Bug flyeredML Tracking Wrong


While doing Frat Warrior route I got to flyeredML = 10613 and attempted to turn the quest in. Quest wasn't actually done, got the 5th distribution message which starts with "You check in at the amphitheater and see the frat-boy promoter busily barking orders at a swarm of roadies and lackeys. He sees you and walks over, holding up his fist for a fist-bump." Wiki

Did another fight to get up to 10786 and then was able to turn in.

Don't have the cause figured out yet. Most likely suspects seem to be umbrella in ML mode or the script being ran uses -100 ML from space headphones fairly often. Very well could be something else to. Will try to get some more data in the coming days.

Maifa r26408
I saw the same thing in Heavy Rains and thought it was a HR artifact. Maybe the number changed?
Forgot to mention this was in Goo You. Did you have the unbreakable umbrella in your HR run? If not we can rule that out.
Forgot to mention this was in Goo You. Did you have the unbreakable umbrella in your HR run? If not we can rule that out.
I do not have a UU, so it's not only that. But HR increases ML, possibly in a way that doesn't count for Flyers. We should try it on something sorta vanilla.
I think they mean that if you backup a scaling monster while you're running +ml, the ml gets applied twice to their stats, but only once for the exp they give at end of combat.
I've asked around for logs of this failure from others. Attached is one example where this person only has the may day IOTM. This was an Ed run of autoscend. In all 4 logs they sent, they only had to do 1 extra fight to get enough to finish the quest. Note that you will see in the log that autoscend will set the property back to 9999 when it detects that the quest failed to turn in.

I don't have the monster manual and neither does 2 other people that have gotten this error that I've spoken with. @MCroft do you have monster manual? Perhaps Mafia isn't calculating ML properly without data from the manual.


Non-scaling monster stats vary by 5% of their base value, capped at 5 (distributed triangularly). Without Manuel, Mafia has no way of knowing the true attack / defense of any monster.

It's possible for these folk that the monsters are slightly weaker than normal, enough to make it so that the quest doesn't finish.
I have a monster manuel but still get the error, it's often off by a factor of 300.

The only copier I do are four copies of lobster frog man
It was pretty common on Heavy Rains (this was when I was trying to solve the aquagoblin issue), and it was more than one combat. I still think the Heavy Rains multiplier to ML was involved, but I am not sure if I can prove that.

I didn't have a Manuel, but the divergence is pretty big.

I am attaching the session log in case it helps anyone determine what happened.

I took 13 rounds extra flyer rounds to resolve it, as determined by grepping my session logs for autoscend's Big sadness comment.

Looking at this, the first time we went in, we thought we were at 10005, but we were below 10000, the second attempt added 195, so running total was 201 the third was 212, so 413...
6+195+212+205+180+185+170+200+180+182+195+180+185+190 = 2465.

I need 12,465 at whatever average multiplier I had to reach 10,000.

That suggests to me that it's not a 5% variability error.

Michaels-MBP:sessions mcroft$ grep -a1 "Big sadness" Darwinlet_20220406.txt
Visiting the Mysterious Island Arena
> [WARNING] We thought we had enough flyeredML, but we don't. Big sadness, let's try that again.
Preference flyeredML changed from 10005 to 9999
Visiting the Mysterious Island Arena
> [WARNING] We thought we had enough flyeredML, but we don't. Big sadness, let's try that again.
Preference flyeredML changed from 10194 to 9999
Visiting the Mysterious Island Arena
> [WARNING] We thought we had enough flyeredML, but we don't. Big sadness, let's try that again.
Preference flyeredML changed from 10211 to 9999
... etc ...


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Aha, I think I know what happened on my end.

I checked my logs, when I'm doing lobsterfrogman backups. I'm running HOA Regulation book for -100 ML

Round 2: Irrat uses the rock band flyers!
Round 3: You lose 24 hit points
Preference flyeredML changed from 923 to 1094

Which makes this not really make much sense really.

But putting that aside, when I turned in the rock band flyers quest before doing the lobsterfrogman, I had no issues with flyerML being tracked wrongly.

So I'd say the issue could either be running -ML, or running backups. Or both.
I'm using a cursed magnifying glass + powerful glove replace enemy to hit the lobster before doing 4 backups. I don't flyer the void monster, but I do on all 5 monsters.

I think at this point, I'm in Grey You and I have the 100 DR or something skill from pooltegeist.


Bumping this issue, as -ML continues to cause the flyers pref to update incorrectly. Specifically, using flyers while using Space Trip Safety Headphones causes de-syncs.