Bug - Not A Bug Deep Dark Visions should not have a daily limit


My daily skill-casting script, which is designed to panic if it encounters a limited-cast skill it doesn’t know about, flagged “Deep Dark Visions” as unhandled. I checked, and sure enough: it is listed as having a daily limit of 1.

It has no limit whatsoever, and KoLmafia does not track how many times it is cast. Unless someone can explain the discrepancy, this should be fixed.
Actually, the limit is one, if you have over 500 hp:

case SkillPool.DEEP_VISIONS:
maximumCast = KoLCharacter.getMaximumHP() >= 500 ? 1 : 0;
If you use
cast deep dark visions; cast cannelloni cocoon
repeat 20
KoLmafia will try casting it for you 21 times, just once at a time.

Casting it twice will only cause beaten up for most people, and casting 3 times will result in beaten up for anyone without Spookyform.
I guess you're actually reporting the more general issue that skill.dailylimit has no idea if the limit it's reporting is actually a daily limit, or just a current limit.
I guess you're actually reporting the more general issue that skill.dailylimit has no idea if the limit it's reporting is actually a daily limit, or just a current limit.
I mean, it should be a daily limit, right? It doesn’t tell you how many times you can cast a skill with your current MP or anything.
Casting it twice will only cause beaten up for most people, and casting 3 times will result in beaten up for anyone without Spookyform.

That can't be right, can it?

multi's charsheet said:
Spooky Protection: Really Very Extremely Impossibly High (196)
(as a myst class)

cli said:
> cast deep dark visions

Casting Deep Dark Visions 1 times...
You lose 6,872,311 hit points
You acquire an effect: Visions of the Deep Dark Deeps (10)
Deep Dark Visions was successfully cast.

> my_maxhp

Returned: 35979693

> ash print(6872311.0 / my_maxhp())


I can do it... 5 times without getting beaten up! depending on rng, anyhow.

(wiki suggests that elemental resistance basically caps out by 38 levels, anyways... other than certain fringe effects, that is)
Are there any other skills that use the “dailylimit” field for limits that aren’t really limits? It would probably be better to hardcode the behavior in when casting (like a warning saying you won’t survive it, which is trivial to determine), rather than being inaccurate.
Jesus. How long have you gone without ascending‽
It takes about a month to hit level 256.

Are there any other skills that use the “dailylimit” field for limits that aren’t really limits? It would probably be better to hardcode the behavior in when casting (like a warning saying you won’t survive it, which is trivial to determine), rather than being inaccurate.
Zombie Master skills are limited based on current meat. AoJ companion skills are limited to 1 if you can cast them, 0 otherwise. Turtle Tamer blessings are limited to 1 when they make sense to cast. There are a few other cases also.

So really, dailylimit should be renamed to limit. Except that would break backward compatibility. And splitting up code to make limit versus dailylimit separate things seems ridiculous; I'd rather break existing scripts by renaming the field to be accurately named than work on that.
It takes about a month to hit level 256.

That sounds a little high, unless you reject Weirdeaux.

Of course, on top of that, there's shypgmomayomanometer, the insane buff from dinsey's toxic dumps, and probably many other stat-superlative-ing ways that I forgot about.

Turtle Tamer blessings are limited to 1 when they make sense to cast.

That only makes sense for turtle tamers, who get an intristic. Everyone else gets 10 turns of buff per cast. And I just checked that both blesing I have are actually multicastable in vanilla (and mutually exclusive).
xKiv is right; it takes about a week (~4k combat wins, give or take; you can get a 90%+ win rate) of Weirdeaux to get to 256. That multi, incidentally, is "only" around level 120. There's not much benefit of going beyond 100, other than more efficient MP restores and a larger MP pool for libram summons.