Ant 1.8.1 and Jarbundler task


Staff member
hello, old friends, long time, etc...

A recent MacOSX Java update broke the current jarbundler task in build.xml (probably due to the classpath changes in ANT 1.8.1, but that's just my theory).

I installed the latest jarbundler (2.1.0) from and it fixed the xerxes dependency (amongst other things) and it runs fine. The version on sourceforge is way out of date.

I recommend that we change the version of jarbundler in the util/macosx directory and change build.xml to reference the new version. I've only tested this with my up-to-date system. It could also be dependent on the version of ANT, if that's a concern...

Output of the error, for the curious:
/Users/mcroft/Projects/kolmafia/build.xml:223: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/serialize/OutputFormat
	at net.sourceforge.jarbundler.PropertyListWriter.writeFile(Unknown Source)
	at net.sourceforge.jarbundler.JarBundler.writeInfoPlist(Unknown Source)
	at net.sourceforge.jarbundler.JarBundler.execute(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
	at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
	at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat
	at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
	... 19 more

Total time: 9 seconds
No, it's not that but it's got the same root cause. My problem is the mac jarbundler command. I've got a script that runs 'ant daily jarbundler'. The daily works fine (so effectively I've got the jar file you're pointing me to) but the jarbundler task fails because of the xerxes dependency in the old jarbundler and the classpath handling change in ANT 1.8.x

I'm not looking to grab builds, but to have my nightly builds bundled into an executable app, so the jarbundler task has to work.
That fixed my issue (thank you!), but I noticed that the "dmg" target has it's own jarbundler command, still using 1.9. Is this on purpose? You may want to give it a dependency on the jarbundler target, so that it doesn't get out of sync...
I've not gotten the dmg target to work for many years; the "hdiutil" task stopped working for me many major releases ago of OS X. Does it work for you?
Yep, the one in the build.xml didn't work. The first problem was with the paths (a basedir vs. working dir issue). The second problem was with not putting the .app in the source directory.

This works for me (10.6.4, latest java/xcode, etc.). I had to use the exec cp rather than the copy task because the copy task doesn't save the permissions (specifically the execute bit).

	<!-- ========================== -->
	<!--  create an OSX disk image  -->
	<!-- ========================== -->

	<target name="dmg" depends="init,update,jar,jarbundler">

		<exec executable="rm" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="-rf KoLmafia" />

		<mkdir dir="${dist}/KoLmafia"/>

		<symlink action="single" link="${dist}/KoLmafia/Applications" resource="/Applications" />
        <exec executable="cp" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="-a ${basedir}/${dist}/ ${basedir}/${dist}/KoLmafia/" />

        <delete file="${basedir}/${dmgfile}"/>
		<exec executable="hdiutil" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="create ${basedir}/${dmgfile} -srcfolder ${basedir}/${dist}/KoLmafia -volname KoLmafia" />
		<exec executable="rm" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="-rf KoLmafia" />
Interesting. I included that and I get some errors, but it continued past them. The errors appear to come from having obsolete stuff in ~/Library/Plug-ins/DiskImages (which was created back in 2004) which hdiutil tries to load and fails, since it can't find the right architecture. I moved that directory out of the way and now hdiutil works fine with no errors.

I'll check it in, as an example, though I still won't use it for spinning releases, for now, since I currently have to manually rename "" to "", for example. Ditto for the .jar, .tar.dmg, and .exe files. Obviating that will require more build-file hackery.
I'll check it in, as an example, though I still won't use it for spinning releases, for now, since I currently have to manually rename "" to "", for example. Ditto for the .jar, .tar.dmg, and .exe files. Obviating that will require more build-file hackery.

Glad to help. My ANT skills go to waste since I moved jobs and my new team is all MAVEN-y.

If you have a christmas list of build.xml changes you'd like, I'd be happy to see what I can do...
OK, thanks! Here is (some of) my current procedure for creating the files I need to upload for a release:

3) Edit and set VERSION_NAME and VERSION_DATA appropriately.

(And if REVISION is not null, make it null. ant edits this file to insert the current revision before a non-dist build and restores it afterwards - unless you ^C the build. I've done that. It's a mistake.)

