I have a few questions. I'm sorry if they've been answered previously or are just really stupid, but it's too much to read through all those posts.
I started using this script for a new character I just made, muscle class (cause i didn't know this was mostly for moxie-classes).
Why does it keep on running away from battles? Plus, it also keeps on adventuring in places that are far too dangerous for me right now.
As of right now, it's stuck trying to enter the pirate's cove even though I don't have enough base stat to enter the place. It won't do much else.
I thought it based adventuring off of safe moxie.
Also, if I don't run it as HC, does it buy items when I need to use them?
It keeps running away because you are in a casual run (i.e. your first) and as such the script behaves as if it would for a more experienced and olde raccount. In the relay_script you can change it to always play like Hardcore, but on the other hand then it may not buy things. I'm not sure![]()
For the most part, I'm using Bale's DestroyAllMonsters script for my combats. It does use up paperclip sproingers and get stuck at other times, but as long as the monsters have accurate data in their files, it does a fairly decent job of keeping combat running smoothly.
Sweet, where's that? Can't seem to find the thread.
0.35- Fix a bug with outfits and fistcore.
- Don't use radio if you can't afford it.
- Fix bug with telescope backfarming.
- Save you from drunk self.
- Don't fax LFM after the war.
- Don't use DOD potions if you're > 16 drunk.
- Don't fax a monster if you have no adventures.
And those updates would be ... what, exactly?The new challenge path is not supported by 0.35. Mafia will certainly need some updates to consider how best to approach the problem.
Fair warning, I find it HIGHLY unlikely that the new challenge path will be supported, because it'll inevitably need monthly tweaks.
boolean familiar_available( familiar it )
if ( !have_familiar( it ) ) return false;
if ( my_path() == "Bees Hate You" )
return !it.to_lower_case().contains_text( "b" );
if ( my_path() == "Trendy" )
return it.is_trendy();
return true;
I was irritated because I added the functions on DAY ONE of the new challenge path, about 4 hours after I learned about it, I added them specifically because I figured that YOUR SCRIPT would find them useful - and then, 8 hours after I did that, your FIRST POST claimed that KoLmafia needed lots of work before you could support the challenge path - and then your second post said that you wouldn't do it because it was too hard.Mafia will need the is_trendy() functions you added. I didn't know you'd added them when I made that post, didn't think it reasonable to assume they would be added so quickly
am genuinely grateful. Happy now?
Ascending Starting
Doing a check for Telescope Items
Level 1 Starting
BCC: We have completed the stage [toot].
BCC: We have not completed the stage [guild].
BCC: Maximizing ''
24 combinations checked, best score -60.75
Wielding rubber band gun...
Equipment changed.
Pulling items from storage...
You need 1 more The Spirit of Crimbo to continue.
Unable to meet all requirements via equipment changes.
See the Modifier Maximizer for further suggestions.