I'm curious what other people do in their login and logout scripts? Assuming that mafia's "breakfast" feature is not good enough for them, of course.
One thing that I use login/logout for is to account for different characters having different tomes and librams.
Then I want the libram available for manaburning during the run without having to spend all my mana on libram casting during breakfast. (The same option controls both behaviors.) To do that I set the breakfast option for libram casting during the login script (after breakfast has run) and then disable libram casting during the logout script.
I have my login script remove the sword behind inappropriate prepositions and my logout script maximize adventures if I am overdrunk. That way I don't get stuck saying weird things in chat.
Does anyone else have clever tricks like that to share? Here are my login and logout scripts:
logout script:
One thing that I use login/logout for is to account for different characters having different tomes and librams.
Then I want the libram available for manaburning during the run without having to spend all my mana on libram casting during breakfast. (The same option controls both behaviors.) To do that I set the breakfast option for libram casting during the login script (after breakfast has run) and then disable libram casting during the logout script.
I have my login script remove the sword behind inappropriate prepositions and my logout script maximize adventures if I am overdrunk. That way I don't get stuck saying weird things in chat.

Does anyone else have clever tricks like that to share? Here are my login and logout scripts:
void improve_spirits() {
if(stills_available() < 1)
item [item] upgrade;
upgrade[$item[bottle of gin]] = $item[bottle of Calcutta Emerald];
upgrade[$item[bottle of rum]] = $item[bottle of Lieutenant Freeman];
upgrade[$item[bottle of tequila]] = $item[bottle of Jorge Sinsonte];
upgrade[$item[bottle of vodka]] = $item[bottle of Definit];
upgrade[$item[bottle of whiskey]] = $item[bottle of Domesticated Turkey];
upgrade[$item[boxed wine]] = $item[boxed champagne];
upgrade[$item[grapefruit]] = $item[tangerine];
upgrade[$item[lemon]] = $item[kiwi];
upgrade[$item[olive]] = $item[cocktail onion];
upgrade[$item[orange]] = $item[kumquat];
upgrade[$item[soda water]] = $item[tonic water];
upgrade[$item[strawberry]] = $item[raspberry];
upgrade[$item[bottle of sewage schnapps]] = $item[bottle of Ooze-O];
upgrade[$item[bottle of sake]] = $item[bottle of Pete Sake];
item best;
int profit = 0;
int test_profit;
foreach key in upgrade {
if(historical_age(upgrade[key])>1) mall_price(upgrade[key]);
if(historical_age(key)>1) mall_price(key);
test_profit = historical_price(upgrade[key]) - historical_price(key);
if(test_profit > profit) {
best = key;
profit = test_profit;
print("Creating " + stills_available()+ " " +upgrade[best]+ " to sell @ "+historical_price(upgrade[best]), "blue");
retrieve_item(stills_available(), best);
create(stills_available(), upgrade[best]);
put_shop(historical_price(upgrade[best]), 0, upgrade[best]);
#cli_execute("mallsell * "+ upgrade[best]+ " @ "+ historical_price(upgrade[best]));
void gravitate() {
int rainbowLeft;
boolean noSummonsLeft() {
rainbowLeft = 3 - get_property("prismaticSummons").to_int();
return rainbowLeft < 1;
if(!have_skill($skill[Rainbow Gravitation]) || noSummonsLeft()) return;
foreach key in $items[twinkly wad, hot wad, cold wad, spooky wad, stench wad, sleaze wad]
retrieve_item(rainbowLeft, key);
use_skill(rainbowLeft, $skill[rainbow gravitation]);
void cast_tome() {
string tome = "";
if(have_skill($skill[Summon Snowcones])) tome = "Summon Snowcones";
else if(have_skill($skill[Summon Sugar Sheets])) tome = "Summon Sugar Sheets";
else if(have_skill($skill[Summon Stickers])) tome = "Summon Stickers";
if(tome != "") cli_execute("cast * "+tome);
string libram = "";
if(have_skill($skill[Summon Party Favor])) libram = "Summon Party Favor";
else if(have_skill($skill[Summon BRICKOs])) libram = "Summon BRICKOs";
else if(have_skill($skill[Summon Candy Hearts])) libram = "Summon Candy Hearts";
else if(have_skill($skill[Summon Love Song])) libram = "Summon Love Song";
if(get_property("_loginScript") != "dayStarted") {
if(can_interact()) {
cli_execute("chips radium, ennui, wintergreen");
set_property("_loginScript", "dayStarted");
if(libram != "") {
if(can_interact()) set_property("libramSkillsSoftcore", libram);
else set_property("libramSkillsHardcore", libram);
if(have_equipped($item[sword behind inappropriate prepositions])) {
print("Removing the pesky sword to save your prepositions.", "blue");
equip($slot[weapon], $item[none]);
logout script:
set_property("libramSkillsSoftcore", "none");
set_property("libramSkillsHardcore", "none");
if(my_inebriety() > inebriety_limit())
cli_execute("maximize adv, switch disembodied hand");