Combat Locket - What monsters do you lack?


With the iotm of feb 2022, we have a locket that stores monsters.

But what happens if you want to know what monsters you're lacking? This is a bit frustrating!

This script reads locket_monsters.txt to tell you what locket monsters in that list, you still do not have.

locket_monsters.txt is a list of monster names, that can be separated with a tab to include the monster group.

If the monster group is included, the group is collapsed to be a bit less spammy.
You can hover over the monster to see what locations it is found in, but of course some monsters may lack a location or the location is just vague enough a name that it's not immediately obvious.

The source is found here

Installation is

svn checkout

Usage is as simple as "locket" or to provide a different limit on how many lines to print than the default of 10, provide a number. "locket 20"

Example picture is

Just about all the monsters in the list has been provided by the members of ASS, and taken from their spreadsheet for spading the locket.
The black crayon monsters, understandably they could definitely be whittled down. But some people like the reminder there. Even if the monsters are all basically the same.

Spreadsheet link

There is one limitation of this script that is worth noting, because of the way the locket works in mafia, it cannot pull any locket data if you did not open the locket page in that session. So restarting after using all 3 reminisces, will mean it can't pull data. Which is why it saves a preference so if you call the script while the data is accessible; It can still work after you restart it that day.

This isn't really worth noting honestly, if you encounter this scenario you will see a message explaining it regardless.
Last edited:
To help out with the vague locations, you could include the .zone of the location too. That's the container thingy that mafia uses to organize the locations in the adventure tab.
> ash $location[the bandit crossroads].zone

Returned: FantasyRealm

> ash $location[the battlefield (hippy uniform)].zone

Returned: IsleWar
Your file has the War Frat Mobile Grill Unit but the Hippy equivalent is Bailey's Beetle and is missing.
(I have both of them in my locket. :)
I can see this being particularly helpful for Grey You runs. While there are links one can go to find out what monsters one needs to absorb, this script is good for seeing if those are missing from the locket, without having to sort all those tables by alphabetical order and switch back and forth between the locket's dropdown and any open browser tabs that have those tables.
Would you be willing to expand the script to cover the "every monster possible" category in some fashion?

> locket 10

Hover over the monsters to see locations
KoL High School Monsters: X-fingered Shop Teacher
You have 141 / 142. Including every monster possible*, you have 464 / 1366
Updated to r58 and this is the result.
> locket *

The string "*" is not an integer; returning 0 (file:/C:/Users/John/Sync/Kol/scripts/locket.js#655)
Hover over the monsters to see locations
KoL High School Monsters: X-fingered Shop Teacher
You have 141 / 142. Including every monster possible*, you have 464 / 1366
> locket all

The string "all" is not an integer; returning 0 (file:/C:/Users/John/Sync/Kol/scripts/locket.js#655)
Hover over the monsters to see locations
KoL High School Monsters: X-fingered Shop Teacher
You have 141 / 142. Including every monster possible*, you have 464 / 1366
Thanks for the tip. Is there any way to exclude "Locationless" monsters from the results if you specify "all"'; or do I have to modify locket_monsters.txt to include location information for the "Locationless" monsters?
Pushed an update to the script.

You can now filter what monsters to show.
The file doesn't actually use the same logic, just a warning.

My favorite be "canadv", showing what monsters I can get from places I can access.
A side effect from the update is that it'll hide monsters that are "not available" in that location. Such as oil baron and the like, could be effected depending on your account status.

Just provide 'help'
Irrat, thanks for this script, I find it useful. I've been trying to "complete" my locket collection, I hope it's all right if I talk about issues related to that here.

From "locket.ash" and "missingLocket.ash" I'm getting different values. I'll note a few things about these, if there's a proper way to turn these into some kind of bug report, let me know.

