New Content - Implemented Change goals to reflect beecore?

You can work around this by setting the conditions to 1 busted wings, 1 bird brain, and 1 black market map instead of the defaults. Ideally, setting these conditions outside Beecore should cause Mafia to warn you that the conditions set can never be satisfied.
Is Beecore going to be around long enough that it is worth adding goals to reflect beecore choices?

In Black Forest - 1 bird brain, 1 busted wings, 1 black market map
Beecore is supposedly going to be around forever. It's just the karma bonus that is scheduled to go away at the end of the summer. (Or probably a few days later, since its replacement will inevitably be late)
Ideally, setting these conditions outside Beecore should cause Mafia to warn you that the conditions set can never be satisfied.

I don't think that any of the current goals actually tell you that they're impossible. Mafia expects that you know what you're doing and if you set something 'impossible' that you're doing it because some change to the system has made it right.
Sorry, missed your thread. My skills in searching this forum are getting atrophied from disuse. Thank you for merging them.
I'm surprised that nearly a month later (yeah, I know, I ascend slowly) this has still not been implemented. I wonder if it got missed in the merge.
I have completed 12 Beecore runs so far.
I have not missed this.

Of course, "goals" are only important if you automate your turns, and I don't automate before I get to the Battlefield.
In Black Forest - 1 bird brain, 1 busted wings, 1 black market map
Added in r9566.

It bothers me a little that the default goals added to adventures.txt are available for everyone, whether they are in Beecore or not. Since I don't feel capable of implementing more dynamic default goals, this will have to do :)
That's why I didn't pay more attention to this one: we simply don't have a mechanism in place for dynamic goals. We can either make all goals always available, or hard code - as in, provide actual Java code - exceptions. I didn't like either. You chose the first - which WAS the better of the two choices...