Bug - Fixed burn * is sometimes recovering MP to then burn it

Malibu Stacey

Active member
I suspect something is being calculated incorrectly as I've been seeing this the past couple of days (I was away from home for 3 weeks until this weekend so it may have been happening earlier)

I have 1.1 million max MP (1,183,142 exactly) and filled it completely (using License to Kill)

> burn *

Casting Summon Candy Heart    44 times...
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an    item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You    acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You    acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy    heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item:    lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You    acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy    heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item:    yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You    acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You    acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy    heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item:    yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You    acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy    heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item:    pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire    an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You    acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy    heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item:    yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire    an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You    acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy    heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item:    white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You    acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy    heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
Preference    libramSummons changed from 63 to 107
Summon Candy Heart was    successfully cast.
Casting Summon Dice 44 times...
You acquire an    item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d4
You    acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You    acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You    acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You    acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You    acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You    acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You    acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You    acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You    acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You    acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item:    d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire    an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You    acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You    acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item:    d12
Preference libramSummons changed from 107 to 151
Summon Dice was    successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from    192 to 193
Casting Summon Taffy 42 times...
You acquire an item:    pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire    an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire    an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled blue taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 151 to 193
Summon    Taffy was successfully cast.
Using 1 Oscus's neverending soda...
You    gain 234 Mojo Points
Preference oscusSodaUsed changed from false to true
Finished    using 1 Oscus's neverending soda.
Using 3 cotton candy bale...
You    gain 214 hit points
You gain 211 Mojo Points
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 193 to 194
Finished using 3    cotton candy bale.
Using 1 honey-dipped locust...
You gain 30 hit    points
You gain 30 Mojo Points
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 194 to 195
Finished using 1    honey-dipped locust.
Using 2 Mountain Stream soda...
You gain 73    Mojo Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 195 to    196
Finished using 2 Mountain Stream soda.
Using 1955 psychokinetic    energy blob...
You gain 49,012 Mojo Points
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 196 to 197
Finished using    1955 psychokinetic energy blob.
Casting Summon Taffy 1 times...
You    acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
Preference libramSummons changed    from 193 to 194
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon    Taffy 1 times...
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
Preference    libramSummons changed from 194 to 195
Summon Taffy was successfully    cast.
Casting Summon Candy Heart 1 times...
You acquire an item:    pink candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 195 to 196
Summon    Candy Heart was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 8    times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (80)
Carol of    the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 9 times...
You    acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (90)
Springy Fusilli was    successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 8 times...
You acquire    an effect: Carol of the Hells (80)
Carol of the Hells was successfully    cast.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 8 times...
You acquire an    effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (80)
Shield of the Pastalord was    successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 8 times...
You acquire an    effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (80)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting    Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 8 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's    Phat Loot Lyric (80)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting    Get Big 8 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (80)
Get Big was    successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 8 times...
You acquire    an effect: Carol of the Bulls (80)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully    cast.
Casting Disco Fever 8 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco    Fever (80)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's    Faithful Ocelot 8 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful    Ocelot (80)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting    Rage of the Reindeer 8 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the    Reindeer (80)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting    Walberg's Dim Bulb 9 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb    (90)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless    Efficiency 4 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (80)
Ruthless    Efficiency was successfully cast.

modtrace mana cost immediately after this listed nothing in the table.

I then used a PYEC to refill my mana again. This time it didn't use a load of MP restores
> burn *

Casting Summon Dice 16    times...
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You    acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You    acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You    acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You    acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d20
You    acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
Preference    libramSummons changed from 196 to 212
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference    _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 199 to 200
Casting Summon    Taffy 16 times...
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire    an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue    taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item:    pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You    acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
Preference libramSummons changed    from 212 to 228
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon    Candy Heart 16 times...
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You    acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy    heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an    item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You    acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy    heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item:    green candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire    an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You    acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy    heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
Preference    libramSummons changed from 228 to 244
Summon Candy Heart was    successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 26 times...
You    acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (260)
Carol of the Thrills was    successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 26 times...
You    acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (260)
Carol of the Hells was    successfully cast.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 25 times...
You    acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (250)
Shield of the    Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 25 times...
You    acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (250)
Silent Hunter was    successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 25 times...
You    acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (250)
Fat Leon's Phat    Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Get Big 25 times...
You    acquire an effect: Big (250)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting    Carol of the Bulls 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the    Bulls (250)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.
Casting Disco    Fever 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (250)
Disco    Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 25    times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (250)
Singer's    Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 25    times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (250)
Rage of    the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 25 times...
You    acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (250)
Springy Fusilli was    successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 12 times...
You    acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (240)
Ruthless Efficiency was    successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 25 times...
You    acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (250)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was    successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 19 times...
You acquire    an effect: Leash of Linguini (190)
Leash of Linguini was successfully    cast.