Check in KoLConstants.txt

4) Generate the release notes, such as they are. build.xml has a "notes" target which runs src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/utilities/ This reads "history.txt" from the ROOT_LOCATION and writes "release.txt" in the same place.

history.txt is the output of "svn log"
release.txt is the "abbreviated revision history" complete with bbcode links to the sourceforge revision.

% svn update
% svn log > ~/Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia/history.txt
% ant notes

- edit generated release notes (~/Library/Application\ Support/KoLmafia/release.txt) to have only the new revisions in the release
- Prepend holatuwol's release announcement (util/boilerplate.txt)

Voila! You have the text of the announcement to be posted on, once the release is available.

5) Generate the four files we will upload to sourceforge.

% ant clean
% ant dist

This creates, KoLmafia.exe, KoLmafia.jar, and KoLmafia.tar.gz.

Note that unlike "ant daily", these do NOT include the release in the file name. I'm not sure how to make the buildfile do that; the daily builds call on snversion to get the revision, but we'd need to extract the major version ourself from

% mv dist/KoLmafia.jar dist/KoLmafia-14.0.jar
% mv dist/ dist/
% mv dist/KoLmafia.exe dist/KoLmafia-14.0.exe
% mv dist/KoLmafia.tar.gz dist/KoLmafia-14.0.tar.gz

Note also that this produces a Macintosh app bundle, but not a disk image, even though there is a "dmgfile" target in the build file. This is partly because we don't have the correct name for the .app, but also because I was unable to get "hdiutil" to work.

% mkdir dist/KoLmafia-14.0
% ln -s /Applications dist/KoLmafia-14.0/Applications
% mv dist/ dist/KoLmafia-14.0

Find dist/KoLmafia-14.0 in the finder. Drag that folder to Disk Utility. When it prompts for a place to save the image, put it in dist/KoLmafia-14.0.dmg

% rm -rf dist/KoLmafia-14.0

The dist directory now has exactly the files you need: KoLmafia-14.0.dmg, KoLmafia-14.0.exe, KoLmafia-14.0.jar, and KoLmafia-14.0.tar.gz.
At step 3, I update with the new major version number and date and check it in.

At step 4, I get the svn log and run a utility on it to make release notes. I have to manually edit it to remove all the revisions up to and including the one in which I bumped the revision for LAST release, but that's not too hard.

I could use some help at step 5. I'd like KoLmafia.jar, (inside the disk image), KoLmafia.dmg, KoLmafia.exe, and KoLmafia.tar.gz to all automatically have the major version number as part of the names. Thus, if says we are version 14.4, KoLmafia-14.4.dmg should have in it, and so on.

Given the ability to do that, "ant dist" could be coded to make precisely the 4 files I need to upload, all named appropriately.

If you can figure out how to do that, I'd be grateful. :)
updated build.xml

So, as usual the caveat is it works for me (10.6.4, latest java, ant 1.8.1) and may not be 100% backwards compatible. I haven't run the win .exe at all.

The filterchain I used are Ant 1.6.2 or newer and the way to get the version depends on grep being there (all Unix systems, probably not windows systems). It might be cleaner to put the version in an ANT properties file and insert it in the KoLConstants, but that wasn't what we talked about. Any questions about why I changed things, let me know.

<project name="KoLmafia" default="debug" basedir=".">

	<!-- ========================================== -->
	<!--  set the global properties for this build  -->
	<!-- ========================================== -->

	<property name="root" value="."/>
	<property name="src" value="src"/>
	<property name="lib" value="lib"/>
	<property name="util" value="util"/>
	<property name="build" value="build"/>
	<property name="dist" value="dist"/>
	<property name="docs" value="${dist}/docs"/>

	<property name="KoLConstants" value="${src}/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/"/>

	<property name="main" value="net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia"/>
	<property name="synopsis" value="An alternate interface to Kingdom of Loathing"/>

	<property environment="env"/>

    <!-- Setting the version string.  This breaks on platforms where we don't have grep... -->
	<exec executable="grep" outputproperty="KoLVersion">
  	  <arg value="VERSION_NAME" />
  	  <arg value="${KoLConstants}" />
            <replacestring from='public static final String VERSION_NAME = ' to=""/>
            <replacestring from='KoLmafia v' to=""/>
  	        <deletecharacters chars=';\"'/>

