New Content - Implemented "monsterid" : New combat macro predicate


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This new predicate produces an error in the syntax checker. Should be a trivial update to the appropriate section.
or perhaps a better question, is "how are you using it that's breaking the syntax checker?" I did the trivial-est update to add it...
You did not update the version number in .js file name to force the browser to not continue using a cached download file?
Also update this constant in

    public static final String MACROHELPER_JS = "macrohelper.4.js";
aha! the door opens and the little light goes on...

Should I also update the version in the last line? Do we normally keep it in sync with the revision of the file? e.g. macrohelper.4.js ==v1.4, macrohelper.5.js == v1.5?

output.value = "No errors found (KoLmafia syntax checker v1.4)";

I have the fix in my sandbox, once I know if I should also change the printed output.
Renaming the file every time we make a change sounds unscaleable.

Can't we just force the browser to load the file every time, by passing Cache-Control: no-store, max-age=0 in the HTTP response header?
Renaming the file every time we make a change sounds unscaleable.

Can't we just force the browser to load the file every time, by passing Cache-Control: no-store, max-age=0 in the HTTP response header?

These are files that KoLmafia distributes. I'm not sure how scalability enters into it unless the JS community is already relying upon mafia provided JS. If so, perhaps this should be a separate FR? My recollection is that mafia adopted the naming convention because of mafia dependencies and not just because of browser caching.
I suspect that this is a problem more for newbies like me. I toyed with the idea of adding a comment to the JS to the effect of

// KoLmafia version 1.5.  To modify this file in KoLmafia:
// bump the version of this file in the following places ...
// 1: the filename (e.g. macrohelper.5.js to macrohleper.6.js)
// 3: in the output.value of this file ("No errors found (KoLmafia syntax checker v1.5)" to ...v1.6 )

but then inexplicably didn't.