Same thing happened yesterday, possibly Monday & Sunday too (haven't dug through the session logs for those days yet & wasn't paying much attention at the time). If more examples are required let me know & I'll dig through the session logs.

Currently on r27082, was on r27080 yesterday as I update every day to the latest on the GitHub releases page before I launch.
I've also seen this. My guess would be that Mafia thinks you have more MP than you do, so it tries to burn more than you have, so it has to restore.

As to what could cause that, no idea.
Mafia thinks that when burning MP with your reported total, and with 63 previous libramSummons, it should summon 131 items, but it seems you started restoring MP for cast #131 (so 193 -> 194). (44 + 44 + 42 + 1)

Preference libramSummons changed from 151 to 193
Summon    Taffy was successfully cast.
Using 1 Oscus's neverending soda...
You    gain 234 Mojo Points

How are your MP recovery settings configured? I wonder if your MP burning threshold is below your MP recovery threshold.
The actual numbers that I'm staring at:

    assertEquals(SkillDatabase.libramSkillCasts(64, 1183142), 131);
    assertEquals(SkillDatabase.libramSkillMPConsumption(64, 131), 1175332);

either way -- cast #130 would put you just below 10% of your max MP. So... do you have MP restoration set to kick in at 10%?
The actual numbers that I'm staring at:

    assertEquals(SkillDatabase.libramSkillCasts(64, 1183142), 131);
    assertEquals(SkillDatabase.libramSkillMPConsumption(64, 131), 1175332);

either way -- cast #130 would put you just below 10% of your max MP. So... do you have MP restoration set to kick in at 10%?
Mine's set to 0. I should probably set it to "Do not recover" as percentages aren't particularly useful when you casually have 60-70k Max MP while adventuring & need like 100-ish for combats.

Screenshot 2023-01-13 091642.png
Last edited:
I changed it to not restore and it's still doing it so I don't think the restore percentages matter.
Screenshot 2023-01-13 122221.png
Using 1 License to Chill.

You acquire an item: Afternoon Delight
You gain 260,420 hit points
You gain 1,232,263 Mojo Points
<snipped irrelevant buff extension>
Preference _licenseToChillUsed changed from false to true
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 224 to 225

> burn *

Casting Summon Taffy 47 times...
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled indigo taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 2 to 3
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled yellow taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 3 to 4
Preference _taffyYellowSummons changed from 0 to 1
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 56 to 103
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Candy Heart 47 times...
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 103 to 150
Summon Candy Heart was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Dice 45 times...
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
Preference libramSummons changed from 150 to 195
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 225 to 226
Using 1 Oscus's neverending soda...
You gain 278 Mojo Points
Preference oscusSodaUsed changed from false to true
Finished using 1 Oscus's neverending soda.
Using 2 honey-dipped locust...
You gain 70 hit points
You gain 65 Mojo Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 226 to 227
Finished using 2 honey-dipped locust.
Using 1 Mountain Stream soda...
You gain 32 Mojo Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 227 to 228
Finished using 1 Mountain Stream soda.
Using 2125 psychokinetic energy blob...
You gain 53,034 Mojo Points
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 228 to 229
Finished using 2125 psychokinetic energy blob.
Casting Summon Dice 1 times...
You acquire an item: d4
Preference libramSummons changed from 195 to 196
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 229 to 230
Casting Summon Dice 1 times...
You acquire an item: d4
Preference libramSummons changed from 196 to 197
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 230 to 231
Casting Summon Taffy 1 times...
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 197 to 198
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 13 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (130)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (120)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (120)
Carol of the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (120)
Carol of the Hells was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (120)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (120)
Shield of the Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (120)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (120)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (120)
Springy Fusilli was successfully cast.
Casting Get Big 11 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (110)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 11 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Bulls (110)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Fever 12 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (120)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 11 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (110)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 6 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (120)
Ruthless Efficiency was successfully cast.

