Feature - Implemented Track slime vials harvested/slime vial harvesting automation


New member
I'd like a way to automate/make it possible to automate harvesting slime vials. I can think of two ways to do this.
1. Add it as a simple automation option, like the canticle of carboloading.
2. Add a preference that tracks how many slime vials have been harvested today, this would allow for a daily deed either inbuilt or able to be made by the end user.
It's a niche case, but I think it'd be useful.
Is there a reason this shouldn't be added? I'm considering attempting to add it myself, and the contributing guidelines suggest posting it here first :)
As in the Sauceror Nemesis Quest or something I am not remembering?

If the former then you might want to look at https://kolmafia.us/threads/nemesis-quest-script.4761/ which scripted the quest without a KoLmafia preference. You could probably extract and modify code to give you exactly what you want.

Again, and this is probably my ignorance, but I don't see a link between harvesting vials which take adventures and carboloading which casts an effect before eating a type of food.

Posting here is appreciated because there might be some feedback about whether something is a good idea or a bad one and alternative, and perhaps better, ways to accomplish the goal. Thank you.
Moreso the post-quest reward! Getting the 10 free daily vials from earl.

Got it. My knee jerk reaction, which is often sub-optimal, would be to have a daily preference that counted the visits. That would make it easy to script or make into a custom Daily Deed.
I'd like to try to implement this, but I'm struggling to figure out where the data on preferences that reset every day is kept. Is everything in defaults.txt reset every day?