Bug - Fixed Expert Corner-Cutting only works if you have adventures left?


Staff member
I am trying to understand why KoLmafia says I can make certain concoctions, but when I try, crafting fails.

I have Expert Corner-Cutter.
I have used it 3 times today, which leaves 2.
I have zero adventures left.

I try it in the Item Manager or the gCLI and it fails with "Creation failed, no results detected.".

When I try it on the Crafting page in the browser, it says "Shake (1 Adventure)" and if I try it anyway, it says "You don't have that many adventures left. It takes time to make a good cocktail, man."

Do you have to have adventures left to even try to craft, even though that skill will make it not cost a turn?

It's OK, because I was making my nightcap - and I have an option which will give me the same number of turns without crafting.

I did that and went back to the crafting page in the relay browser. It still said it would take a turn, but let me do it, since I had a turn, and free crafting kicked in as expected.

Do other free crafting technizques behave like this? Rapid Prototyping? Inigo's?

If not (or especially if so) - ConcoctionDatabase.getFreeCraftingTurns needs to understand that Free Crafts from certain sources may not be available if you are at 0 adventures.
It is the only one like this I believe.

I was hoping it'd get fixed to be with the others and reported it months ago.
I continue to get bitten by this: I queue up and execute something and the creation fails.
Revision 19372 requires "adventures left" to be >0 in order to consider that Expert Cornercutting will work.

I've mostly given up reporting bugs in KoL, since I think the devs aren't interested in fixing bugs reported by users any more unless it is for something they just released, but perhaps I will try with this one. I'd be happy for this band aid to be obsolete.
I continue to get bitten by this: I queue up and execute something and the creation fails.
Revision 19372 requires "adventures left" to be >0 in order to consider that Expert Cornercutting will work.

I've mostly given up reporting bugs in KoL, since I think the devs aren't interested in fixing bugs reported by users any more unless it is for something they just released, but perhaps I will try with this one. I'd be happy for this band aid to be obsolete.
It’d be nice if they had some sort of ticket system, rather than a one-way form. One cannot help but wonder if bug reports simply escape notice.