I'll test what happens tomorrow if I remove the mpAutoRecoveryItems property first.
It ended on 0 MP though so it's efficient if nothing else!
Last edited:
Mine's set to 0. I should probably set it to "Do not recover" as percentages aren't particularly useful when you casually have 60-70k Max MP while adventuring & need like 100-ish for combats.
Yep, I know the feeling.

Anyways, I thought I was onto something, although I think I mathed it wrong entirely.

It looks like UseSkillRequest is limiting how many times you can cast the librams, and there's somehow a mismatch between that and what ManaBurnManager is trying to do. I'll continue poking at this.
Cleared mpAutoRecoveryItems today. It still tries and fails to restore MP but carries on.

> burn *

Casting Summon Dice 48 times...
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
Preference libramSummons changed from 55 to 103
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 184 to 185
Casting Summon Taffy 47 times...
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 103 to 150
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Candy Heart 46 times...
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 150 to 196
Summon Candy Heart was successfully cast.
You ran out of restores.
Could not restore enough mana to cast Summon Candy Heart.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 26 times...
You acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (260)
Shield of the Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 26 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (260)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 26 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (260)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Get Big 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (250)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Bulls (250)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 26 times...
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (260)
Springy Fusilli was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Fever 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (250)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (250)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (250)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (250)
Carol of the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (250)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 25 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (250)
Carol of the Hells was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 13 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (260)
Ruthless Efficiency was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 21 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (210)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.

Ended on 3 MP so I don't know why it thinks it needs an extra libram cast or why it only happens the first time I use it (I PYEC after this and do burn * again which never tries to restore).

Perhaps an off by one error in the libram casting calc?
Today it tried to do it twice in succession. First time I've seen this. Usually it's just the first burn that causes it. Glad I've got into the habit of clearing mpAutoRecoveryItems first

> burn *

Casting Summon Candy Heart 50 times...
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 51 to 101
Summon Candy Heart was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Dice 50 times...
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
Preference libramSummons changed from 101 to 151
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 186 to 187
Casting Summon Taffy 49 times...
You acquire an item: pulled green taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 3 to 4
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 151 to 200
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
You ran out of restores.
Could not restore enough mana to cast Summon Taffy.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 38 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (380)
Carol of the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 38 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (380)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 38 times...
You acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (380)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (370)
Shield of the Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (370)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (370)
Carol of the Hells was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (370)
Springy Fusilli was successfully cast.
Casting Get Big 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (370)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Fever 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (370)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (370)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 37 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Bulls (370)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 38 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (380)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 18 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (360)
Ruthless Efficiency was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 33 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (330)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.

> pyecme

Pulling items from stash...
You acquire an item: Platinum Yendorian Express Card
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 187 to 188
Using 1 Platinum Yendorian Express Card...
Preference expressCardUsed changed from false to true

> CURRENT: pyecme
> QUEUED 1: burn *

You gain 1,367,120 Mojo Points
<snipped buff extending here>
Preference _zapCount changed from 1 to 0
Finished using 1 Platinum Yendorian Express Card.
Dropping items into stash...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 188 to 189

> burn *

Casting Summon Taffy 18 times...
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 200 to 218
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Candy Heart 18 times...
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 218 to 236
Summon Candy Heart was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Dice 16 times...
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d4
Preference libramSummons changed from 236 to 252
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 189 to 190
You ran out of restores.
Could not restore enough mana to cast Summon Dice.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 20 times...
You acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (200)
Shield of the Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 20 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (200)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (200)
Ruthless Efficiency was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 20 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (200)
Carol of the Hells was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (190)
Springy Fusilli was successfully cast.
Casting Get Big 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (190)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Fever 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (190)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (190)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Bulls (190)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (190)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (190)
Carol of the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (190)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 19 times...
You acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (190)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 18 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (180)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.

(note the 2 occurrences of You ran out of restores.).

Running r27100.
Last edited:
It would be helpful for reproducing if you posted your starting MP with each report (since then I can write tests to reproduce exact behavior, as opposed to guessing about the values). Thanks!

(I didn't have time to look at this over the weekend, sorry)
It would be helpful for reproducing if you posted your starting MP with each report (since then I can write tests to reproduce exact behavior, as opposed to guessing about the values). Thanks!

(I didn't have time to look at this over the weekend, sorry)
Hasn't been happing for a while but it finally popped up again today

> ash my_maxmp()

Returned: 1453890

Using 1 License to Chill.