	 <property name="KoLVersionedBaseFileName" value="${}-${KoLVersion}"/>

	<property name="jarfile" value="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}.jar"/>
	<property name="tarfile" value="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}.tar.gz"/>
	<property name="appfile" value="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}.app"/>
	<property name="dmgfile" value="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}.dmg"/>
	<property name="debfile" value="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}.deb"/>
	<property name="exefile" value="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}.exe"/>

	<!-- classpath -->
	<path id="classpath.compile">

	<!-- ========================================== -->
	<!--  create directories used by other targets  -->
	<!-- ========================================== -->

	<target name="init">

		<mkdir dir="${build}"/>
		<mkdir dir="${dist}"/>


	<!-- ==================================== -->
	<!--  displays the current version from ${KoLConstants}  -->
	<!-- ==================================== -->

	<target name="printversion">

		<echo message="version: ${KoLVersion}" />
		<echo message="version: ${KoLVersion_partial_NAME}" />

	<!-- ==================================== -->
	<!--  sets the default compiler to Jikes  -->
	<!-- ==================================== -->

	<target name="jikeshome" if="env.JIKES_HOME">

		<property name="build.compiler" value="jikes" />
		<echo message="Set compiler: ${env.JIKES_HOME}" />


	<!-- ================================== -->
	<!--  reports the current Java version  -->
	<!-- ================================== -->

	<target name="javahome" if="env.JAVA_HOME">

		<exec executable="java" failifexecutionfails="false">
			<arg value="-version"/>


	<!-- ================================== -->
	<!--  update files from the repository  -->
	<!-- ================================== -->

	<target name="update">

		<exec executable="svn" failifexecutionfails="false">
			<arg value="update"/>
			<arg value="${root}"/>


	<!-- ================================== -->
	<!--  update files from the repository  -->
	<!-- ================================== -->

	<target name="version">

		<exec executable="svnversion" outputproperty="revision" failifexecutionfails="false">
			<arg value="-n"/>
			<arg value="${root}"/>

		<property name="revision" value="0"/>
		<echo message="Current revision: ${revision}"/>


	<!-- ======================= -->
	<!--  clean up object files  -->
	<!-- ======================= -->

	<target name="clean">

		<delete dir="${build}" failonerror="false"/>
		<delete dir="${docs}" failonerror="false"/>

		<delete failonerror="false">
			<fileset dir="${dist}">
				<include name="${}*"/>
		<symlink action="delete" link="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}/Applications" failonerror="false" />

    <delete dir="${appfile}" failonerror="false"/>



	<!-- ================================ -->
	<!--  clean up KoLmafia object files  -->
	<!-- ================================ -->

	<target name="start">

		<delete dir="${build}/net/sourceforge/kolmafia" failonerror="false"/>
		<delete dir="${docs}" failonerror="false"/>
        <delete dir="${appfile}" failonerror="false"/>
		<delete failonerror="false">
			<fileset dir="${dist}">
				<include name="${}*"/>

		<antcall target="init"/>


	<!-- ====================== -->
	<!--  generate class files  -->
	<!-- ====================== -->

	<target name="compile" depends="init,jikeshome,javahome">

		<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${build}"
		       failonerror="false" debug="on"
		       debuglevel="lines,vars,source" deprecation="off"
		       nowarn="on" includeantruntime="false">
			<classpath refid="classpath.compile"/>

		<copy todir="${build}" preservelastmodified="true">
			<fileset dir="${src}">
				<exclude name="**/*.java"/>

		<copy todir="${build}" preservelastmodified="true">
			<fileset dir="${lib}">
				<exclude name="**/*.jar"/>


	<!-- ========================================== -->
	<!--  generate a zipped TAR of the source code  -->
	<!-- ========================================== -->

	<target name="tar" depends="init">

		<tar destfile="${tarfile}" basedir="${root}" compression="gzip">
			<exclude name="build/**"/>
			<exclude name="dist/**"/>


	<!-- =========================== -->
	<!--  generate the standard JAR  -->
	<!-- =========================== -->

	<target name="jar" depends="init,version">

		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token="REVISION = null" value='REVISION = "${revision}"'/>

		<antcall target="compile"/>

		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token='REVISION = "${revision}"' value="REVISION = null"/>
		<jar destfile="${jarfile}"
                     update="true" index="true" compress="true">
		    <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main}"/>


