New Content A Shrunken Adventurer Am I


Kol mafia has a hard time understanding this path. Loads of weird quirks and diversions from most normal ascensions means that the information on the main mafia sidebar can be inaccurate. Notably:

  • The highest a base stat can get is one. Mafia as a result always assumes you are at level one because of this.
  • You have exactly two fullness and one drunkeness, and you cannot drink anything with a larger drunkeness than one.
  • Food and booze give way more stats than they normally would.
  • You can equip items with level requirements and even base stat requirements, same with food and booze.
  • You can still level-up, but it doesn't effect base stats in any way.
I dunno what to make of this really. I don't know how Mafia detects what level I am at normally, but it doesn't seem to work in this circumstance.
Mafia can see your true stats using api.php. If I click the Refresh Status button, mafia will display my level correctly. It is the character pane that confuses mafia.

You can equip items and eat food where you don't meet the requirements. I'm not sure your wording was clear enough.

The path number is 49.

When you free the king, your fullness and drunkenness are both multiplied by 10. I suspect that adventure and stat gains from food and booze are also multiplied by 10, but I haven't checked carefully. You can not remove fullness or drunkenness. My poor clannie found out the hard way after over drinking day one.

The council has new messages with references to your size.

The campground is a new area with three combat zones and ten new monsters with factoids. You can only access your work shed. It is possible to gain stats from a monolith by using the URL. There are a number of new items dropping there, which I see midgleyc already added. There are some new recipes too.
Just done a run testing the new autoscend support.

Three noticeable Mafia level issues reading the Council text.

1. Failed to properly set the questL2 to finished, leaving it at step1 instead.
[34] The Spooky Forest
Preference lastEncounter changed from Adjust your Parka to Arboreal Respite
Encounter: Arboreal Respite
Took choice 502/2: gain mosquito larva or spooky mushrooms, gain quest coin, get stats or fight a vampire
Preference lastEncounter changed from Arboreal Respite to Consciousness of a Stream
Encounter: Consciousness of a Stream
Took choice 505/1: gain mosquito larva then 3 spooky mushrooms
You acquire an item: mosquito larva
Preference questL02Larva changed from started to step1
> [INFO] Post Adventure done, beep.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 139 to 140
You gain 500 Meat
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 140 to 141
> [INFO] Turn(34): Starting with 12 left and 17 pulls left at Level: 7

2. Failed to properly set level 11 and level12 quests statuses from visiting the council to "started", leaving them at "unstarted". Because it didn't actually *do* anything there's nothing in the log here, except that I guess this is where the L11 one should have been set.

cast 1 Spiky Shell
You acquire an effect: Spiky Shell (5)
> [DEBUG] Can not get Patient Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Inscrutable Gaze expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Wry Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Patient Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Knowing Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [INFO] Post Adventure done, beep.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 275 to 276
> [INFO] Turn(120): Starting with 13 left and 16 pulls left at Level: 11
> [INFO] Encounter: 0.0   Exp Bonus: 29.54874
> [INFO] Meat Drop: 160.0     Item Drop: 110.0
> [INFO] HP: 1207/1207, MP: 73/91, Meat: 15484
> [INFO] Tummy: 1/2 Liver: 1/1 Spleen: 0/15
> [INFO] ML: 56 control: 0
> [INFO] Delay between adventures... beep boop...
Preference _auto_thisLoopHandleFamiliar changed from true to false
Preference auto_familiarChoice changed from Cookbookbat to
Preference _auto_tunedElement changed from sleaze to
> [DEBUG] Resetting auto_maximize_current to 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,1.5weapon damage,0.75weapon damage percent,1.5elemental damage,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Muscle experience percent
Preference _auto_maximize_equip_acc1 changed from combat lover's locket to
Preference _auto_maximize_equip_acc3 changed from backup camera to
Preference auto_mcd_target changed from 0 to 10
Preference lastCouncilVisit changed from 10 to 11
> [DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 0 LX_freeCombatsTask