You acquire an item: Afternoon Delight
You gain 199,322 hit points
You gain 1,453,881 Mojo Points
<snipped buff extension spam>
You gain 5 Adventures
You gain 7859 Sarcasm
Preference _licenseToChillUsed changed from false to true
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 191 to 192

> burn *

Casting Summon Taffy 50 times...
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 59 to 109
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Candy Heart 49 times...
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 109 to 158
Summon Candy Heart was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Dice 48 times...
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
Preference libramSummons changed from 158 to 206
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 192 to 193
You ran out of restores.
Could not restore enough mana to cast Summon Dice.
Casting Get Big 47 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (470)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Thrills 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (460)
Carol of the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (460)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (460)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (460)
Shield of the Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 23 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (460)
Ruthless Efficiency was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (460)
Carol of the Hells was successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (460)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Fever 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (460)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (460)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (460)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (460)
Springy Fusilli was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 46 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Bulls (460)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 31 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (310)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.

Didn't happen again when I used PYEC to refill and burn again if that helps

Refreshing stash contents...
Stash list retrieved.
Pulling items from stash...
You acquire an item: Platinum Yendorian Express Card
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 193 to 194
Using 1 Platinum Yendorian Express Card...
Preference expressCardUsed changed from false to true

You gain 1,453,886 Mojo Points

<snipped buff extension spam>
Preference _zapCount changed from 1 to 0
Finished using 1 Platinum Yendorian Express Card.
Dropping items into stash...
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 194 to 195

> burn *

Casting Summon Taffy 18 times...
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 206 to 224
Summon Taffy was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Candy Heart 18 times...
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: pink candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 224 to 242
Summon Candy Heart was successfully cast.
Casting Summon Dice 17 times...
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d4
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 195 to 196
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d12
Preference libramSummons changed from 242 to 259
Summon Dice was successfully cast.
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 196 to 197
Casting Carol of the Thrills 11 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Thrills (110)
Carol of the Thrills was successfully cast.
Casting Walberg's Dim Bulb 11 times...
You acquire an effect: Walberg's Dim Bulb (110)
Walberg's Dim Bulb was successfully cast.
Casting Leash of Linguini 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Leash of Linguini (100)
Leash of Linguini was successfully cast.
Casting Silent Hunter 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Nearly Silent Hunting (100)
Silent Hunter was successfully cast.
Casting Shield of the Pastalord 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Flimsy Shield of the Pastalord (100)
Shield of the Pastalord was successfully cast.
Casting Ruthless Efficiency 5 times...
You acquire an effect: Ruthlessly Efficient (100)
Ruthless Efficiency was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Hells 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Hells (100)
Carol of the Hells was successfully cast.
Casting Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric (100)
Fat Leon's Phat Loot Lyric was successfully cast.
Casting Disco Fever 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Disco Fever (100)
Disco Fever was successfully cast.
Casting Rage of the Reindeer 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Rage of the Reindeer (100)
Rage of the Reindeer was successfully cast.
Casting Singer's Faithful Ocelot 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Singer's Faithful Ocelot (100)
Singer's Faithful Ocelot was successfully cast.
Casting Springy Fusilli 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Springy Fusilli (100)
Springy Fusilli was successfully cast.
Casting Get Big 10 times...
You acquire an effect: Big (100)
Get Big was successfully cast.
Casting Carol of the Bulls 9 times...
You acquire an effect: Carol of the Bulls (90)
Carol of the Bulls was successfully cast.

Finding 1: the generated command is indeed "cast 50 Summon Taffy;cast 49 Summon Candy Heart;cast 49 Summon Dice;" which is consistent with the command that ends up being run.

Finding 2: the calculations continue to be consistent when I simulate subtracting MP from the casts; these calculations are consistent with the wiki closed-form formula, and besides, we perform the computation iteratively to better handle mana cost modifiers..

Finding 3: there is a pretty big mismatch of about 20k mp between what the simulated cost is, and what the actual cost is, from tallying up the mana cost of the non-libram skill casts and comparing against how much MP the PYEC restored (1453886).

Finding 4: when I bump the assumed libram skill casts by 1 (so assuming that libramSummons should have actually started at 60 instead of 59), the discrepancy from Finding 3 goes away entirely. So, I strongly suspect that on days when this occurs, something is causing Mafia's tracking of libram summons to be off by 1 (or more).

