Bug - Fixed Unable to craft staff of ed


Earlier while running my turns I encountered an error where mafia no longer can craft me a staff of ed.
Long story short, it looks like this change is at fault.

Removing this in my test environment fixes the error.

While poking at it, I noticed that there seems to be two seperate items, "[2268]Staff of Fats" and "Staff of Fats". With the creation trying to use the item with the first name, and my ItemPool.get(ItemPool.STAFF_OF_FATS) getting the second.

So it looks like two separate items are registered or something. I didn't look too hard once I found the issue, bit busy sorry.

Adding on to Irrat, I encountered this too yesterday and bypassed it when I manually created Staff of Ed, almost and the Staff of Ed, KoL notified that I discovered a new recipe for each.
How are you trying to craft it?
A "craft" or "acquire" command in the gCLI?
Or, after you acquire the last piece and click on the pyramid, autocrafting doesn't kick in and make it?