Any Chance Of A New .EXE Please?

Xploding Bill

New member
Actually, what I need is an exe that will ONLY try to login on rather than one of the numbered servers. Even if I set it to try using www in the connection options, it still always goes directly to one of the numbered (outdated) servers.

For some reason, and believe me I've tried over and over again, I can't run the straight svn updates. Someone was nice enough to compile and email me one of the newer updates a while back but I hate to put anyone through the trouble.

Please! I HATE not having my Mafia!!!
Well smack me in the ass and call me Shirley! All I had to do was tell it to NOT try IP addresses. Sorry for adding a useless topic to the board. :)
Well smack me in the ass and call me Shirley! All I had to do was tell it to NOT try IP addresses. Sorry for adding a useless topic to the board. :)


You really need to figure out what is wrong with your system configuration that prevents you from using the jar files from here. The fact that you refer to "straight svn updates" suggests to me that there may yet be things to try.
You can use the daily .Jar builds exactly the same way you use a .exe. Link in my signature.

EDIT: oh, you can't. What OS are you running?
I had a thread about this once before but here ya go:

I'm using Windows Home Premium x64 w/service pack 1.

If someone wants to tell me, sort of like telling a pre-schooler, what and HOW to do whatever it is that I'm not doing wight, please, PLEASE do so. I never had a problem running jar files with XP but some of the things in Win 7 have me stumped. I've tried setting everything I can think of to admin privileges but I most likely missed something crucial. That plus the fact that I just recently had some fairly major back surgery makes it sort of difficult to try all the different things five or six different people are telling me to do, especially when I didn't understand what someone said.

Seriously, I'd really appreciate some sort of step by step list on "WHAT TO DO" to make my system be able to understand that when I click on a jar file, I do NOT want to see: "Could not find the main class: D:\KoL Mafia\KoLmafia-9928.jar. Program will exit" because that is exactly what I just saw yet again.
That *looks* like your associations are set to run "java KoLmafia-9928.jar" instead of "java -jar KoLmafia-9928.jar" (for clicking KoLmafia-9928.jar).
That seems to be a fairly common problem and a surprising bug in java installations.

What happens when you run a terminal (windows+R, cmd, enter) and
cd \KoL Mafia
java -jar KoLmafia-9928.jar

Wait, scratch that. Isn't 9928 the one that lacks most of the code? Try updating to 9931 first >_>
I had a thread about this once before but here ya go:

OK. I guess we need to have more patience. For the record I am running x64 Windows Home Premium with SP 1 and have no problems just double clicking on the mafia jar file as a non-administrator and having things work.

I presume you can open a command window. If so, type java -version and let us know what it says.

C:\Users\Fronobulax>java -version
java version "1.6.0_20"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode)

Note that if it says 1.7 we have found your problem, although that should not be the case since the exe works for you, but stranger things have happened in Windows.
OK. I guess we need to have more patience. For the record I am running x64 Windows Home Premium with SP 1 and have no problems just double clicking on the mafia jar file as a non-administrator and having things work.

I presume you can open a command window. If so, type java -version and let us know what it says.

C:\Users\Fronobulax>java -version
java version "1.6.0_20"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode)

Note that if it says 1.7 we have found your problem, although that should not be the case since the exe works for you, but stranger things have happened in Windows.

Oddly enough, it now says - 'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

BUT, if I change to C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jre1.6.0_22\bin and THEN type in java -version I get the following:

java version "1.6.0_22"
java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_22-b04)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 17.1-b03, mixed mode, sharing)

I'll admit it, I'm stumped.
Is it possible that you have winrar installed on your computer? If so winrar likes to hijack the .jar file type. I had that problem with an old vista system. If that is the problem all you should have to do is right click on a .jar file then click on open with...... I will then show you the default program that opens jar files. You can then click the little arrow and look for sun java program click on it. As a final step make sure you click the always use this program box.

I hope this helps you.
Could it be that you need to add the java-directory to the PATH system variable? Mine does not seem to need that but then I am running XP so you never know.
Update: I went into the advanced system variables and added the directory for java to the PATH so now I can at least get the java -version to work but still get the same error message when I try to run the jarfile, which I have now upgraded to KoLmafia-9932.

edited to add: ninja'd!
I've added it to the path which now at least allows me to run java -version.

I use 7zip rather than WinRar but according to my options in 7zip, jar isn't a file that can be automatically associated with it.
Those two commands will tell you exactly what it is associated with, which should help us figure out why it isn't working
My only thought is to try
ftype jarfile = C:\Program Files (x86)\java\jre1.6.0_22\bin\javaw.exe -jar "%1" %*
in the command line. If that doesn't work, I'm stumped.
Do you have any other version of Java on your system anywhere? A development kit or anything like that? I had something similar happen when I had more than one system at once...