yet another auto-updater (for Windows)

Those are all Linux
There's an OS selector on that page now, but I suspect many of us are wary of Oracle's commitment to it. I also really hate the "we're providing an unversioned link so you don't know for sure if you even need an update" way of doing things.

So it's there, but I'm not willing to recommend it.

Oracle has consistently maintained updates although you definitely need to be motivated enough to look for them.

Using Oracle is a habit from the days when the systems I was paid to support were only allowed to install an Oracle distributed version of Java.

There are stories about bugs that get fixed by Oracle before adoptium and edge cases where certain integrations are easier with one over the other. None of those anecdotes seem to be particularly relevant to KoLmafia.

I made the comment mostly to point out that has not been the best source for Oracle updates for many years.
Oracle has consistently maintained updates although you definitely need to be motivated enough to look for them.

Using Oracle is a habit from the days when the systems I was paid to support were only allowed to install an Oracle distributed version of Java.

There are stories about bugs that get fixed by Oracle before adoptium and edge cases where certain integrations are easier with one over the other. None of those anecdotes seem to be particularly relevant to KoLmafia.

I made the comment mostly to point out that has not been the best source for Oracle updates for many years.
Thanks for pointing that out. Prior to Mafia's requirement of needing something better than Java 8, I wasn't even aware there was something better than Java 8, or that something like Adoptium existed. It's not something I would've thought to even look up, because doing so would seem to be counter to the common logic of "this is where we're supposed to get Java from" that Oracle seems to have cultivated.
Thanks for pointing that out. Prior to Mafia's requirement of needing something better than Java 8, I wasn't even aware there was something better than Java 8, or that something like Adoptium existed. It's not something I would've thought to even look up, because doing so would seem to be counter to the common logic of "this is where we're supposed to get Java from" that Oracle seems to have cultivated.
That does seem like what Oracle has cultivated, which may make sense for their paid customers. Fortunately, there are solutions for our use case as well.

We've tried to make it clear on the top of the forum and the wiki and in pinned threads what's needed. I'm glad you got the information you needed.

Are there other places that you might've seen a message that would've helped?

Bug Report Pinned Message.png
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This handy chart is already out of date (AdoptOpenJDK should now be Eclipse Terumin, OpenJ9 is now IBM Semeru), but most of KoLmafia users are on the first line. These are just opinions, but I basically agree. The Java community has made it as easy to choose a vendor as it is to choose between flavors of Linux, with fewer differences upon which to base a choice.

I'm putting it here for future readers to find...
