Bug - Fixed Rain Man summon adds monster to last location combat queue


I've been looping a bunch of Heavy Rains runs to add monsters to my combat lover's locket and I just noticed this:
> ash $location[the middle chamber].combat_queue

Returned: tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat

...rain man summon of Sleaze Hobo...

> ash $location[the middle chamber].combat_queue

Returned: tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat; tomb rat; Sleaze hobo

I confirmed it's not actually in the combat queue by checking time spinner available monsters and it wasn't there, opposed to be gregarious that does add a monster in to a zone's combat queue and allows you to time-spinner fight something.
I was directed here and I found some code that should be setting ignoreSpecialMonsters for rain man here, so it seems like this should be working? I think I may just add EncounterManager.isRainManEncounter() and check that. I'm getting the page text now to make sure the check is correct (edit: the text is correct).
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Not quite sure what to do here but it's because marking ignoreSpecialMonsters is being set *after* enqueue is run.
  1. AdventureRequest.registerEncounter
  2. enqueue monster under certain conditions
  3. EncounterManager.registerEncounter
  4. EncounterManager.recognizeEncounter
It looks like we may have the same issue with relativity monsters? Assuming that they don't go in the queue
I suppose we move those two checks out of recognizeEncounter and up into AdventureRequest.registerEncounter. That looks like it shouldn't really affect anything
I believe numberology frat also has this issue. Was having some weirdness with spooky forest delay and that's the only weird thing I did, judging by session log results.
This is now fixed. Numberology is an annoying one that I'll have to do later - we'll need to identify somehow that the fight is sourced from numberology.
This is now fixed. Numberology is an annoying one that I'll have to do later - we'll need to identify somehow that the fight is sourced from numberology.
Didn't see this message until now. You get the following when doing cli numberology 51:

cast 1 Calculate the Universe
[2] numberology 51
Encounter: War Frat 151st Infantryman
Round 0: the erosionseeker wins initiative!

Is that significantly harder to check for than rain man?
Why don't you give it a go
Actually sarcasm aside, I didn't spot we do a pseudolocation, so I'll take a look and see for that
Nope, back to sarcasm. You give it a go