Feature Track when certain non-combats occured


So we have several zones that will force a non-combat, which we could start tracking.
I may be missing a few as these are off the top of my head.

Black Forest - The NC is a super-likely after 4 fights without a NC
The Hidden City - Hidden Apartment & Office Building - They occur after X fights
Zeppelin Protesters - The wiki says Every 7 adventures is a guaranteed non-combat adventure, randomly chosen from the three normal ones. - Though I'm not sure if this can be calculated normally from turns_spent

Are there any other zones that has reoccurring non-combats at some counter?
Specifically ones where turns_spent can't be trusted.
For example, with the office building if you forced a NC for the first NC, you can no longer trust turns_spent in that location to tell you what turn the next NC will appear.

Friars has recently (last few months) introduced a property to tell us when the last NC was encountered, which is what I was thinking for the above. Simply tracking when the last NC was encountered.

I think 1970s volcano perhaps?
I think 1970s volcano perhaps?
You would be correct.
I had started adding these to the wiki on the page Conditional Adventures a long time ago (see the "Forced Adventures" section).
Some like the NC at the Neverending Party have since had tracking properties added but most are lacking.

Personally I'd most appreciate tracking for "The Floor Is Yours" NC at LavaCo™ Lamp Factory but fixing/adding the ascension related ones are likely a higher priority for the general userbase.