New Content - Implemented track if we used green rocket on dependence day


On dependence day you can use a green rocket to get 3 clovers for the price of 600 meat. great deal and helpful in run. Would be helpful if mafia tracked whether or not you have used one today.
Oh also, using CLI "buy green rocket" does not work.

CLI command
buy fortune cookie; buy green rocket; buy fortune cookie;
Session log result
buy 1 fortune cookie for 40 each from The General Store
You spent 40 Meat
You acquire an item: fortune cookie

buy 1 fortune cookie for 40 each from The General Store
You spent 40 Meat
You acquire an item: fortune cookie
[color=green]> buy green rocket[/color]

Searching for "green rocket"...
Search complete.
Purchasing green rocket (1 @ 496)...
Purchases complete.
I mean, I didn't really need to do this, but, whatever.

I cannot reprodue your report.
[COLOR=green]> buy green rocket[/COLOR]

Searching for "green rocket"...
Search complete.
Purchasing green rocket (1 @ 496)...
Purchases complete.
I mean, I didn't really need to do this, but, whatever.

I cannot reprodue your report.
This is weird. i tried it on different accounts and different instances of mafia. Just tried it again, this time on avatar of boris. and the same result of it not buying.
Debug log shows nothing either
        KoLmafia v20.3 r20031, Windows 10, Java 1.8.0_251
 Please note: do not post this log in the KoLmafia thread of KoL's
 Gameplay-Discussion forum. If you would like the KoLmafia dev team
 to look at it, please write a bug report at Include
 specific information about what you were doing when you made this
 and include this log as an attachment.
 Timestamp: Thu Apr 23 02:09:44 MDT 2020

> buy green rocket

Are you perhaps in aftercore? maybe there is a block not allowing it in hardcore or something? since all the accounts i tested it on were in hardcore.
[COLOR=green]> buy green rocket[/COLOR]

Searching for "green rocket"...
Search complete.
Purchasing green rocket (1 @ 496)...
Purchases complete.
I mean, I didn't really need to do this, but, whatever.

I cannot reprodue your report.
I figured it out, you bought it from the mall (where the store "The Commerce of Babylon" has 1795 in stock at the price of 496 meat each)
I am in hardcore, i do not have mall access. I can only buy it from the general store where it costs 600 meat instead.
Revision 20032 supports the New Content: apparently, something called the "green rocket" is available from the General Store today.
I added that item to the list of items available from npcs. Today.

That will fix your issue. The fact that it is available only today is a "Won't Fix", I think. If you try tomorrow, we will still think that the General Store sells it.
If you try to "buy" it tomorrow - knowing that it will fail - no surprise! It will fail.
Don't do that.
Revision 20032 supports the New Content: apparently, something called the "green rocket" is available from the General Store today.
I added that item to the list of items available from npcs. Today.

That will fix your issue. The fact that it is available only today is a "Won't Fix", I think. If you try tomorrow, we will still think that the General Store sells it.
If you try to "buy" it tomorrow - knowing that it will fail - no surprise! It will fail.
Don't do that.
thank you
I am pretty sure you are joking, but just in case you are not. It is actually available every dependence day, which occurs 5 days per year.

anyways, tetsted the fix and can confirm it works
Last edited:
Revision 20033 adds support for this New Content:

An item called "green rocket" is now sold in the General Store - on Dependence Day only.
i am pretty sure you are joking
I'm not joking, actually. This is, literally, the first time I heard about this New Content.

I fixed the "appears in NPC store" issue. The rest of the New Content is unknown.
You can use it to get clovers? Once a day? On Dependence Day only?
What if I buy (several) today and use them in the future. Will they work tomorrow?
If not, what message do they give?
I'm not joking, actually. This is, literally, the first time I heard about this New Content.

I fixed the "appears in NPC store" issue. The rest of the New Content is unknown.
You can use it to get clovers?
They have been around since march 2018, when we had a double holiday sneaky pete's+dependance day.
And yes, they give 3 clovers and a profile effect for the day when used.

Once a day?
Yes, unless you use one of the other dependance day fireworks. So ideally, we would get a setting that tracks if you have used any of them, not specifically this one.

On Dependence Day only?

What if I buy (several) today and use them in the future. Will they work tomorrow?

If not, what message do they give?
The same as any other Dependance Day firework: "Sorry, but these particular fireworks are illegal on any day other than the Fourth of Bor. And the law is a worthy institution, and you should respect and obey it, no matter what."
Thanks. Revision 20035 adds _fireworkUsed property. Using any firework sets that to true. Using any firework is limited to Dependence Day only with that setting false.
BTW Rinn & I confirmed you can use another on the same day if you ascend in case the property isn't reset on ascension already. I was on some earlier build when I first used the green rocket prior to "freeing the king" (replacing the macguffin in this case since it was an Ed run) but was on r20035 when I used the second in my newly started run so I can't confirm it does that.

Both Rinn and I used Green Rockets but it should apply to all 4 fireworks.
All properties that start with "_" reset at rollover or on ascension. And, as I said - "Using any firework sets that to true" - this property applies to all four fireworks.