Bug - Fixed Icy Peak Not Auto Adventurable


New member
Hey Guys,

Hope everyone is safe.

I have been having a problem with the most recent builds of mafia when trying to adventure at the Icy Peak. Mafia fails and says i need more cold protection, but when I manually adventure there through the browser with the same gear I have no problem. Mafia does not seem to be recognizing my passive skills.

Keep the great work.

Thank you
What does "modtrace cold resistance" say?

 type         source          Cold Resistance   Supercold Resistance
Skill   Northern Exposure      +2.00 = +2.00
Skill   Refusal to Freeze      +3.00 = +5.00
Effect  Astral Shell           +1.00 = +6.00
Effect  Elemental Saucesphere  +2.00 = +8.00
[color=green]> ash numeric_modifier( "Cold Resistance" )[/color]

Returned: 8.0
Perhaps I, too, am missing some passives.

Which passive skills is it not showing for you?
This is what i have. The problem comes from using Mafia to adventure in the Icy Peak, i get a message that says i need more cold protection to adventure here. Adventuring in the relay browser works with out a problem. My statement about Mafia missing my passive is when it checks if I can adventure at the Icy Peak it is not seeing my passives and only expects the eXtreme weather gear to be equipped. Admittedly, this is only a theory on my part.

type    source                           Cold Resistance      Supercold Resistance
          Skill     Northern Exposure           +2.00= +2.00
          Effec   Elemental Saucesphere     +2.00= +4.00

sorry for the poor layout in the code bracket, not sure how to get the clean paste like yours.
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You need 5 cold resistance to adventure there, and that block shows that KoLmafia thinks you only have 4. What source of cold resistance do you have that isn't being shown there?
This is what i have. The problem comes from using Mafia to adventure in the Icy Peak, i get a message that says i need more cold protection to adventure here. Adventuring in the relay browser works with out a problem. My statement about Mafia missing my passive is when it checks if I can adventure at the Icy Peak it is not seeing my passives and only expects the eXtreme weather gear to be equipped. Admittedly, this is only a theory on my part.

type    source                           Cold Resistance      Supercold Resistance
          Skill     Northern Exposure           +2.00= +2.00
          Effec   Elemental Saucesphere     +2.00= +4.00

sorry for the poor layout in the code bracket, not sure how to get the clean paste like yours.

Does that match up with what your character sheet in game says (your private one when you click on your name in the stats panel should show your current resists)?

Also out of interest, which class are you currently?
My character sheet says i have considerable (4)
I am currently playing a Disco Bandit.

You need 5 cold resistance to adventure there, and that block shows that KoLmafia thinks you only have 4. What source of cold resistance do you have that isn't being shown there?

I am not sure what else is giving me cold protection that Mafia is not seeing.
I'm just finishing up a checkskills command which will compare KoL's skill data to KoLmafia's.
I'm finding lots of bugs. Stay tuned.
FWIW, Revision 20037 adds the "checkskills" command which compares KoL's skill description with KoLmafia's database. I found a few errors, but nothing to cause me to think we're missing a skill.

I'll look again at what the auto-adventure precheck at the Icy Peak says about cold resistance.

Also, regarding checkskills, I discovered that KoL will not serve the skill description for a bunch of skills:

- All "summon" skills which come from books in your campground. They have skill IDs, but desc_skill gets a 500 Internal Server error from KoL
- A lot of item or path-granted skills respond with "No skill found" - whether or not we have "self=true". I assume they respond something useful to somebody who can cast them.
Sort of annoying.

