Bug _lastCombatWon being set to False at Round 1 while still in Combat


Lately, we (autoscend) have been getting reports about _lastCombatWon being set to False during round 1, before the user has taken any action. This is causing the post-adventure script to trigger, which may or may not break combat. I experience it consistently during the Professor part of a WereProfessor ascension (whether using Autoscend or not). Below is a manual combat I ran outside of Autoscend. I've bolded the relevant line. After that, because we are still in combat, the Round counter resets to 0 and we "lose" initiative. This has also been seen in a Standard Sauceror run by 2 other users so it is not just related to WereProfessor. I wish that I had more to offer in terms of debugging. I thought it might have something to do with the dartboard being recorded, but this combat I specifically did not use the Dart Holster to see if that was the trigger, and it still occurred. Maybe other people have data points, or the Mafia devs have other combat conditions they would like to see.
[176] The Defiled Niche
Preference lastEncounter changed from basic lihc to slick lihc
Encounter: slick lihc
Round 0: erct657 wins initiative!
Round 1: (You gain 1 research point)
Preference wereProfessorResearchPoints changed from 46 to 47
Preference lastCopyableMonster changed from basic lihc to slick lihc
Preference _lastCombatWon changed from true to false
Round 0: erct657 casts ADVANCED RESEARCH!
Encounter: slick lihc
Round 0: erct657 loses initiative!
Round 2: (You gain 10 research points)
Preference wereProfessorResearchPoints changed from 47 to 57
Preference wereProfessorAdvancedResearch changed from 2153,2228 to 193,2153,2228
Round 0: erct657 uses the shadow brick!
Encounter: slick lihc
Round 0: erct657 loses initiative!
Round 3: erct657 wins the fight!
After Battle: Your Evilometer emits a single beep. The air in this part of the crypt smells slightly less evil...
Preference cyrptNicheEvilness changed from 14 to 13
Preference cyrptTotalEvilness changed from 64 to 63
After Battle: Cook Bookicus flits around and points at cooking ingredients.
You acquire an item: lihc eye
After Battle: You gain 17 Muscleboundness
After Battle: You gain 6 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 4 Roguishness
You acquire an item: inflammable leaf
After Battle: Cook Bookicus rattles, "If my ancient memory serves, I suggested looking in The Spooky Forest."
You acquire an item: flapper fly
You acquire an item: pear
Preference _shadowBricksUsed changed from 1 to 2
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 12 to 11
Preference _juneCleaverSleaze changed from 11 to 12
This combat did not cost a turn
Preference _lastCombatWon changed from false to true
Preference familiarSweat changed from 192 to 195
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 191 to 192
Unrelated to your question does autoscend "support" WereProfessor? In my case "support" means do what it can and clearly tell me what it cannot do and then stop cleanly so I can do that thing manually and restart. Thanks.
Unrelated to your question does autoscend "support" WereProfessor? In my case "support" means do what it can and clearly tell me what it cannot do and then stop cleanly so I can do that thing manually and restart. Thanks.
I am adding support for it. It is pretty janky right now, but does full combat for werewolf no issues, Professor requires Darts and will also use the Cosmic Bowling Ball, otherwise it should try to runaway (doesn't necessarily).

My issue is unrelated to autoscend, it just happens to affect it. The log from above was a turn I ran manually. The other two people that I know of were in Standard Sauceror runs.
Lately, we (autoscend) have been getting reports about _lastCombatWon being set to False during round 1, before the user has taken any action. This is causing the post-adventure script to trigger, which may or may not break combat. I experience it consistently during the Professor part of a WereProfessor ascension (whether using Autoscend or not). Below is a manual combat I ran outside of Autoscend. I've bolded the relevant line. After that, because we are still in combat, the Round counter resets to 0 and we "lose" initiative. This has also been seen in a Standard Sauceror run by 2 other users so it is not just related to WereProfessor. I wish that I had more to offer in terms of debugging. I thought it might have something to do with the dartboard being recorded, but this combat I specifically did not use the Dart Holster to see if that was the trigger, and it still occurred. Maybe other people have data points, or the Mafia devs have other combat conditions they would like to see.

I had the same issue, and I happed across the thread below while trying to figure out how that preference works. Unchecking the "Show old form with Combat Action Bar" preference for my account, as suggested in the thread, eliminated the error.

I had the same issue, and I happed across the thread below while trying to figure out how that preference works. Unchecking the "Show old form with Combat Action Bar" preference for my account, as suggested in the thread, eliminated the error.

I wish this was the fix. I already had that unchecked for me. Checking it actually broke Werewolf combat for me in the same way that Professor is, basically Mafia thinking that combat is over after round 0/1, despite the fight only just beginning.
OK. That thread has a link to the Mafia code that detects whether a fight is over and it lead me to some inspiration. Instead of just "Show old form with Combat Action Bar" being unchecked, I also needed to uncheck "Enable Combat Action Bar". So now manual adventures are ugly, but combat no longer breaks. I have posted about it on the Loathers Discord to see if that fixes the issues for the other folks that I know of who have that issue. Now the question is why does the CAB break Professor for me.