Script Request for MMG...


Hi, I will give you the short end of this. Basically, I want an MMG script that will do this. When running the script I will always be starting with 500k.

Make chains of three 1k bets until I have three losses in a row. By chain I mean 3 1k bets at once. If I happen to win any bets and my total amount of meat goes over 500k, then deposit everything over that 500k into my closet. After three of the 1k bets are lost in a row, I then want the script to make one 7k bet. Now remember, if I happen to win any bets that put my total meat amount over 500k, I want it put in the closet. If I lose the 7k bet, then I want the script to make one 12,500 meat bet. If I lose, then make a 35k bet. If I lose that, then I want the scipt to make a 65,250 meat bet. If the script loses the 65,250 bet, then I want it to stop the script with a red message saying " Aborting the script for manual betting, you currently have 7 bet losses in a row. " If I win the 7k, 12.5, 35k or 65,250k bet, then I want the script to make one 2.5k bet, and if I win it, then go back to the chain of three 1k bets. If I lose the 2.5k bet, then I want the script to do a martingale with a 2.0 float factor until the next bet is won. So, just to be clear, here's an example.
Script makes three 1k bets, I lost all three. The script then makes a 7k bet, and I win. In this case, because I won the 7k bet, the script will now bet 2.5k. I lose, so it makes a 5k bet. I win it, and the script goes back to three 1k bets and repeats the process. But I want to stress this little fact, IF MY MEAT AMOUNT GOES OVER 500k AT ALL WHILE THE SCRIPT IS RUNNING, DEPOSIT EXCESS MEAT INTO CLOSET SO I HAVE 500k ON-HAND... I will pay the creator of this 100k if it does exactly as I want it.

Thanks, and just post it in the forums, I don't care if other people want to use it.
If I remember correctly, the meat you promise for scripts doesn't exactly appear in game afterwards. I'll check what I'm saying when I have some time, I may be thinking of someone else.


It was from this request. I contacted you in game, and the meat never came. I don't know if you simply forgot, but I didn't feel like running after meat for a simple script I enjoyed writting anyway.

The first part of this post was more of an accusation than I intended, but I think it's because I'm not very comfortable with what feels like a drive-thru script order. First of all, using all caps TO MAKE YOUR POINT CLEAR IN CASE SCRIPT WRITERS ARE THICK is a little offensive. Then we have the 100k... it seems like you're looking to save some meat. I would see someone offering meat for a script as a non-programmer thanking someone for his help, not as someone paying for a service. Especially on the kolmafia forum. Of course, this is not my problem, it's strictly between the person asking and the person who provides the script.

I think this debate about paying for scripts happened some time ago, and hula had weighed in, I'll try reading up on that. The Ascension.ash debate is different in that no one 'hired' dj_d to make it.

Oh, and thanks for authorizing a scripter to post his work here. Since you paid for it, it's yours, obviously.
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I think it's because I'm not very comfortable with what feels like a drive-thru script order. First of all, using all caps TO MAKE YOUR POINT CLEAR IN CASE SCRIPT WRITERS ARE THICK is a little offensive. Then we have the 100k... it seems like you're looking to save some meat. I would see someone offering meat for a script as a non-programmer thanking someone for his help, not as someone paying for a service. Especially on the kolmafia forum. Of course, this is not my problem, it's strictly between the person asking and the person who provides the script.

I think this debate about paying for scripts happened some time ago, and hula had weighed in, I'll try reading up on that. The Ascension.ash debate is different in that no one 'hired' dj_d to make it.

I believe hola suggested that a Mr. A was a reasonable price for a script and I agree with that assessment. I'll say that 100K doesn't exactly move me to do anything out of my way. Especially not for someone who has a poor record of payment.
But it's such an easy script. Can't you write up the 15 step logic in like 5 minutes?

(This post is complete sarcasm, but you can never tell how obvious it is, so here's the clarification.)

CLOSET (#1899805) is my MMG Addicted Anonymous sponsor multi by the way.
Well, not quite the conversation I expected this to be.. Let me clarify some things here. 1: I always pay people when I say I will, I do remember I owe you now that you mention it slyz. When you asked for payment, I had recently lost all my meat in the MMG, and when I got back up enough to pay, I probably forgot about you. If you k-mail me again in game with the amount I owed, I will send it to you. 2: I don't know what the ascension.ash talk was about, I have no conflict their. I paid a full Mr. A for that script. 3: I only offered 100k for the script because I am in debt from the MMG by 250M, otherwise, I'd be offering something like 500k for the script. And by the way, Bale, how can you say I don't pay people for script work? I remember on one thread, you helped me out with something I didn't even offer meat for, and I ended up giving you 250k just for helping me out... But, whatever, if somebody wants to make the script, good. If not, oh well.
It's all a matter of approach. If someone says "Hey, here's this project I've started, I hear you're into this kind of stuff, any advice on what to do next?" then you're likely to get a helpful response, or at the worst a polite refusal. Hence why most people start with at least some of a script done. If, however, you approach with "Hey, I want this done from scratch, and I will pay X," well, then the value of X has a lot do do with determining your response. In this case, X = 100k, which (translated from Mr. A prices using the US economy as a baseline) means X = $0.16. So yeah, people are going to be a little touchy. If I walk up to a lawyer and say "hey, I hear you're great at trial law, and I could use your help. I'm willing to pay you $5.00 for it," what do you think the lawyer's response would be? Hence why the standard in this forum is set to a minimum of a Mr. A for full-on script requests. Anything less is just insulting, IMO.