# *** The Old Old Smile of Mr. A. (3) not found.
# *** Gemelli's March of Testery (6019) not found.
# *** Get a You-Eye View (7025) not found.
# *** Vicious Talon Slash (7038) not found.
# *** All-You-Can-Beat Wing Buffet (7039) not found.
# *** Tunnel Upwards (7040) not found.
# *** Tunnel Downwards (7041) not found.
# *** Rise From Your Ashes (7042) not found.
# *** Antarctic Flap (7043) not found.
# *** The Statue Treatment (7044) not found.
# *** Feast on Carrion (7045) not found.
# *** Give Your Opponent "The Bird" (7046) not found.
# *** Ask the hobo for a drink (7047) not found.
# *** Ask the hobo for something to eat (7048) not found.
# *** Rouse Sapling (7053) not found.
# *** Spray Sap (7054) not found.
# *** Put Down Roots (7055) not found.
# *** Fire off a Roman Candle (7056) not found.
# *** Spring Raindrop Attack (7061) not found.
# *** Summer Siesta (7062) not found.
# *** Falling Leaf Whirlwind (7063) not found.
# *** Winter's Bite Technique (7064) not found.
# *** The 17 Cuts (7065) not found.
# *** Recite 'The Spirit of Crimbo' (7069) not found.
# *** Disarm (7070) not found.
# *** Entangle (7071) not found.
# *** Strangle (7073) not found.
# *** Consume Burrowgrub (7074) not found.
# *** Play an Accordion Solo (7075) not found.
# *** Play a Guitar Solo (7076) not found.
# *** Play a Drum Solo (7077) not found.
# *** Play a Flute Solo (7078) not found.
# *** Open the Bag o' Tricks (7081) not found.
# *** Apprivoisez la tortue (7083) not found.
# *** Static Shock (7094) not found.
# *** Give Your Opponent the Stinkeye (7095) not found.
# *** Bashing Slam Smash (7096) not found.
# *** Turtle of Seven Tails (7097) not found.
# *** Noodles of Fire (7098) not found.
# *** Saucemageddon (7099) not found.
# *** Funk Bluegrass Fusion (7100) not found.
# *** Extreme High Note (7101) not found.
# *** Goldenshöwer (7102) not found.
# *** Shoot Web (7103) not found.
# *** Wrath of the Volcano God (7104) not found.
# *** Wrath of the Lightning God (7105) not found.
# *** Wrath of the Trickster God (7106) not found.
# *** Squeeze Stress Ball (7113) not found.
# *** Feed (7116) not found.
# *** Quick Attack (7120) not found.
# *** Rive Armor (7121) not found.
# *** Brutal Strike (7122) not found.
# *** First Aid (7123) not found.
# *** Firebolt (7124) not found.
# *** Chillblain (7125) not found.
# *** Forceblast (7126) not found.
# *** Vampiric Tendrils (7127) not found.
# *** Draw New Tiles (7128) not found.
# *** Run Away (7129) not found.
# *** Kodiak Moment (7131) not found.
# *** Grizzly Scene (7132) not found.
# *** Bear-Backrub (7133) not found.
# *** Bear-ly Legal (7134) not found.
# *** Bear Hug (7135) not found.
# *** I Can Bearly Hear You Over the Applause (7136) not found.
# *** Unleash Nanites (7137) not found.
# *** Air Blast (7138) not found.
# *** Haggis Kick (7139) not found.
# *** Rage Flame (7142) not found.
# *** Doubt Shackles (7143) not found.
# *** Fear Vapor (7144) not found.
# *** Tear Wave (7145) not found.
# *** Static Shock (7156) not found.
# *** Hateful Gaze (7157) not found.
# *** Tighten Girdle (7158) not found.
# *** Hide Behind a Tree (7159) not found.
# *** Dive Into a Puddle (7160) not found.
# *** Hide Under a Rock (7161) not found.
# *** Hammer Ghost (7163) not found.
# *** Fire Rocket (7164) not found.
# *** Great Slash (7165) not found.
# *** Get a Good Whiff of This Guy (7166) not found.
# *** Blinding Flash (7167) not found.
# *** Wink at (7168) not found.
# *** Talk About Politics (7169) not found.
# *** Pocket Crumbs (7170) not found.
# *** Air Dirty Laundry (7171) not found.
# *** Rage of the War Snapper (7173) not found.
# *** Voice of She-Who-Was (7174) not found.
# *** Will of the Storm Tortoise (7175) not found.
# *** Spray Hot Grease (7189) not found.
# *** Huff (7190) not found.
# *** Puff (7191) not found.
# *** Blow House Down (7192) not found.
# *** Hot Blow (7193) not found.
# *** Cold Blow (7194) not found.
# *** Stinky Blow (7195) not found.
# *** Spooky Blow (7196) not found.
# *** "Blow" (7197) not found.
# *** Throw Frostball (7198) not found.
# *** Blow Wolf Whistle (7199) not found.
# *** Unload Tommy Gun (7200) not found.
# *** Mug for the Audience (7201) not found.
# *** Consult the Helix Fossil (7206) not found.
# *** Open a Big Yellow Present (7231) not found.
# *** Open a Big Red Present (7232) not found.
# *** Fire Sewage Pistol (7251) not found.
# *** Cowboy Kick (7268) not found.
# *** Extract Jelly (7282) not found.
# *** Hugs and Kisses! (7293) not found.
# *** Become a Wolf (7308) not found.
# *** Become a Cloud of Mist (7309) not found.
# *** Become a Bat (7310) not found.
# *** Unleash Terra Cotta Army (7321) not found.
I agree, but I adventured at the Icy Peak in my birthday suit. Adventuring in Mafia says i need more cold protection, adventuring in relay browser and I got to adventure there. Any information you need to help with this, please let me know.
I just did a test, I have a multi that is at a lower cold resistance, 3 in modtrace, and I was able to adventure at the Icy Peak in the relay browser. Is there a possibility that KOL admin has changed the requirements for the Icy Peak after the King has be freed from his prism or in general.