Automatic SVN Builds


Staff member
Since we are on a new shiny VPS server, I spent some time writing a bash script to automatically push new builds once an hour. You can get them hot off the press at and the exe builds will be built every Sunday at Midnight (I think I setup the cron right for that, we'll see!). Attempted to make a dmg build but couldn't get that to work (probably something to do with my being on Linux in some way).

Any comments or suggestions will be appreciated.
I'd like to make the suggestion that there needs to be a sticky at the top of the Unofficial Builds Forum telling people the URL of latest unofficial builds. ;)

Although, perhaps we don't really need an unofficial builds forum anymore since there is no longer a need to post a thread there.... If we keep it, the mere presence of that forum will keep people from finding information about unofficial builds in the announcements forum...

Let's just say that something needs to be done to enable people to know that the former methodology has been changed and leave the specifics to you.
I'd like to make the suggestion that there needs to be a sticky at the top of the Unofficial Builds Forum telling people the URL of latest unofficial builds. ;)

Although, perhaps we don't really need an unofficial builds forum anymore since there is no longer a need to post a thread there.... If we keep it, the mere presence of that forum will keep people from finding information about unofficial builds in the announcements forum...

Let's just say that something needs to be done to enable people to know that the former methodology has been changed and leave the specifics to you.

Good call, Bale. I'll take care of the sticky. I think there are enough links to the unofficial builds forum that we should keep it around. Plus it will allow people to ask questions about specific builds that might not rise to the level of a bug report.
I dunno, I really like seeing the changes associated with the builds ... a list of files doesn't quite have the same pull.

Yes yes, I know I could go read commits ...
All the changes are listed in the forums already every time a new commit is done.
This new build system is very well done. I like the RSS Bot thing that was implemented for build changes. However, I'm curious as to what the spiffed-up builds page will look like when it's finished... guess I'll have to wait like everyone else. :p
You may already be intending to do this, but I thought that I'd make a suggestion.

Next to each build on that page you should put a link to the forum thread that contains its release notes. (Or include the information on that page.) I know that might be a little bit trickier, but I hope you'll consider it.
Linking to the build I think will be impossible, but I'm planning on putting the last 30 changes on the page I think. At least once I figure out the command to print the last 30 changes.
Feature request: as part of the automated build process, could it also drop a copy of the build in the directory as kolmafia-latest.jar? It would simplify my life immensely if I could just set up a cron to wget a static filename during rollover.
I think he's asking that the last step of the build make a link, named kolmafia-latest.jar, to whatever kolmafia-xxxx.jar was created.

(He said "copy", but all modern filesystems have links, no? :))
Feature request: as part of the automated build process, could it also drop a copy of the build in the directory as kolmafia-latest.jar? It would simplify my life immensely if I could just set up a cron to wget a static filename during rollover.

Bumping this. Please. It's getting hard for me to be around over rollover to update kolmafia.
I'll take a look into when I have time to go messing around. Busy with work currently.