New Content - Implemented November IOTM - Cookbookbat

These are recipes you “learn”, right? We have that technology, using properties whose name includes the item number of the created item.

user    unknownRecipe7756    true
user    unknownRecipe7757    true
user    unknownRecipe7758    true
Create properties like that, initialized to 'true', for the Cookbookbat recipes, and set them to 'false' when you read the Recipe and they are no longer unknown.

I'm going to wait until this support is in before I read a Recipe. :)
At least two of the new items have a "once per lifetime" flag, so ideally we'll need properties to track them:
descids 463633597 and 394854595


  • deepdish.png
    19.3 KB · Views: 15
  • calzone.png
    22 KB · Views: 14
There are three ways to pick up ingredients. From a quest given while the familiar is out (3 items). After some unknown number of turns with the familiar (3 items). From your autumn-atom (1 item). I don't think the autumn-atom ones need any new support.

Here's some quick cut and paste of the quest start, progress and end.
Chef Tomicus looks off in the distance before speaking, "As I recall, Yeast of Boris was common in Whitey's Grove, back in my day.  Perhaps if you kill a white lion, you'll find one."
"According to my memories, a white lion at Whitey's Grove may have what you're looking for."
Chef Tomicus croaks, "If I recall, I suggested that you look for a white lion."
Chef Tomicus rattles, "If my ancient memory serves, I suggested looking in Whitey's Grove."
Looking on sagely, Chef Tomicus comments, "As I recall, this is where I told you to look."

"If memory serves, Vegetable of Jarlsberg was very popular in The Hidden Park, during my time.  Perhaps if you find a pygmy assault squad, you'll collect one," explains Chef Tomicus.
Chef Tomicus croaks, "If I recall, I suggested that you look for a pygmy assault squad."
Chef Tomicus looks smug as you follow their instructions.
You acquire 3 Vegetables of Jarlsberg

Chef Tomicus speaks carefully, "My recollection is that St. Sneaky Pete's Whey was often collected from a fluffy bunny.  If I recall correctly, you can hunt them in The Dire Warren."
"According to my memories, a fluffy bunny at The Dire Warren may have what you're looking for."
Chef Tomicus looks smug as you follow their instructions.
You acquire 3 tubs of St. Sneaky Pete's Whey

"If memory serves, St. Sneaky Pete's Whey was very popular in The Haunted Gallery, during my time.  Perhaps if you find a cubist bull, you'll collect one," explains Chef Tomicus.
Looking on sagely, Chef Tomicus comments, "As I recall, this is where I told you to look."
Chef Tomicus looks smug as you follow their instructions.
You acquire 3 tubs of St. Sneaky Pete's Whey

Chef Tomicus looks off in the distance before speaking, "As I recall, Yeast of Boris was common in The Haunted Laboratory, back in my day.   Perhaps if you kill a model skeleton, you'll find one."
Chef Tomicus croaks, "If I recall, I suggested that you look for a model skeleton."
Chef Tomicus rattles, "If my ancient memory serves, I suggested looking in The Haunted Laboratory."
Chef Tomicus looks smug as you follow their instructions.
You acquire 3 handfuls of the Yeast of Boris

Chef Tomicus speaks carefully, "My recollection is that St. Sneaky Pete's Whey was often collected from a caveman frat boy.  If I recall correctly, you can hunt them in The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)."
"According to my memories, a caveman frat boy at The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age) may have what you're looking for."
Chef Tomicus rattles, "If my ancient memory serves, I suggested looking in The Orcish Frat House (Bombed Back to the Stone Age)."
Chef Tomicus looks smug as you follow their instructions.
You acquire 3 tubs of St. Sneaky Pete's Whey

Here is ones that just suddenly show up.
"As I recall, you could use these," Chef Tomicus says, pulling some ingredients out of his wrappings
You acquire 3 handfuls of the Yeast of Boris

"As I recall, you could use these," Chef Tomicus says, pulling some ingredients out of his wrappings
You acquire 3 tubs of St. Sneaky Pete's Whey

"As I recall, you could use these," Chef Tomicus says, pulling some ingredients out of his wrappings
You acquire 3 tubs of St. Sneaky Pete's Whey

Here is some "waiting" for a quest to show up. It doesn't seem to take very long.
Chef Tomicus seems to dance around in the air near bits of food.
Chef Tomicus flits around and points at cooking ingredients.

Sorry, no html.

P.S. We have a new tier of cookbooks on the wikis, so 12 now.
P.P.S Which are the ones mentioned above as once per life.
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As of r26893, we have 14 Recipe items and 14 food/drink items and 14 Effects from consuming said items.
Presumably there is a Legendary Moxie item, which is not discovered yet.

By and by, we'll enter the concoctions and add unknownRecipe properties for each of the foods.

