New Content - Implemented Hewn moon-rune spoon


Well-known member
This just dropped during a combat with the spoon equipped:

10255	cartoon harpoon	599602904	cartoonharpoon.gif	none, usable, curse	t,d	5
# Item cartoon harpoon
I freed the king and tried out the "tune moon" link.


'You notice that the reflection of the moon looks different in the bowl of the spoon."

A dropdown contains all the signs
A button labelled "Change Moon Sign!"
A comment "You feel like this is not something you'll be able to do again, at least not in this life."

When you select a sign, it shows you the same info you find in Valhalla. That's all JavaScript magic.

I selected a sign and pressed the button.

The signs are numbered in the way you'd expect

1 Mongoose
2 Wallaby
3 Vole
4 Platypus
5 Opossum
6 Marmot
7 Wombat
8 Blender
9 Packrat

Redirect: inventory.php?which=2&action=message

"You twist the spoon around until the reflection of the moon in the bowl looks just like you intended."

As expected (since we don't support this yet), ASH my_sign() is not changed.

I clicked the "tune moon" link again:


No redirect.

"You can't figure out the angle to see the moon's reflection in the spoon anymore."
To support this:

- Usable once per ascension. Add a setting to track.
- When we succeed in using it (it redirects and gives the message), set new sign. Unfortunately, the number indicating which sign is in the request we redirected away from. I'm sure we have some mechanism for dealing with that mechanism, although I don't remember what it is...
- If you try to use it and it does not redirect, with the failure message, set the setting to indicate it has been used already.
- If we do this in TCRS, as part of "setting new sign", reset, fetch, apply, just as we do at login or ascending.
There are a number of things where we set them in preChoice, but if you want to ensure that it was successful, you could set a variable during preChoice and then use it during a postChoice.
Well, what the heck. I am done with TCRS, but this works regardless of path, yes?
So, if I use this in my Standard run, it will shift the sign, yes?
I see no reason not to try this out, since I am done with the Gnoll stuff this run, already. I built my bitchin' Meat car and my Meat maid. :)
I'll get the logs to record what we need to track, at least.
Revision 19443 should do this. My session log:

use 1 hewn moon-rune spoon

tuning moon to The Marmot
The first was lgged when I used the spoon to "tune moon" from inventory.
The second was logged when I selected a sign and hit the button.

Afterwords, my_sign() was set to "Marmot" and the "moonTuned" property was set to true.
Haven't tested that the property is reset on ascention, but I did add the reset to the appropriate place.

I think this finishes this item.
Having the hewn moon-rune spoon equipped disrupts mafia's ability to identify when you are using wink at (from reanimated reanimator)
Round 2: taltamir casts WINK AT!
Round 3: You appoint a finger at Stonjamin, then cat shore opponent. Stonjamin nods and pins calculating yow much glow-juice he'll need to reanimate him.
As you can see, the hewn rune spoon randomly replaces words in the text which throws it off.

Also hewn moon... seems to mess with mafia's ability to track the use of chest x-ray from lil doctor bag
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Yeah, use it at your own peril, as with all text manglers.
Fair enough. I guess there are no easy solutions for mangled text.

Hmmm, I just had an idea. is it possible to, when wearing the moon spoon specifically, capture the player making the attempt to wink at instead of whether the result was success or failure (since some monsters are uncopyable the attempt doesn't always succeed) and assuming that if you attempted it with the moon spoon equipped that you succeeded?
Since the mafia log seems to note that I have used the skill wink at so mafia is aware of what skills you try to use even with the rune spoon equipped. Its the results of the attempt that are garbled by the rune spoon.

For x-ray, failure to instant kill the enemy still consumes the x-ray usage does it not? dealing small HP damage instead of instant death? ill have to test it after dayroll
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Fair enough. I guess there are no easy solutions for mangled text.

Hmmm, I just had an idea. is it possible to, when wearing the moon spoon specifically, capture the player making the attempt to wink at instead of whether the result was success or failure (since some monsters are uncopyable the attempt doesn't always succeed) and assuming that if you attempted it with the moon spoon equipped that you succeeded?
Since the mafia log seems to note that I have used the skill wink at so mafia is aware of what skills you try to use even with the rune spoon equipped. Its the results of the attempt that are garbled by the rune spoon.

For x-ray, failure to instant kill the enemy still consumes the x-ray usage does it not? dealing small HP damage instead of instant death? ill have to test it after dayroll

Yes, we could probably make that type of change for each of the 200 things we track. Is it worth doing? Seems unlikely.
We could add a textMangled Boolean that we set when any text mangler is present, and then do it. Big pain first time, but most of the affected stuff is in fight request. Not all of it, though, so the rest would be a bigger pain!
We could add a textMangled Boolean that we set when any text mangler is present, and then do it. Big pain first time, but most of the affected stuff is in fight request. Not all of it, though, so the rest would be a bigger pain!
Oh, great idea! such a bool will thus apply to all future manglers as well (since I am sure more are coming).

Also, having such a bool doesn't mean you have to go and change all things that could be affected by it immediately.
Start out by just using it for new things going forwards. As for old things, they can be done on a case by case basis if someone has the time and patience to work on them, or not at all, no rush to redo everything just because that bool exists.
r20249 allows mafia to properly process fight text that is mangled by the spoon. It just replaces italic elements with contents from the recently added HTML title attribute. Afaik it is only applied to the spoon right now (I confirmed myself that it is not yet present in the "hilarious" salad modifier), but if they use the same decoration style it'll start working immediately.
r20249 allows mafia to properly process fight text that is mangled by the spoon.

This makes me very happy. And now I can remove the "-equip hewn moon-rune spoon" line from all my maximizer strings!