Mercenary Mood -- choiceadv adjustment as you go, modifier maintenance, etc.

I'm continuing to use Mercenary Mood and I find myself wishing that it were a bit more aggressive in handling ML.

MM is sensitive to your threshold setting (a setting that's been around since AutoMCD, this script's grandfather), so if you want to run more +ML you can just increase your threshold. If you just want to run as much +ML as you can, zlib threshold = 1000 ought to cause MM to run much higher +ML. Low-skill characters can really run into problems running high ML so this is the desired behavior, I think.

Not sure what happened to you in Oil Peak. The +ML goal there is explicitly 100.

Also the Spirit of ... stuff is calculated based on the monsters in the zone, but the Spirit skills may also be being cast as part of MM's general buff maintenance since it's trying to operate generically, without a bunch of hardcoded names. So for now I've deliberately excluded the Spirit of... skills from generic consideration. And regardless, MM does need to use Peppermint when you're hunting for bridge materials, so I've also hardcoded some names there which ought to solve that. r19.
While adventuring in the Billiards room, to play pool and get the key, in a TCRS run, MM will use hand chalk even when it gives an effect that does not effect the pool skill :-)
I haven't ventured into TCRS yet. Does $effect[chalky hand].default update accordingly in TCRS? Or would there be an easier way to figure out which item, if any, gives the desired effect?
I haven't ventured into TCRS yet. Does $effect[chalky hand].default update accordingly in TCRS? Or would there be an easier way to figure out which item, if any, gives the desired effect?

> ashq print( $effect[chalky hand].default )

use 1 Flaskfull of Hollow

which seems to be correct for a TCRS Possum Clubber.
MM handles a few more effects that need to be untied from hard-coded items (I think): Musky when clearing protesters and Stone-Faced for the Hidden Temple.

So I've just added some item/skill-agnostic code locally for acquiring an effect to MM which ought to be relatively future-proof; or at least TCRS-proof. It sorts the options available in $effect[].all by cost and performs the cheapest one that's under 10,000μ. I'll make sure it works (couldn't test it today) and then upload the change for my TCRS-playing friends.
I've noticed the MM is, inappropriately, increasing ML in some circumstances. Here's one:

Character is already level 13, flyer use is complete, and while fighting Ed the ML was increased to +74 ML
KoE path
Sign that gives access to the Knoll

MM very much wants to buy a detuned radio and fails, often trying on every adventure. Perhaps MM could be made to understand that it can always get what it wants and it should not try to get what it needs?

No real harm - just server hits and gCLI spam.
One of the benefits of (we miss you) Bale's NewLife is it would set choice adventures. I believe that MM is now setting choice adventures. Would it be reasonable to deprecate NewLife in my own script ecosystem and just relay on MM for choices?

If so, would it be helpful to clear all choices to the mafia defaults and watch for cases where MM doesn't seem to pick the right one?
Feature Request (or an opportunity to tell me why this is not the good idea it seems).

Have MM verify that a specific outfit (default seems like a good name) is being worn before doing anything else.

Even if MM then decides to equip a specific other outfit or run the Maximizer, the unspecified slots will be filled with what I thought I wanted. This also protects me in the relay browser when I forget, for example, that I no longer care about Clownosity and thus should change into something else.

This works for me because MM is already doing most of the outfit changes for me and I would gladly help debug MM if there are cases where it could choose an outfit but doesn't (and thus the FR overrides changes I want).

I can also see that in practice this might be a lot of server hits even though it would not be worse than doing it manually.
Something, which I think is MM, wants to change outfits, which is good, but doesn't know Plumbers must wear boots to adventure, which is bad. So MM probably needs to know more about Plumber runs than it does. I specifically saw this in two of the Crypt locations, I think the Alcove and the Cranny.

Also, does SimpleSmack know about Plumber skills/attacks?
MM does almost nothing with outfits. Outfits are usually set prior to adventuring (by your calling script, be it some large omnibus script or something else). Equipment changes as you auto-adventure (for example, equipping additional Surgeonosity items as you acquire them) are handled by BBB.

None of my scripts know anything about plumbing, yet. I'm finishing up some Standard runs first before whipping out my monkey wrench. If anyone would care to submit code (or update batfactors) in the meantime, I'd be happy to review and add it, otherwise I'll be adding full support (or as full as I can manage) when I get there in a few weeks.
MM does almost nothing with outfits. Outfits are usually set prior to adventuring (by your calling script, be it some large omnibus script or something else). Equipment changes as you auto-adventure (for example, equipping additional Surgeonosity items as you acquire them) are handled by BBB.

None of my scripts know anything about plumbing, yet. I'm finishing up some Standard runs first before whipping out my monkey wrench. If anyone would care to submit code (or update batfactors) in the meantime, I'd be happy to review and add it, otherwise I'll be adding full support (or as full as I can manage) when I get there in a few weeks.


At this point I only run BBS because MM works better with it but as a consequence I remain blissfully clueless about what script is actually doing things. Indeed a previous concern with outfits was traced to CanAdv.
Not a whole lot in the session logs but none of this was me, before the Cranny :-)

maximize -combat, ml 50 max, equip gravy boat, effective

equip hat ratty knitted cap

equip weapon disco ball

equip pants psychic's pslacks

equip acc2 dorky glasses
> Recommended Combat Rate: -∞ (now: -10)
> Recommended Initiative: +0 (now: 70)
> Recommended Item Drop: +0 (now: 90)
> Recommended Monster Level: +50 (now: 20)

Easy to blame MM because I thought that was what produced the Recommended lines.
MM does generate the Recommended lines, but doesn't switch equipment except in a few special cases which I'm of a mind to move to BBB to improve separation of responsibilities.

If you increase your verbosity to 8 you'd see which script to blame. Regardless, consider the issue reported!
Looks like I'm overdue for an update. My local copy already skipped adjusting ML and combat rate in the Drip.

So here's r27! In addition to not wasting buffs in the Drip, it will also:

  • Use available healthy juice to get more HP regen as a Plumber when useful, since those quest items would just go to waste otherwise.
  • Add legendary epic weapons and Guzzlrbucks to the goals for which it will not increase -combat.
  • Run Eau de Tortue when hunting and taming guard turtles. By the way, the last time I did the TT Nemesis quest, the guardTurtlesFreed property never updated. I am waiting to make another run and check it out before submitting a bug report but if anyone gets there before me, I'm curious to know if the property is updating for you.