EasyFax. vs. Cheesefax


Staff member

[01:40] Tebryn: Knob Goblin Embezzler
[01:41] Easyfax: I couldn't find that monster. Please look here [link] http:// sourceforge.net/p/ easyfax/code/HEAD/ tree/list for a list of monster names

[01:41] Tebryn: Knob Goblin Embezzler
[01:41] CheeseFax: Your fax is ready: Knob Goblin Embezzler
This happens every day. Not only with this particular monster. Black Crayon Penguin is another example.

I look at easyfax's list of nonsters, and I see the exact monbster I asked for.

What is wrong? Why is Easyfax tlelling me to look at a file which lists the exact monster I asked for and claiming it is not there?
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Maybe easyfax is stuck somewhere again?

Prisoners of 1337
Leader: Easyfax, FaxBot Replacement (Disabled) (Level 3)
Yep. I see this enough that I want some automatic disabling of EasyFax and then I remember that it could be intermittent so it needs to be user controlled and then I get lazy....

The last time I recall this it was a combination of getting stuck while clan hopping and error messages that did not really convey any information about the nature of failure, nor provide any indication of what the user could do to correct the situation.
It used to be once a week we'd have a longer rollover where extra stuff would happen. The important extra stuff is replacing the clan leader. Easyfax needs a clan to dump unneeded faxes and I used to have an account that I'd keep active as clan leader, but after years of not connecting to KoL the owner of that account logged on, changed the password, and never logged in again. And later, someone at KoL made the clan check happen nightly. I tried to program Easyfax to head to another clan before rollover, but that didn't work. I gave up. I guess I could program Easyfax to dump the fax in the dead clan, then go to an active clan while waiting for something else to do. That way if rollover hits it will be there. Yes, I realized I that fix while I was typing. We'll see if that works.

On a different problem, the list on sourceforge used to update hourly. If I run the script manually, it works. When the cron job calls that script I get:
svn: E170013: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'svn+ssh://crowkol@svn.code.sf.net/p/easyfax/code'
svn: E210002: To better debug SSH connection problems, remove the -q option from 'ssh' in the [tunnels] section of your Subversion configuration file.
svn: E210002: Network connection closed unexpectedly
Kinda hard to debug if it works when I test it.
Kinda hard to debug if it works when I test it.

IIRC, most notably, cron jobs don't have your normal environment variables. Try dumping the output of "set" and comparing to see if there's anything relevant to svn, ssh, certificate configuration, paths to tools (maybe it's running a different version of something)?
IIRC, most notably, cron jobs don't have your normal environment variables. Try dumping the output of "set" and comparing to see if there's anything relevant to svn, ssh, certificate configuration, paths to tools (maybe it's running a different version of something)?
Interesting. While that doesn't explain why it stopped working, copying these SSH environment variables into the fixed that. For now.
That one will definitely need some work (assuming it is needed). PID changes on restart.
Yeah, and I'm worried I think it is. At least I woke up this morning to a working EasyFax. I woke up yesterday to an infinite loop. I really should have restarted EasyFax to test my update. Anyway, EasyFax now spends its spare time in Bonus Adventures from Hell. Not likely to be made clan leader there.