Similarly for 12:
[156] Mist-Shrouded Peak
Preference lastEncounter changed from cold damage</font>) to <font color=blue>"GROAR."</font> growls the creature, answering your question and sending two chills down your spine: One metaphorical, because he's scary and about to attack you, and the other physical, because he also blasted you with a cloud of intensely cold mist when he roared.
I guess that answers the question of where the mists are coming from. And what you're going to be doing for the next few minutes.</blockquote><center><p><p>He gets the jump on you.<p>Your teeth chatter as you approach, not from fear but from the cold. Jeez!<center><table><tr><td><img src="" height=30 width=30>
Encounter: <font color=blue>"GROAR."</font> growls the creature, answering your question and sending two chills down your spine: One metaphorical, because he's scary and about to attack you, and the other physical, because he also blasted you with a cloud of intensely cold mist when he roared.
I guess that answers the question of where the mists are coming from. And what you're going to be doing for the next few minutes.</blockquote><center><p><p>He gets the jump on you.<p>Your teeth chatter as you approach, not from fear but from the cold. Jeez!<center><table><tr><td><img src="" height=30 width=30>
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20230824172436 to 20230824172445
Round 0: hippoking loses initiative!
Preference cosmicBowlingBallReturnCombats changed from 8 to 7
Round 1: You lose 16 hit points
Round 1: Your toy train moves ahead to the Coal Hopper. Your train takes on coal to power the next stop.
Preference trainsetPosition changed from 112 to 113
> [INFO] auto_combat initialized fighting [Groar]: atk = 226. def = 214. HP = 356. LA = 106
Preference auto_combatHP changed from 1141 to 1132
Preference _auto_combatState changed from  to (sk7444)
Preference auto_diag_round changed from 0 to 1
Round 1: hippoking casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 2: Groar takes 332 damage.
Round 2: You gain 9 hit points
Round 2: Groar takes 6 damage.
Round 2: You lose 10 hit points
Preference auto_combatHP changed from 1132 to 1131
Preference auto_diag_round changed from 1 to 2
Round 2: hippoking casts LUNGING THRUST-SMACK!
Round 3: Groar takes 336 damage.
Round 3: You gain 7 hit points
Round 3: hippoking wins the fight!
After Battle: Buttes flits around and points at cooking ingredients.
Preference scrapbookCharges changed from 56 to 57
You acquire an item: Groar's fur
Preference questL08Trapper changed from step4 to step5
You acquire an item: dense meat stack (5)
After Battle: You gain 78 Muscleboundness
You gain a Muscle point!
You gain a Level!
After Battle: You gain 36 Wizardliness
After Battle: You gain 35 Cheek
You gain a Moxie point!
After Battle: Buttes croaks, "If I recall, I suggested that you look for a drunk goat."
After Battle: You gain 2 Wizardliness
You acquire an item: Azurite
Preference _juneCleaverFightsLeft changed from 4 to 3
Preference _juneCleaverSleaze changed from 22 to 23
Preference familiarSweat changed from 81 to 84
> [DEBUG] Running auto_post_adv.ash
Preference auto_nextEncounter changed from Groar to

cast 1 Ghostly Shell
You acquire an effect: Ghostly Shell (5)

cast 1 Walberg's Dim Bulb
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (10)

cast 1 Springy Fusilli
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (10)
> [DEBUG] Can not get Patient Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Inscrutable Gaze expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Wry Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Patient Smile expression as we are already emoting.
> [DEBUG] Can not get Knowing Smile expression as we are already emoting.

use 1 Azurite
You gain 27 Cheek
> [INFO] Post Adventure done, beep.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 335 to 336
> [INFO] Turn(156): Starting with 46 left and 13 pulls left at Level: 12
> [INFO] Encounter: -5.0   Exp Bonus: 64.19611
> [INFO] Meat Drop: 160.0     Item Drop: 180.0
> [INFO] HP: 1148/1148, MP: 70/91, Meat: 23447
> [INFO] Tummy: 2/2 Liver: 1/1 Spleen: 0/15
> [INFO] ML: 112 control: 10
> [INFO] Delay between adventures... beep boop...
Preference _auto_thisLoopHandleFamiliar changed from true to false
Preference auto_familiarChoice changed from Cookbookbat to
Preference _auto_tunedElement changed from spooky to
> [DEBUG] Resetting auto_maximize_current to 5item,meat,0.5initiative,0.1da 1000max,dr,0.5all res,1.5mainstat,-fumble,mox,0.4hp,0.2mp 1000max,3mp regen,1.5weapon damage,0.75weapon damage percent,1.5elemental damage,2familiar weight,5familiar exp,10exp,5Muscle experience percent,10moxie experience,3moxie experience percent
Preference lastCouncilVisit changed from 11 to 12

autosell: 5 dense meat stack
You gain 5,000 Meat
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 336 to 337
> [DEBUG] Attempting to execute task 0 LX_freeCombatsTask
Similar problem with questL0Garbage being left at step10 rather than moving to finished.