	<!-- =========================== -->
	<!--  generate the standard EXE  -->
	<!-- =========================== -->

	<target name="jsmooth" depends="init,update,jar">
		<move file="${util}/windows/build.jsmooth" tofile="${util}/windows/" />
		<replace file="${util}/windows/" token="dist/KoLmafia.exe" value='${exefile}'/>
	    <replace file="${util}/windows/" token="dist/KoLmafia.jar" value='${jarfile}'/>

		<taskdef name="jsmooth" classname="net.charabia.jsmoothgen.ant.JSmoothGen" classpath="${util}/windows/jsmoothgen-ant.jar" />
		<jsmooth project="${util}/windows/" skeletonroot="${util}/windows/skeletons"/>

         <delete file="${util}/windows/"/>


	<!-- ================================ -->
	<!--  generate an application bundle  -->
	<!-- ================================ -->

	<target name="jarbundler" depends="init,update,jar">

		<taskdef name="jarbundler" classname="net.sourceforge.jarbundler.JarBundler" classpath="${util}/macosx/jarbundler-2.1.0.jar" />
		<jarbundler dir="${dist}" name="${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}" mainclass="net.sourceforge.kolmafia.KoLmafia" jar="${jarfile}" icon="${util}/macosx/limeglass.icns" vmoptions="-Xincgc" />


	<!-- ========================== -->
	<!--  create an OSX disk image  -->
	<!-- ========================== -->

	<target name="dmg" depends="init,update,jar,jarbundler">

		<mkdir dir="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}"/>

		<symlink action="single" link="${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}/Applications" resource="/Applications" />
		 <exec executable="cp" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="-a ${basedir}/${appfile} ${basedir}/${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}/" />

        <delete file="${basedir}/${dmgfile}"/>

		<exec executable="hdiutil" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="create ${basedir}/${dmgfile} -srcfolder ${basedir}/${dist}/${KoLVersionedBaseFileName} -volname ${KoLVersionedBaseFileName}" />

		<exec executable="rm" dir="${dist}">
			<arg line="-rf KoLmafia*" />

	<!-- ========================== -->
	<!--  create a Debian package   -->
	<!-- ========================== -->

	<target name="debian" depends="init,update,version,jar,desktop">

		<taskdef name="deb" classname="com.googlecode.ant_deb_task.Deb" classpath="${util}/debian/ant-deb.jar" />

		<deb todir="${dist}" package="kolmafia" priority="optional" section="games" depends="sun-java6-jre">
			<version upstream="${revision}" debian="${revision}"/>
			<maintainer name="Veracity" email=""/>
			<description synopsis="${synopsis}">${synopsis}</description>
			<tarfileset file="${jarfile}" prefix="usr/lib" filemode="755"/>
			<tarfileset file="${build}/kolmafia.desktop" prefix="usr/share/applications"/>
			<tarfileset file="util/debian/kol.xpm" prefix="usr/share/pixmaps"/>
			<tarfileset file="util/debian/kol" prefix="usr/bin" filemode="755"/>


	<!-- ============================= -->
	<!--  create Debian desktop entry  -->
	<!-- ============================= -->

	<target name="desktop">

		<taskdef name="desktopentry" classname="com.googlecode.ant_deb_task.DesktopEntry" classpath="${util}/debian/ant-deb.jar" />

		<desktopentry toFile="build/kolmafia.desktop" name="${}" comment="${synopsis}" exec="/usr/bin/kol" icon="kol.xpm" terminal="false" type="Application" categories="Game;RolePlaying" />


	<!-- ================================ -->
	<!--  generate the alpha testing JAR  -->
	<!-- ================================ -->

	<target name="debug" depends="start,version">

		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token="RELEASED = true" value='RELEASED = false'/>

		<antcall target="jar"/>

		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token="RELEASED = false" value='RELEASED = true'/>


	<!-- ============================ -->
	<!--  generate a daily build JAR  -->
	<!-- ============================ -->

	<target name="daily" depends="clean,init,update,version">

		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token="REVISION = null" value='REVISION = "${revision}"'/>
		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token="RELEASED = true" value='RELEASED = false'/>

		<antcall target="compile"/>

		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token='REVISION = "${revision}"' value="REVISION = null"/>
		<replace file="${KoLConstants}"
                         token="RELEASED = false" value='RELEASED = true'/>

