Bug - Won't Fix Maximizer treats "mus experience percent" and "muscle experience percent" differently.


Using mus experience percent attempts to buff your muscle, and is not the same thing as muscle experience percent

Previous message in spoiler, I misunderstood and thought a bug was intended behavior.

As such, changed this to a bug report instead of a feature report.

There are a few cases where you might want to have an experience percentage multiplier applied, instead of flat exp / ML being included.

Example being choices/non-combats, the experience given from them takes the percentages into account for the vast majority, but not the ML or +3 stat modifiers.
If I obey maximizer, my gains will always be less.

Another is glitch season reward, or family of kobolds. The experience percentages are again, better than the flat exp/ml.

Of course, you can work around this by applying some magic numbers that negate ML. Though I'm not sure if you can negate the flat experience gains. And I don't think maximizer will ever recommend +5% experience over +5 experience, even when I plan to fight a glitch season reward at level 1.

I think this is only really noticable in the situations where you're normally "outclassed" in a fight, or the non-combats.

As a side-note I think the maximizer should also be probably looking at current location for exp calculations, using the average level of the monster or something. But that's different.
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Well, the bug report is actually describing a feature. Anything starting with "mus" that doesn't exactly match some other modifier is treated as "muscle". That includes "muslsdfjkskdlflkdsf", for example.

I expect someone would be disappointed if that changed.

Also, editing your post instead of making a new one means I nearly missed that you changed this thread. I came back out of random curiosity and was confused to see the change.
Well, the bug report is actually describing a feature. Anything starting with "mus" that doesn't exactly match some other modifier is treated as "muscle". That includes "muslsdfjkskdlflkdsf", for example.

I expect someone would be disappointed if that changed.

Also, editing your post instead of making a new one means I nearly missed that you changed this thread. I came back out of random curiosity and was confused to see the change.

I fully expect more people to be confused at "mus experience percent" not working, like I was.
But yeah, looking into why it be like that, I see I misunderstood how the expressions are registered.

Still don't like the design much, but it sounds like a hassle to correct for little gain.