- The 5 Slime monsters listed (Slime, Slime Colossus, Slime Construct, Slime Hand, Slime Mouth) can't be individually obtained, as the locket apparently records _all_ of them as just "Slime Tube Monster".
- Chef Boy, R&D is listed, but the locket cannot photograph it.
- (unconfirmed) "Dolph Bossin, the Boss Dolphin" is an unobtainable boss, I would assume it's marked as no copy.
- "possessed wine rack (obsolete)" is listed with no location. What's odd about this one is that I could wish for it; or rather, when I wished for "possessed wine rack", I got the old monster, and now both appear in the locket (with identical names). I figured KoL must be giving me the monster with that name with the lower monster id. When I tried to do the same for "skeletal sommelier (obsolete)", I got the newer monster (which I already had in the locket).

- all the old Naughty Sorceress' Tower monsters are listed (Beer Batter, best-selling novelist). These can be wished for, but the locket cannot photograph them. Not sure if KoLMafia has a flag for this somewhere, these should be marked as no copy.

I'm on 1271 / 1366, I have two more that I can get via fax. The last one after that is "Possessed Jar of Alphredo™"; cheesefax has a copy of this monster, but the maintainer asked not to be contacted about this bot. When I try to message the bot, the browser can't send the request:
Unicode Character '™' cannot be encoded using standard URL encoding. ( URL encoding only supports 8-bit characters. ) A space ( + ) will be substituted.)
Is it possible to request this fax somehow from KoLMafia?
The actual name of the monster is "Possessed Jar of Alphredo™" - using the character entity.
I have verified that if you type that string into the Fax Request frame, you can get it.
Finally managed to get Sssshhsssblllrrggghsssssggggrrgglsssshhssslblgl (both scripts list it) while wearing the locket and I can confirm it's also not possible to photograph it.
Updated the locket data with the sssshshfdhgdfhhgfdfdh, chef boy, and dolph.

Not being able to wish for skeletal som would be a bug, but I'll leave it as it might be feasible to obtain.
I've spent some time trying to fill up my locket, using a combination of fighting the monsters in the native zones, faxes, genie wishes, and Rain Man.

Right, my output from locket.js is:
Doing source '*' and limit 100
Hover over the monsters to see locations
: 100 skeletons, 25 skeletons, brushfire, Chef Boy, R&D, Crys-Rock, Dolph Bossin, the Boss Dolphin, Edwing Abbidriel, general seal, giant pumpkin-head, large-headed werewolf, Mob Penguin Smasher, Mob Penguin Smith, Mob Penguin Supervisor, oddly-proportioned ghost, Riff's butt, rock snake, Slime, Slime Colossus, Slime Construct, Slime Hand, Slime Mouth, Sssshhsssblllrrggghsssssggggrrgglsssshhssslblgl, The Thing in the Basement, trollipop, wire-crossin' elf
You have 1247 / 1272. Including every monster possible*, you have 1294 / 1366

My output from missingLocket.ash is:
[The Coral Corral]
wild seahorse
[Lollipop Forest]
The Colollilossus
[Fudge Mountain]
The Fudge Wizard
The Abominable Fudgeman
[Elf Alley]
Uncle Hobo
[Crimbo Town Toy Factory (2009)]
wire-crossin' elf
[The Don's Crimbo Compound]
Don Crimbo
[Shivering Timbers]
Underworld Tree
[The Cannon Museum]
25 skeletons
100 skeletons
[Grim Grimacite Site]
Mob Penguin Supervisor
Mob Penguin Smith
Mob Penguin Smasher
[Fightin' Fire]
snakefire in the grassfire
[Naughty Sorceress' Tower]
Beer Batter
best-selling novelist
Big Meat Golem
Bowling Cricket
Bronze Chef
collapsed mineshaft golem
concert pianist
El Diablo
Electron Submarine
endangered inflatable white tiger
Enraged Cow
fancy bath slug
Flaming Samurai
giant bee
Giant Desktop Globe
giant fried egg
malevolent crop circle
possessed pipe-organ
Pretty Fly
Fickle Finger of F8
Tyrannosaurus Tex
Vicious Easel
[Rock Event]
rock snake
[Other Wandering Monsters]
Chef Boy, R&D
7-Foot Dwarf (Royale)
7-Foot Dwarf (Moiling)
Edwing Abbidriel
general seal
The Sagittarian
oddly-proportioned ghost
large-headed werewolf
giant pumpkin-head
Dolph Bossin, the Boss Dolphin
The Thing in the Basement

You have seen 1294 creatures.
You have not seen 53 creatures.
Total creatures: 1347.

