Well, has nobody thought of this yet???


Gosh, I am surprised I have to be the one to bring this up, but when farming using a scratch n sniff sword with UPC stickers, I am sick of having to go to the bedazzle page every 15 adventures or so to replace them! I will really love to see somebody create something that will automatically reload/use three stickers that the user will specify

Example: First, have three variables the user can specify... And you can use either full name of the sticker you want it to re-place when a timer of 15 adventures is up.( I am almost positive the stickers expire in about 15 turns.)
Like this(Look below). I am still yet not advanced enough in scripting to do this, so sorry. :(

Slot 1: UPC
Slot 2: Unicorn
Slot 3: Apple
Gosh, I am surprised I have to be the one to bring this up, but when farming using a scratch n sniff sword with UPC stickers, I am sick of having to go to the bedazzle page every 15 adventures or so to replace them! I will really love to see somebody create something that will automatically reload/use three stickers that the user will specify

Example: First, have three variables the user can specify... And you can use either full name of the sticker you want it to re-place when a timer of 15 adventures is up.( I am almost positive the stickers expire in about 15 turns.)
Like this(Look below). I am still yet not advanced enough in scripting to do this, so sorry. :(

Slot 1: UPC
Slot 2: Unicorn
Slot 3: Apple

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought Mafia did this for you already?
Nope. Mafia does not do this. If I am wrong, please correct me, but I have been using mafia, and it never replaces for me.
It's been around forever ...

Revision: 6600
Author: jasonharper
Date: 10:25, Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Properly summons a s'n's sword when the first sticker is used. Note that
this sticker will end up in slot 1, no matter where you were trying to put it
- that's just the way the summoning works.

Makes the estimated number of sticker turns remaining visible in the Gear

Adds a "stickers <st1>, <st2>, <st3>" command to the CLI, which applies
stickers in currently empty slots only. This is intended for use as the
command of an unconditional mood trigger; for example, "stickers wrestler,
wrestler, wrestler" will keep your stats maximized as stickers wear out.
Modified : /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/KoLmafiaCLI.java
Modified : /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/request/EquipmentRequest.java
Modified : /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/session/EquipmentManager.java
Modified : /src/net/sourceforge/kolmafia/swingui/GearChangeFrame.java
Ok, so there is no need for a script then in that case, but what about Sugar Sheets? They generally last 30 turns, then turn into sugar shards. I have also been wanting something done about those. ;) I bought the tome, mainly because I love the shirt and shorts, but I still don't like having to keep making it every 30 adventures.
Errr. Actually, I am not familiar with moods. I have not really done anything with them. How would I set that up into my mood to when they run out I can keep apllying my stickers?
Is there a way to use mafia to see what stickers you currently have? And how worn out they are?
