Took choice 1388/2: (secret choice)
Encounter: Comb the Beach (6333 minutes down the beach)
> 1 squares in beach 6333 contain a sand castle
> 3 squares in beach 6333 contain combed sand
> 86 squares in beach 6333 contain rough sand
> Combing the square at coordinates 5,63321 which contains rough sand
Took choice 1388/4: (secret choice)
Encounter: Comb the Beach
You acquire an item: magenta seashell
You acquire grain of sand (3)
Took choice 1388/2: (secret choice)
Encounter: Comb the Beach (1 minute down the beach)
> 1 squares in beach 6333 contain a sand castle
> 3 squares in beach 6333 contain combed sand
> 86 squares in beach 6333 contain rough sand
> Combing the square at coordinates 5,63327 which contains rough sand
Took choice 1388/4: (secret choice)
Encounter: Comb the Beach (1 minute down the beach)
Took choice 1388/2: unknown
Encounter: Comb the Beach (1 minute down the beach)
> 1 squares in beach 6333 contain a sand castle
> 3 squares in beach 6333 contain combed sand
> 86 squares in beach 6333 contain rough sand
> Combing the square at coordinates 5,63324 which contains rough sand
(and so on)
Encounter: Comb the Beach (1 minute down the beach)
Took choice 1388/4: (secret choice)
Encounter: Comb the Beach
You acquire an item: sea carrot
You acquire grain of sand (3)
[color=green]> beach wander 1[/color]
Encounter: Comb the Beach
Encounter: Comb the Beach (1 minute down the beach)
Beach at 1
10: crrcrrrrrr
9: rrrcrcrrcr
8: rccrcrrcrr
7: rrccrcccrr
6: rrrcrrrcrc
5: crcrcrrrcc
4: crrrcrcccc
3: rcrrcrrccr
2: rrrcccrrrr
[color=green]> beach comb 2 0[/color]
Encounter: Comb the Beach
You acquire an item: bunch of sea grapes
You acquire grain of sand (3)
Well, that's cool!Here's what I found today:
... a message in a bottle ...
Encounter: Comb the Beach (3676 minutes down the beach)
> 1 squares in beach 3676 contain combed sand
> 99 squares in beach 3676 contain rough sand
> Combing the square at coordinates 4,36755 which contains rough sand
Took choice 1388/4: (secret choice)
Encounter: Comb the Beach
> You found a message in a bottle!
> Saving page HTML to Veracity_beachcombings_20191127151821207.txt
> Special beach combings saved::
> Veracity_beachcombings_20191127151821207.txt
// How to prioritize beach squares to comb
// W a beached whale
// ? an unclassifiable square
// C a sand castle
// r rough sand
// t rough sand with a twinkle
// c combed sand
// H a beach head
// We think there are fixed set of 11 beach heads, and if you want to
// visit, you can do that manually, so they are not prioritized by
// default. If you want a random buff rather than items, add them.
// We do not expect any unidentifiable square. If KoLmafia finds a
// square it cannot classify, it will log it in the gCLI and session log
// and return a "?". This script assumes such squares are worth visiting.
string_list priorities = define_property( "VBC.Priorities", "string", "W,?,t,r,c", "list" ).to_list_of_string( "," );
At first I just added modifications to the script myself without bothering anyone, but the update undid them =(
in /scripts... didn't expect an update of the script after 4+ months...![]()