request: d12 script


New member
I know it's probably really simple, but I suck at computers, so...

is there a way to get mafia to just repeatedly use all my d12s for the moving target trophy? that seems like it would be really useful, to avoid a million button clicks. thanks!
alternate script

I built this script for a clannie this summer before this thread was created.
Since I just noticed the thread (and remembered to get this trophy myself) I will attach my version now.
Has a bunch of neat features that you probably wont need on a script that gets you the trophy in under 5 minutes; but I don't have the heart to remove them now.

I got my trophies on 2 different characters at 1188 and 1189.
Took less than 100 attempts each.
To find out the estimated target number check here:


When you run it, you'll be asked how many d12s to use.
I should have paid more attention... it asked me to input value for "n" and I thought n was the target desired number rolled rather than number of dice. Had I paid more attention to what you said I would have noticed the above line saying to input the number of d12s... there goes a million meat to my carelessness.

Anyways, thanks for the script.
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That shouldn't have cost you any meat, since d12s aren't consumed unless you hit the target number. Unless you mean that it first bought all those dice, in which case, you still didn't really lose any meat, you just don't have it temporarily, until you sell them again.
That shouldn't have cost you any meat, since d12s aren't consumed unless you hit the target number. Unless you mean that it first bought all those dice, in which case, you still didn't really lose any meat, you just don't have it temporarily, until you sell them again.
Good point on being able to resell the dice. Although some of them ended up being bought for higher than market value due to shortage, and I would be unlikely to recoup 100% of it when selling it later on unless someone else makes a similar mistake and auto buys my overpriced dice.
Still, I would be able to recoup a decent portion of it when people eventually buy my unused dice.

This was entirely my fault for being careless, and it was not too much meat either. I can just farm a bit and wait for the spares to sell.