Also, failed to detect starting the NS quest at 13. Page source:
<p><br><br><p>Be strong, Adventurer! As strong as you can be when you're as small as you are. All our rulers shrank too, so I don't know how small that is, you know, specifically. Anyway my point is, you have to go defeat the Naughty Sorceress, so that our rulers will be useful for accurately measuring things again!<p>
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When overdrunk, the item manager is still listing booze larger than size 1 as consumable (especially visible if you uncheck "per drunk") even with "by room" checked. It will also try to acquire and consume booze listed there that it won't be able to consume e.g.

Purchasing Fog Murderer (1 @ 450)...
You spent 450 Meat
You acquire an item: Fog Murderer
Purchases complete.
Drinking 1 Fog Murderer...
Finished drinking 1 Fog Murderer.

Also adventure gains for food & booze is showing the old values. Here's some spoilers from Cannonfire in /hardcore last week
[Cannonfire40] The way the organ scaling works under the hood is that the food's minimum and maximum adventures are multiplied by 10.
[Cannonfire40] So stuff that adds flat will mostly add flat...except some stuff "adds flat" by adding to the base adventures, because the game is complicated, and that would be mulitplie
[Cannonfire40] I guess I'd say you guys can use this as an opportunity to spade whether things touch the min/max on food or whether they add afterwards.
By "the stuff that adds flat" he means things like milk of magnesium, ode to booze, special seasoning, fudge spork etc.
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in r27585, whilst in Shrunken adventurer, the modifier maximiser correctly calculates items that provide a stat percent buff (whether as an effect from a potion or from equipment being worn) as being based on your muscle/mysticilaity/moxie of 1. However in r27586, this is no longer the case, and it appears to be basing it on what your stats would be were you not in Shrunken Adventurer. see comparative screenshots attached


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After this update (27586) the maximizer no longer works correctly for stats in Shrunken. It is recommending +% increaseser, which don't do anything in Shrunk.

Changing "Am" back to "am" fixes the current revision, but I have no clue what the consequences of that are.
I've got a PR for this
The bugs from the unique campground have drops that become more powerful as you level up, sort of acting as alternative mainstat. I don't know if mafia takes this into account, maybe it does but nobody has brought this up yet.
It already does
I don't know where the problem happens, but KoL (the game) uses 'am' and not 'Am'
This was causing issues where I was searching for path names (in the Museum and Valhalla). I am not sure where or how this impacts Mafia.
Considering that the only place we have that string is in the path name - and we don’t ever use that to figure out what path you are on - it’s hard to imagine where this came from.

We set the path from the ”path” field in api.php - a pathId, not a name.

We do not determine what your path is based on the name of the path. Anywhere.

That said, I see two things in data files:

modifiers.txt12520:Path    A Shrunken Adventurer Am I    Muscle Limit: 1, Mysticality Limit: 1, Moxie Limit: 1
monsters.txt1421:# A Shrunken Adventurer am I
questscouncil.txt423:# A Shrunken Adventurer Am I
zonelist.txt78:Your Campground From a Bug's Perspective    Campground    Shrunken Campground    A Shrunken Adventurer Am I

I dare say those are the issues.
Yeah I fixed those in my PR, that I just merged. No time to determine the root cause but the change that caused the issue is rolled back for now
I'm confused. You say you fixed the two data files? I am not seeing "the PR (you) just merged", other than one which reverts the path name and does nothing to the 2 data files I pointed out.

If you HAD changed the two data files, THAT was the root cause of the issue, and you did not need to roll back the capitalization in AscensionPath.

Which is to say, the Ascension Path name fix PLUS the 2 data files to agree with it should work as before.
My 'afterlife' and 'museum' relay scripts iterate over Path names to do stuff. Because Mafia and KoL do not agree on the text of this path, my scripts never file this path. Ignoring case or making a special case fixes this, but nice if all things followed KoL's capitalization and used 'am'.
Yup. It is a design goal for KoLmafia to agree with KoL’s names, when possible.

Easy to do, with your fix and changes to the data files I pointed out. Which is to say, time to roll it back in and include the data file changes.
Note to self: when searching for text in Mafia code, search both .java and .txt files
Yes, I too failed to realize what was in the data files. Once I saw what was there it was obvious why things worked like they did.
Attempted to spade monster scaling in the very tall grass. Did screen captures of when I was at minimum stats to see their lower bound. Also buffed mainstat as much as I was able to and took screen shots of those too. I have never spaded monster scaling before so please let me know if more info is needed.


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