chance to change them. Do so as appropriate. Search the current thread if you don't know what is appropriate or just leave things at the default. If there is a save button, then save. Then go back to mafia and run bcc ascend. Lather, rinse and repeat until bccascend runs rather than complains.

I'm not saying all of the answers are there but some things might be explained at the wiki at http://wiki.kolmafia.us/index.php?title=Main_Page
Finished 985, 5 day trendy run. Considering 3 days were with 100% scarecrow so didn't have a fairy familiar for a lot of quest, pretty good.

Note: In hardcore trendy run. It kept trying to pull items for the gate...

BCC: We see Gate of Hilarity
BCC: We do not have the item for that gate. (We need a gremlin juice for that.)
Pulling items from storage...
0 pulls remaining,0 budgeted for automatic use.
BCC: We see Gate of Machismo
BCC: We do not have the item for that gate. (We need a Meleegra pills for that.)
Pulling items from storage...
0 pulls remaining,0 budgeted for automatic use.
Pulling items from storage...
0 pulls remaining,0 budgeted for automatic use.
Pulling items from storage...
I submitted that as a FR at SourceForge. it was Closed but I don't know whether that was because

  • It has been implemented
  • It won't be implemented
  • It was a FR and BCC really wants everything to be a Bug Report

but at least there are two of us.

The last one. It's a perfectly reasonable feature request that will be in 0.36. I thought I'd added it as a bug report, actually...
Newb here. Been using Mafia for about 8 months now and I LOVE it! Just found out about scripts a few weeks ago and I have yet got one to work :( I try to use the BCasc. but after te countdown it says I need to set the appropriate option in the relay browser... How do I do that?!?

Can you post the exact error message you get? The script is deliberately very verbose for a reason, and it helps to diagnose exactly where the bug is. I'm assuming you're using v0.35 too.
Actually, I'll remove the requirement to acknowledge that message in 0.36. It's not necessary.

i_eat_food - How have you been using mafia 8 months without using the relay browser?