		<jar destfile="${dist}/${}-${revision}.jar"
		     update="true" index="true" compress="true">
		    <attribute name="Main-Class" value="${main}"/>


	<!-- =========================== -->
	<!--  generate the distribution  -->
	<!-- =========================== -->

	<target name="dist" depends="clean,init,update">

		<antcall target="tar"/>
		<antcall target="jar"/>
		<antcall target="jsmooth"/>
		<antcall target="jarbundler"/>
		<antcall target="dmg"/>


	<!-- ==================================================== -->
	<!--  runs program with all needed libraries in the path  -->
	<!-- ==================================================== -->

	<target name="exec" depends="jar">
		<java fork="true" jar="${jarfile}" dir="${dist}">
			<jvmarg value="-Xincgc" />

	<!-- ============================================== -->
	<!--  generates the release notes for the archive  -->
	<!-- ==================================================== -->

	<target name="notes" depends="jar">
		<java fork="true" classname="net.sourceforge.kolmafia.utilities.ReleaseNotes" classpath="${jarfile}" dir="${dist}" />

	<!-- ======================================= -->
	<!--  generate the javadocs from sourcecode  -->
	<!-- ======================================= -->

	<target name="javadoc" depends="init">

		<mkdir dir="${docs}"/>
		<mkdir dir="${docs}/api"/>

		<javadoc sourcepath="${src}" destdir="${docs}" packagenames="*">

			<link href=""/>

				<pathelement location="${lib}"/>
				<pathelement location="${build}"/>



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At step 4, I get the svn log and run a utility on it to make release notes. I have to manually edit it to remove all the revisions up to and including the one in which I bumped the revision for LAST release, but that's not too hard.

So, it's not too hard to trim, but if you know what revision you want to start from, you can type "svn log -r1234:HEAD". that's what I use in my applescript to get and run daily builds.
The last two posts both point strongly (to me, at least) at a .properties file being an excellent idea, as MCroft mentioned... works great for substitution, OS independent, and probably makes the svn log bit easier.
Any way to do this without grep? OS X and Linux users sail along without a blink, but Windows users are halted in their tracks.
True, very few of them have cygwin or unxutils.

I see three options
1: find an existing java based grep task for ANT. I didn't have much luck with this, but I didn't spend a lot of time looking.
2: make a java based grep task for ANT.
3: rework the process flow.

#3 is what Theraze and I were discussing earlier. The way this would work, instead of updating the version string in, you'd update the version string in a new file called and add <property file="" prefix="bp"/> to the top of the build.xml

Then before we use KoLConstants, we do a token substitution to place the VERSION_NAME in it as well as setting all the other variables.

That's the approach I'd recommend.
True, very few of them have cygwin or unxutils.

Pfft, I've never compiled a daily build nor done a fraction of the programmy-stuff the rest of you do, and I have cygwin. Doesn't seem an onerous requirement for those willing to compile their own builds to me, but hey-- it's me! :P

EDIT to note: apologies, this wasn't meant to be taken all that seriously. FWIW, I didn't get sleep last night.
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My personal opinion is that we have crossed a line if we are now going to require Windows builders to install Cygwin or some form of grep just to compile and build. My sense of compartmentalization notes that the problem originally existed when building for Macs and that suggests that the optimal solution would be one that leaves the status quo unchanged for non-Mac users.

I'm inclined to endorse MCroft's #3 above.
Doesn't seem an onerous requirement for those willing to compile their own builds to me

Going to have to agree with fronobulax (and I think, Veracity) on this one. I use cygwin, but I don't see why it should be a requirement for building mafia. Ant and subversion are essential for the routine, so naturally installing these makes sense. Adding yet another barrier to entry for individuals wanting to compile builds themselves would make me sad. For open source software, an interested and engaged user base is essential. I think we have that here -- a large number of people use mafia and are willing to give feedback (even if it is poorly presented now and again). That is a Good Thing. However, the more people who are able to look at the code themselves, the more people giving feedback can do extra things such as post patches, comment on the code and also be inspired to learn more about how the system works. This improves the quality of communication between the development team and the users.

The simpler it is to be involved in a project, the better. The biggest step in increasing involvement is learning how to maintain a working copy and build the software yourself.