Based on some chatter elsewhere I thought we might try to help users who are losing their prefs files by creating a backup after we successfully load prefs. Not sure if it would help, but it might.
There are a lot of possible approaches and the code is working for basic use cases (prefs don't load, prefs do load, etc), and I'd like comments on my draft PR if anyone wants to help out/pre-review it, even if you run screaming in horror from the very idea. Especially if you run screaming in horror from the very idea.
All my notes are in the PR, but I'm happy to discuss it in either place.
There are a lot of possible approaches and the code is working for basic use cases (prefs don't load, prefs do load, etc), and I'd like comments on my draft PR if anyone wants to help out/pre-review it, even if you run screaming in horror from the very idea. Especially if you run screaming in horror from the very idea.
All my notes are in the PR, but I'm happy to discuss it in either place.
automatic backups for <user>_prefs.txt by BadHorseMonkey · Pull Request #1713 · kolmafia/kolmafia
So, as a safety net for users who accidentally do things that delete their prefs, I want to put in some automatic backup/restore functionality as a resiliency measure. I've got a working bare b...