Anyway to override Ultra Rare stopping my script?


New member
I have setup my script to run at the same time everyday, while I'm away. Instead of just meatfarming or whatever, I thought it would be cool to try and get my first ultra rare monster. I'm guessing that the way my script is currently set up, that if I do encounter an ultra rare (I guess, unless it is the 17-ball pooltergeist???) my script will stop and I will end up getting a rollover runaway.

Is there any way of handling an ultrarare that will allow the script to roll through it?
Not currently.

The original thinking was, Ultrarare monsters are, well, ultrarare.
We thought at the time, they must also be ultra-hard. Not really, as we know now.
But, if you were automating when you were an "appropriate" level for the area you were in, perhaps we should abort, so you could continue manually and actually beat the monster in ways your CCS did not anticipate.

I'm still not sure what I think of "automating" at level two in the Spooky Forest and not being able to just muscle past the Baiowulf, say.
But I have met several Ultrarare monsters myself, and none of them were even slightly threatening.
We could either simply not abort, or we could add a setting, defaulting to simply letting your CCS handle ultrarare monsters - which is certainly what you want in aftercore.
Defaulting to what?

Or, perhaps, you could run your script such that it will finish before rollover, and check in on it before rollover. :)
I'm pretty sure I've run into Baiowulf before on a script and it didn't give me a free runaway on rollover. But I may be misremembering.
I feel like we have lost some of the joy of the game if a user just wants to grind for an ultra rare and not experience the thrill of watching it drop.


Try as I might I don't see the down side of a preference to not stop that defaults to false, provided the implementation is simple.
Or, perhaps, you could run your script such that it will finish before rollover, and check in on it before rollover. :)

Sadly I know from experience, if you're fighting an ultra-rare monster, and your script aborts, and you aren't around to see the fight, and forget to check on it BEFORE rollover, you will sadly no longer be in said fight after rollover, and will loose the item the monster would have dropped.

Point being: Always check on your script before rollover, or don't run it.
There is one way actually: if you set a kolnative autoattack macro, and tell it to attack everything (so check the box to also use it against bosses), and you win initiative, the ultrarare will die right when mafia encounters it, and mafia will continue.

I found this out by accident when my script for using mayfly runaways in the menagerie blew right through a QuickBasic Elemental (and got me a random optimal spreadsheet that I didn't even notice for 3 days).
This should be in on r26379, but untested.

Set stopForUltraRare to false. It should be in Preferences -> General.
I will confirm the setting works.

I set my daily script to notify me at the end of my turns of that I had indeed obtained an ultra rare.

However, I do enjoy being able to see the monster myself.