Feature - Implemented Lovebug Coin Drop Counters


Lovebugs have a chance to drop coins in various zones (charter zones exluding volcano, dungeons, TTT).

Per the Kol Wiki page for lovebug Abilities & encounters, these drops are capped. Would it be possible to get preferences tracking number of drops (for at least the currencies with known caps)?
Special currency encounters have a daily limit:

Coinspiracy are capped at 5
FunFunds™ are capped at 2
Wal-Mart gift ... (are) capped at 5.
Chroner are capped at 27
Other currencies are unconfirmed
I just collected a DEBUG log with a love spider giving me a Coinspiracy in The Deep Dark Jungle.
Round 7: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: A love spider descends from overhead, drops off a coin, then vanishes into the shadows again.
You acquire an item: Coinspiracy

I also collected a DEBUG log with a lovegrub giving me Meat in the Cobb's Knob Treasury
Round 2: Veracity wins the fight!
After Battle: A lovegrub crawls out from under a nearby pile of refuse and delivers a little stack of Meat.
You gain 81 Meat.

I'll get another one tomorrow at Barf Mountain.

(I also looked at previous logs where I got 17 and 18 Freddies from love bugs on two successive days. I suspect those have high caps, if any.)

I can make daily properties to track each of the coins.

And, given the DEBUG logs, I can write tests.
The following properties are totals across your ascension:

user    lovebugsAridDesert    0
user    lovebugsBeachBuck    0
user    lovebugsBooze    0
user    lovebugsChroner    0
user    lovebugsCoinspiracy    0
user    lovebugsCyrpt    0
user    lovebugsFreddy    0
user    lovebugsFunFunds    0
user    lovebugsHoboNickel    0
user    lovebugsItemDrop    0
user    lovebugsMeat    0
user    lovebugsMeatDrop    0
user    lovebugsMoxie    0
user    lovebugsMuscle    0
user    lovebugsMysticality    0
user    lovebugsOilPeak    0
user    lovebugsOrcChasm    0
user    lovebugsPowder    0
user    lovebugsWalmart    0

and the following are your daily totals, for things that are (or might be) capped per day:

user    _lovebugsBeachBuck    0
user    _lovebugsChroner    0
user    _lovebugsCoinspiracy    0
user    _lovebugsFreddy    0
user    _lovebugsFunFunds    0
user    _lovebugsHoboNickel    0
user    _lovebugsWalmart    0
My reviewer questioned what the point of the ascension-level counters.

Curiosity. I've done a lot of out-of-standard runs this year, catching up on Wildfires, You Robot, Quantum Terrarium, for example. They were all quick and easy. Part of it was all my out-of-standard passive things that gave me stats. Love Bugs, Meteors, whatever.

So, how many substats DID those lovebugs give me?
@Tokoeka just a note, I was looking at adding lovebug coin drops to a script today and someone had logs where they received over 10-15 Coinspiracy a day from The Deep Dark Jungle from lovebugs so I expect the caps on the wiki are inaccurate.
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@Tokoeka just a note, I was looking at adding lovebug coin drops to a script today and someone had logs where they received over 10-15 Coinspiracy a day from The Deep Dark Jungle from lovebugs so I expect the caps on the wiki are inaccurate.
Yeah, saw the posts regarding such in the Discord - at least we can now spade what the caps are (if they exist) at lot easier?