Bug - Won't Fix Csend not working?


i typed in the relay browser
"csend 1 meat to kolabuff"
next thing you know i got 300 advs of Ode, instead of the requested 15 turns
I then noticed how much meat was missing, i concluded that instead of sending one meat, it sent 1125...why would that be?
Mafia disallows any automated philanthropic buffs; only "regular" prices are allowed. I am, I admit, surprised that it sent the higher amount rather than doing nothing, but not TOO surprised; somebody probably whined about not getting their buff at some point in the past.

For what it's worth, this feature is kind of necessary; without it, all the castle farmers would automate using the cheap buffs instead of "normal" priced ones, and the buffbots would likely pack up and go home.
How does csend compare to send? Do they do anything differently?

csend item [, item]... to recipient [ || message ] - send kmail
kmail item [, item]... to recipient [ || message ] - send kmail
send item [, item]... to recipient [ || message ] - send kmail

You cannot send meat using send or kmail, but you can using csend. All three include a mafia composed message to go with what you're sending if you don't include a message of your own.