trigger relay browser reminder when stat hits a certain level


New member
I always forget to make a hipposkin poncho when my muscle hits 45.

Is there a way in ash to make and equip it automatically, or failing that, just show something in the relay browser when my muscle = 45?
Here's a quick script that I whipped up. It's untested, but I think it should cover all the possible bases:

void HippoPoncho() {
	if (my_basestat($stat[muscle]) >= 45) {
		if (have_skill($skill[Armorcraftiness]) && have_skill($skill[Torso Awaregness])) {
			if (item_amount($item[hipposkin poncho]) < 1 && equipped_amount($item[hipposkin poncho]) < 1) {
				if (creatable_amount($item[hipposkin poncho]) >= 1) {
					if (my_adventures() > 0) {
						create(1, $item[hipposkin poncho]);
						equip($item[hipposkin poncho]);
					else {
						print("You need an available turn to create a Hipposkin Poncho", "red");
				else {
					print("You don't have the necessary items to create a Hipposkin Poncho ","red");
			else {
				print("You have a Hipposkin Poncho available. Equipping it now","red");
				equip($item[hipposkin poncho]);
		else {
			print("You lack Armorcraftiness or Torso at this time","red");
	else {
		print("Your muscle isn't 45 yet","red");

void main() {

You can either call the script itself, or you can import the script into another script and call it with the function name.

Edit: Queen of typos today!
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Small typo. You need to change that <= to >= ;)

For this to happen automatically, YoMama1 would have to make this a betweenBattleScript or a mood. Well, a mood couldn't actually equip it, but it could make the poncho and alert him to its presence.
Small typo. You need to change that <= to >= ;)

For this to happen automatically, YoMama1 would have to make this a betweenBattleScript or a mood. Well, a mood couldn't actually equip it, but it could make the poncho and alert him to its presence.

Fixed the typo, thanks ;)