I can fight copies of the tower monsters, but they don't go in the locket. That is, for those I've tested; I'm just assuming they all work the same. The wild seahorse won't go in the locket even when fought in its native zone. I've been unable to fight any of the other monsters. They aren't showing up in the Rain Man list, and the Grim Grimacite Site ones are the only ones of these that missingManuel.ash is saying I'm missing factoids for. They don't work with genie wishes (by using "genie monster [monster name]"), and they aren't in the fax networks.

Is there some way to get what I'm missing, or am I done?
I've spent some time trying to fill up my locket, using a combination of fighting the monsters in the native zones, faxes, genie wishes, and Rain Man.

Right, my output from locket.js is:
Doing source '*' and limit 100
Hover over the monsters to see locations
: 100 skeletons, 25 skeletons, brushfire, Chef Boy, R&D, Crys-Rock, Dolph Bossin, the Boss Dolphin, Edwing Abbidriel, general seal, giant pumpkin-head, large-headed werewolf, Mob Penguin Smasher, Mob Penguin Smith, Mob Penguin Supervisor, oddly-proportioned ghost, Riff's butt, rock snake, Slime, Slime Colossus, Slime Construct, Slime Hand, Slime Mouth, Sssshhsssblllrrggghsssssggggrrgglsssshhssslblgl, The Thing in the Basement, trollipop, wire-crossin' elf
You have 1247 / 1272. Including every monster possible*, you have 1294 / 1366

My output from missingLocket.ash is:
[The Coral Corral]
wild seahorse
[Lollipop Forest]
The Colollilossus
[Fudge Mountain]
The Fudge Wizard
The Abominable Fudgeman
[Elf Alley]
Uncle Hobo
[Crimbo Town Toy Factory (2009)]
wire-crossin' elf
[The Don's Crimbo Compound]
Don Crimbo
[Shivering Timbers]
Underworld Tree
[The Cannon Museum]
25 skeletons
100 skeletons
[Grim Grimacite Site]
Mob Penguin Supervisor
Mob Penguin Smith
Mob Penguin Smasher
[Fightin' Fire]
snakefire in the grassfire
[Naughty Sorceress' Tower]
Beer Batter
best-selling novelist
Big Meat Golem
Bowling Cricket
Bronze Chef
collapsed mineshaft golem
concert pianist
El Diablo
Electron Submarine
endangered inflatable white tiger
Enraged Cow
fancy bath slug
Flaming Samurai
giant bee
Giant Desktop Globe
giant fried egg
malevolent crop circle
possessed pipe-organ
Pretty Fly
Fickle Finger of F8
Tyrannosaurus Tex
Vicious Easel
[Rock Event]
rock snake
[Other Wandering Monsters]
Chef Boy, R&D
7-Foot Dwarf (Royale)
7-Foot Dwarf (Moiling)
Edwing Abbidriel
general seal
The Sagittarian
oddly-proportioned ghost
large-headed werewolf
giant pumpkin-head
Dolph Bossin, the Boss Dolphin
The Thing in the Basement

You have seen 1294 creatures.
You have not seen 53 creatures.
Total creatures: 1347.

I can fight copies of the tower monsters, but they don't go in the locket. That is, for those I've tested; I'm just assuming they all work the same. The wild seahorse won't go in the locket even when fought in its native zone. I've been unable to fight any of the other monsters. They aren't showing up in the Rain Man list, and the Grim Grimacite Site ones are the only ones of these that missingManuel.ash is saying I'm missing factoids for. They don't work with genie wishes (by using "genie monster [monster name]"), and they aren't in the fax networks.

Is there some way to get what I'm missing, or am I done?

You're probably done, the script can't tell what's copyable or not. I'll add these to the no-wish!