New Content - Implemented September 2019 IotM - Pocket Professor

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Could we get tracking of how many times the lecture skills have been used similar to the Stomping Boots runaway counter please?

Revision 19569 adds _thesisDelivered (boolean) and _pocketProfessorLectures (integer). Untested.
Or, could this also be used this to stop mafia from recognizing my copied embezzlers as the semi-rare? (at least if don't pick them up in the treasury)
Oh, it seems to be just relativity lectures, mafia probably has trouble recognizing those copies in general.
Spooky putty, rain doh, digitize, chateau and fax seem to be doing just fine already.
How does this work?

You cast the skill in combat, and when you finish the fight

- it immediately goes to fight the combat? Can you copy it again in that fight?
- it appears next time you adventure?

Spooky putty, rain doh, chateau, fax all require item use to generate the monster.
Digitize generates a monster which appears some time later.

I will probably move these posts over to the Pocket Professor thread.
In either case, is there a special message at the beginning of the fight that indicates this is a result of your using the lecture skill?
How does this work?

You cast the skill in combat, to effectively make the monster clingy: you get a multi-fight with the same monster (if you win the combat) and you could relativity them again.

Sadly, there is no intro message. So this is not as simple as recognizing the message, it would probably involve some tracking of the successful relativity cast (it fails, with failure message, against uncopyable monsters) and the chain-to-fight link, probably.
Try revision 19592.

I created a new property - _relativityMonster - which is false by default, set to true when you successfully use the skill, and is checked and reset to false when checking if the monster is a semirare encounter. I didn't notice another mechanism for tracking things across multi-fights. Even Ed fights - where you die, visit the underworld, and undie - are tracked using a property.
There IS a special message at the END of your combat in which you used the Relativity, though

The link generated at the end of a fight, when you're now going to fight a relativied monster, is "STEP INTO FOLD IN SPACETIME"

mafia could check for the presence of this text when fights are over, to see if the next one should be treated as a relativity-caused fight?
We could. But we already check for whether the casting was successful in order to count lectures per day.
Is it possible to “successfully” use the skill without getting the clingy monster?
things like rollover reset come to mind...

Also getting beaten up...
using the Force with the fourth of may saber...

yeah, shouldn't just rely on whether the cast was successful
The preference _relativityMonster seems to be implemented (or at least it's activation/trigger), but its effect doesn't seem to be yet.

[257] The Haunted Kitchen                                ---------------(Fight in which I used relativity)
Encounter: sausage goblin
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20191031224714 to 20191031225550
Preference _sausageFights changed from 3 to 4                -----------(important line n°1)
Preference _lastSausageMonsterTurn changed from 180950 to 180998
Round 0: fredg1 wins initiative!
Round 1: fredg1 casts BECOME A WOLF!
You acquire an effect: Wolfish Form (1)
Preference _vampyreCloakeFormUses changed from 3 to 4
Round 2: fredg1 casts LECTURE ON RELATIVITY!
Preference _pocketProfessorLectures changed from 0 to 1
Round 3: fredg1 attacks!
Round 4: sausage goblin takes 546 damage.
Round 4: fredg1 wins the fight!
After Battle: You reach out to grab Heisenbergotron and receive a jolt from the battery.
After Battle: You gain 36 Mana Points
You gain 131 Meat
After Battle: Heisenbergotron displays "PHYSICS IS THE DANCE OF THE UNIVERSE."
You acquire an item: magical sausage casing
After Battle: You gain 104 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 221 Mysteriousness
After Battle: You gain 100 Cheek
Preference garbageShirtCharge changed from 35 to 34
Preference _relativityMonster changed from false to true      --------(important line n°2)
This combat did not cost a turn

[257] The Haunted Kitchen                                  -----------(relativity fight)
Encounter: sausage goblin
Preference _lastCombatStarted changed from 20191031225550 to 20191031225824
Preference _sausageFights changed from 4 to 5                 -----------(important line)
Round 0: fredg1 wins initiative!
Round 1: fredg1 casts BECOME A WOLF!
You acquire an effect: Wolfish Form (1)
Preference _vampyreCloakeFormUses changed from 4 to 5
Round 2: fredg1 casts SING ALONG!
Round 3: fredg1 attacks!
Round 4: sausage goblin takes 510 damage.
Round 4: fredg1 wins the fight!
After Battle: You reach out to grab Heisenbergotron and receive a jolt from the battery.
After Battle: You gain 34 Mana Points
You gain 176 Meat
After Battle: Heisenbergotron displays "MATHEMATICS IS THE DANCING OF SCIENCE."
You acquire an item: magical sausage casing
After Battle: You gain 86 Strengthliness
After Battle: You gain 253 Enchantedness
After Battle: You gain 93 Roguishness
Preference garbageShirtCharge changed from 34 to 33
This combat did not cost a turn

> get _relativityMonster

[311] Burnbarrel Blvd.
Preference lastEncounter changed from At Last! to A Tight Squeeze
Encounter: A Tight Squeeze
Preference _relativityMonster changed from true to false

so... _relativityMonster seems to turn to false when you hit a semi-rare, regardless of if this is a fight or not.

I guess that this "technically" helps those who use relativity on semi-rare fights, but if you use them on any kind of monster, not only does it not fix the counter issues of sausage goblins and the likes, it also makes mafia not display the semi-rare window next time you get one...
so... _relativityMonster seems to turn to false when you hit a semi-rare, regardless of if this is a fight or not.
Interesting deduction. I wonder what the basis for it is?

Actually, I have, literally, no idea how you got what you got, given how you explained it to me before, which informed how I implemented it.

We set _relatvityMonster to true in exactly one place:

You win a fight and the message "STEP INTO FOLD IN SPACETIME" is present in the response text.

In other words, there is a "next" link which will take you immediately into a fight.

You are telling me that you did NOT get a fight, but, instead, when you clicked that link, it took you to a non-combat?

That is exactly how you described this working. NOT.

More information, please. What, exactly, did you do?