I'd like to see the HTML of using a Recipe of Before Yore.
I will use mine eventually. I have more Meat than I could possibly spend, so I ignore opportunities like this.

I suspect we’ll automatically learn new recipes given existing code, but I’d like to see the HTML - and maybe even write a test to confirm it - before I try it out myself.

I could buy one - maybe after waiting for weeks - but if someone donates some HTML, we’ll get the support in sooner.
Here are a few debug logs I just made

Observations based on a small sample size
1. Quests will change every 5 advs (including the adv quest was acquired) if you don't go to the zone they are in
2. Quests doesn't seem to change every 5 advs if you go to the correct zone
3. Bat drops 3 of a single ingredient every 11 advs. Supposedly which ingredient you get is seeded but unspaded

I had to split one (ignore quests...) of the debug logs into 2 to be able to upload FYI


Sweet. I/we will look farther at your logs. But, for now, here is the one I was curious about:

Requesting: inv_use.php?which=3&whichitem=10983&pwd&ajax=1

<script type="text/javascript">top.charpane.location.href="charpane.php";</script><script type="text/javascript">if (window.updateInv) updateInv({"10983":0})</script><script type="text/javascript">if (!window.updateInv && parent.mainpane.updateInv) parent.mainpane.updateInv({"10983":0})</script><center><table  width=95%  cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td style="color: white;" align=center bgcolor=blue><b>Results:</b></td></tr><tr><td style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid blue;"><center><table><tr><td><center><img src="" width=30 height=30><br></center><blockquote>A rather mundane recipe with a moxious result.<p>You learn to craft a new item: <b>Pete's wiley whey bar</b>.</blockquote></td></tr></table></center></td></tr><tr><td height=4></td></tr></table></center>

And KoLmafia's response:

Processing result: Recipe of Before Yore: Pete's wily whey bar (-1)
Learned recipe: Pete's wiley whey bar (10974)
Preference _concoctionDatabaseRefreshes changed from 1744 to 1745

I don't see anything about setting "unknownRecipe10974" to false.

I'll look in to this; it obviously knew which recipe (item 10974) it learned.
Thanks! I suspect there is a Legendary moxie item out there...
You'd be correct:

Unknown item found: Recipe of Before Yore: Pizza of Legend (10994, 149400709)
10991 Pizza of Legend 327294437 bbat_pizza.gif food d 400
I added all 15 recipes to concoctions.txt
I added an "unknownRecipeXXXXX" property for each of them.
I added a test that we can successfully learn a recipe

And somehow I pushed it in without a PR.
Well, it was data file changes and a test, so not too risky, but still.
Here are the [use] messages from some of the recipes.

baked veggie ricotta: Cheese, veggies, bake.

Boris's beer: Even assured by the recipe, you are not sure you would ever drink this.

Boris's bread: With all this yeast, this recipe is sure to rise above.

Deep Dish of Legend: You hear the sound of celestial trumpets as you read and learn this deep dish recipe.

honey bun of Boris: Even Boris craved something sweet now and then.

Jarlsberg's vegetable soup: It's a recipe for a delcious blend of magic and veggies!

Pete's wiley whey bar: A rather mundane recipe with a moxious result.

ratatouille de Jarlsberg: You commit the ancient art of fearlessly cooking vegetables to your long-term memory.

roasted vegetable focaccia: You can probably make this.

roasted vegetable of J.: Vegetables + Heat = Delicious, who knew!

St. Pete's sneaky smoothie: A fruit a day keeps your moxie in play.
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I think a couple of recipes ingredients are slightly back to front in concoctions.txt

St. Pete's sneaky smoothie    COOK    St. Sneaky Pete's Whey    wad of dough
Pete's wiley whey bar    COOK    St. Sneaky Pete's Whey    strawberry

[Pete's wiley whey bar] is actually needing the [wad of dough] (confirmed by manually cooking), and I've not got the recipe for the smoothie yet, but the wiki says the strawberry would be needed for that
Trying to use a recipe that already known gives a "You already know how to craft that item!" message. KoLmafia incorrectly decreases item count when that happens.
As luck would have it I just got the recipie and I can confirm what matt.chugg reported for the St. Pete's sneaky smoothie:

Learned recipe: St. Pete's sneaky smoothie (10973)
Verifying ingredients...
Verifying ingredients for St. Pete's sneaky smoothie (1)...
Creating St. Pete's sneaky smoothie (1)...
Creation failed, no results detected.
Cooking it, via the relay browser, with St. Sneaky Pete's Whey and a strawberry worked.
Trying to use a recipe that already known gives a "You already know how to craft that item!" message. KoLmafia incorrectly decreases item count when that happens.

I am collecting all the recipes before actually learning any, but this was on my list to fix right away as soon as I learned the failure message by trying to use a duplicate.