@Malibu Stacey on a day that you see this happen, can you:
  • share the CLI results of...
> mp_cost Summon Dice
> mana_cost_modifier
> get_property libramSummons
(to establish a baseline for Mafia's understanding of the world), and then:
  • Go into the skill casting page and note the reported cost for a libram skill
  • Look at your mystical bookshelf and note the MP cost there + summon count.
These *should* all be consistent but I think there must be a mismatch.

It'd also be useful if you could capture a debug log while this is happening, but that sounds harder.

I have a character with 600 current libram summons and 67 million max MP and yet all the above numbers line up. So I don't think the actual calculations are wrong, but rather Mafia's internal state is getting out of sync somehow.
While I have significantly less MP then Malibu Stacey, I have noticed that occasionally my libram casts are also off by 1. Easy way to see it is through Guide's/Tourguide's reporting of how much the next libram summon should cost. E.g. I have seen it when the expected next cost is like 67 or something like that.
Got it to replicate with debug on.
Starting MP was 1399559/1399559

> mp_cost Summon Dice

Returned: 20707

> mana_cost_modifier

Returned: 0

> get_property libramSummons

Returned: 203


when I went to the bookshelf in the relay browser, this happened in the CLI
Preference libramSummons changed from 203 to 204

So it definitely looks like an off by one error somewhere.

Debug log is too big to attach so it's available here https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ZYzSYRvMHG5z5R5rKfH-TtggN4IypeZ (I redacted my password hash from it but otherwise it's unchanged).

Hope I haven't missed anything but if so let me know (y)

Can you share your session log up until that point? (optionally, with everything stripped out other than libram casts)

I'd like to check if something weird happened with one of the earlier summons (e.g. a KoL server timeout).
Reproduced it.

That's me manually clicking the summon dice button in the bookshelf in the relay browser. I tried it earlier with the Summon Taffy button & it happened then too. (haven't tested the only other Libram I have which is Candy Hearts but if 2/3 cause it happen I expect the third will too).
Note how the libramSummons property isn't updated. If I manually go back into the bookshelf it will be reparsed.
Et voila.

Checking the session log cracked the case btw. In Mondays session log I found the following casts

breakfast did this:
cast 18 Summon Candy Heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: lavender candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: white candy heart
You acquire an item: yellow candy heart
You acquire an item: orange candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
You acquire an item: green candy heart
Preference libramSummons changed from 0 to 18

cast 16 Summon Dice
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d20
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d10
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d12
You acquire an item: d6
You acquire an item: d4
You acquire an item: d8
You acquire an item: d6
Preference libramSummons changed from 18 to 34
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 41 to 42

cast 16 Summon Taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled green taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 0 to 1
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled yellow taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 1 to 2
Preference _taffyYellowSummons changed from 0 to 1
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled green taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 2 to 3
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 34 to 50
Preference breakfastCompleted changed from false to true

I later manually hit the Summon Taffy button in the relay browser to burn up mana before using my License to Chill which did
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
with no update of the libramSummons property.
Then there's the stuff in the debug log from the previous post after using the License to Chill to full restore.
cast 52 Summon Taffy
You acquire an item: pulled indigo taffy
Preference _taffyRareSummons changed from 3 to 4
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled blue taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled orange taffy
You acquire an item: pulled violet taffy
You acquire an item: pulled red taffy
Preference libramSummons changed from 50 to 102
As you can see it's still tracking libramSummons at 50 from the casts during breakfast when it should be 51 at this point.

Workaround for now is to re-visit the bookshelf after any manual libram cast. I haven't tested the cast command on the CLI or the Skill Casting tab yet. Will do that later/tomorrow when I have more MP to burn.
Indeed, clicking "summon candy hearts" in the bookshelf in the campground does reproduce on my end. More to follow once I finish investigating why the current codepath is broken...
I think I see the bug. CampgroundRequest.registerRequest expects summoncandyheart (etc) to be an action, while it's actually a preaction.

And, in r26778, the matcher for ACTION_PATTERN was updated to make sure it didn't match preaction=...

Aside: we probably shouldn't just assume that the requested number of casts is accurate -- I specified 123456, recognizing I had nowhere near enough MP for that, and it just cast as many as it could (335 additional casts, in this case).
FYI: Any other mechanisms for casting libram skills go through skills.php (which calls UseSkillRequest.registerRequest which sets UseSkillRequest.lastSkillId, prior to redirecting to CampgroundRequest) and don't rely on the CampgroundRequest.registerRequest -> UseSkillRequest.registerRequest path, so they should be unaffected.