New Content - Implemented El Dia de los Muertos Borrachos y Agradecido


9593 temperance whiskey 338087611 glassofwater.gif food t 0
temperance whiskey 3 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item temperance whiskey Effect: "Old Time Hydration", Effect Duration: 100
2332 Old Time Hydration glassofwater.gif 61ac2e8fef83b9aae67b1c45184a964d eat 1 temperance whiskey
Effect Old Time Hydration Muscle: +30, Mysticality: +30, Moxie: +30
For some reason, when I run missingManuel, it recognizes the monsters, but I see no new monster entries. I met each of them many times. Did they not register with monster IDs?
9595 Racisto Ruidoso 385624590 martini.gif drink t 0
Racisto Ruidoso 5 6 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item Racisto Ruidoso

is dropped by T?o Cad?ver.
I cannot find the monsters in my session log or Manuel.
Either my search-fu is pathetic or the new monsters have no factoids. Or both.
Yeah, yeah.
Looking at item #9595...
Unknown item found: Racisto Ruidoso (9595, 385624590)
9595 Racisto Ruidoso 385624590 martini.gif drink t 0
Racisto Ruidoso 5 6 EPIC 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item Racisto Ruidoso
Looking at item #9593...
Unknown item found: temperance whiskey (9593, 338087611)
9593 temperance whiskey 338087611 glassofwater.gif food t 0
temperance whiskey 3 1 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
Item temperance whiskey Effect: "Old Time Hydration", Effect Duration: 100
2332 Old Time Hydration glassofwater.gif 61ac2e8fef83b9aae67b1c45184a964d eat 1 temperance whiskey
Effect Old Time Hydration Muscle: +30, Mysticality: +30, Moxie: +30
Looking at item #9594...
Unknown item found: cursed wishbone (9594, 171358842)
9594 cursed wishbone 171358842 wishbone.gif usable t 0
Item cursed wishbone Effect: "Slightly Cursed, Mostly Lucky", Effect Duration: 30
2333 Slightly Cursed, Mostly Lucky wishbone.gif 744905696229e8ac6521ad39fa8f9ee8 use 1 cursed wishbone
Effect Slightly Cursed, Mostly Lucky Item Drop: +25, Meat Drop: +50