The Karma given when ascending


I just ascended as a HC Beecore Sauceror and when reaching Valhalla I got the ususal list that I have gained Karma from my actions (in the webbrowser). r9523
The problem I have is, I think it show something wrong.

I am 99% sure that the numbers it showed me was:
211 for doing my HC run
11 for discarding a Karma

No mention of the 100 from my Beecore bonus though.

I asked /HC chat about it and JLE said that the just ascended without Mafia and he got a message that he got 311 from HC and Beecore all bunched up in one number.

So, my question, before I even think of going to the Bug forum, is this my brain playing tricks on me? Because I am pretty sure I have seen 211 Karma instead of 311 every time I ascended as HC Beecore. Thinking that I see 211 also make me a bit paranoid that I do not get the +100 bonus from beecore so I'm reaching out to you people of KoLMafia: Is it all in my head and it do say 311 karma? Is there a bug where Mafia for some wierd reason show the wrong number (no idea why this would be the case as I assume Mafia just show the normal KoL page) or is this a KoL thing?

By the time I ascend next time I will completly forget to double check this (if I do, a note to myself: with +300 karma from HC and Beecore I should reach a bit over 800 Karma when next I ascend!) so if someone who is about to ascend as a HC Beecore could check this for me I would be very happy =)
Mafia parses the amount of Karma you have banked from the charpane. If you know how much you had before you ascended, you should know if you got your +100 karma from beecore, no?
Ahhh didnt even know Mafia printed that! Ususally I am too focused on the webbrowser and to try to decide what moonsign to take to remember to check the gCLI outputs! Time to read Session log =D

And doing that, I'm a happy camper. I got the same (sorta) message:
Welcome to Valhalla!
You have 200 banked Karma.
You gain 311 Karma
You gain 11 Karma
Your new Karma balance is 522
Which is the ammount of Karma the Character pane in the webbrowser showed me. Phew =D
I asked /HC chat about it and JLE said that the just ascended without Mafia and he got a message that he got 311 from HC and Beecore all bunched up in one number.
I've noticed that certain dev team members - and JLE is a prime example - are Real Quick to point fingers at KoLmafia as the cause of KoL bugs - as if somebody using KoLmafia could make KoL do something that somebody in a browser couldn't make it do.

The dev team members who, themselves, use KoLmafia tend to be a lot more clueful.

As it turns out, this time there was neither a KoL nor a KoLmafia error.
I've noticed that certain dev team members - and JLE is a prime example - are Real Quick to point fingers at KoLmafia as the cause of KoL bugs.

That's just a particularly annoying subset of people who have a "religious" objection to KoLmafia and like to blame it for any possible problem in order to justify not ever using it for anything. Those people get annoying with their "KoLmafia is Evil" attitude. They should just admit that it scares them and stop trying to terrorize others. It isn't for everyone, but it doesn't deserve condemnation.

Use it or don't use it: Either way is fine, but demonizing it gets bees under my bonnet.


Well, people here obviously don't need to hear that, but I felt like blowing off a little steam to a sympathetic audience.
In his defense, as I might have made him seem more of a bad guy than he might be, I feel I should add that he did tell me to bug report it to KoL just to be sure, and to ask them if I did indeed get the right ammount of Karma, so he did not go all out and blame it on Mafia.
This is one of those times where it's less about a guy who said a thing and more about an entire history of some guys saying some things. :)