I've been working on this script for quite some time. I think I finally have all the qwerks worked out of it.
This script does a LOT of stuff for you. It will check all of mafia's daily deeds, all once a day skills, use-able items, free fights, etc, and give you a print out of what you have available to do. It is also setup to maximize your rollover turns.
It will pull upto 3 cards from your deck, it will get you a spacegate vaccine of your choice, it will check all free drops from all of your familiars, it will tell you how your source terminal is doing, if it's not fully upgraded, it will tell you what you need to make it so. The script will also burn most of your MP to re-buff your character. It will NOT use any meat during this process, UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO (beware this is EXTREMELY dangerous). The script will also make sure all of your daily deeds have been completed.
This script can be run in Hardcore, Softcore, or Aftercore. Since it looks at what you currently have available. It will spend 0 turns, and 0 meat, so feel free to try it out!
Below is a list of properties that are user configurable. If you wish to change any of the properties of the script, to change what it does, or the final output, you can!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard1", "ancestral recall"); // Three turns is great!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard2", "island"); // 6 turns is even better!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard3", "1952 Mickey Mantle"); // 10k meat is ALWAYS a nice bonus.
set_property ("ps_spacegateVaccine", "3"); // 1 rainbow +3 each element resist, 2 +50% each stat, or 3 +30 monster level
set_property ("ps_manaburn", "true"); // set this to false if you don't want to burn your free MP restorers - TRUE SETTING WILL NOT USE MEAT!
set_property ("ps_geniewish1", "more wishes");
set_property ("ps_geniewish2", "more wishes");
set_property ("ps_geniewish3", "more wishes");
set_property("ps_checkfamiliar", "true"); // set this to false if you don't want to know about familiar free drops, and free runaways
set_property("ps_checksource", "false"); // set this to false if you don't want to know about your Source Terminal
set_property("ps_dailydeeds", "true"); // set this to false if you don't want to do all daily deeds
set_property("ps_rollover", "turns"); // set this to turns for rollover turns or pvp for pvp fights
set_property("ps_preferences_set", "true");
I must say the following:
This script was originally written by bumcheekcity and hippoking
Designed to optimise rollover adventure amounts and remind you to do daily stuff.
With great thanks to hippoking.
...who actually wrote most of it.
Also, thanks to TH3Y who added some stuff.
I did a major overhaul of the script, but there's still (some) original code.
There are 3 support scripts that are included. First is miner.ash, which I updated, Second is snojo.ash, and Third is witchess_solver.ash. Miner.ash is used if you have the "Unaccompanied Miner" skill, and an outfit to mine with. Snojo.ash will any free fights you have available, and witchess_solver will solve your witchess puzzles, if you have it.
Please let me know if you have any errors with this script, or if you happen to find something I might have missed.
1.00 - 9/2/17 MAJOR re-write, and update, to speed up script, and reduce server hits (PazSox)
1.01 - 9/3/17 added dependencies.txt to include zlib.ash
1.02 - 9/3/17 Fixed License to Chill use bug, and updated error with dependencies.txt
1.03 - 9/7/17 Minor bug fixes with tomes castings, and airports not working properly
1.04 - 9/9/17 Fixed bug where script always said DMT were available, and some issues with checking inebriety
1.05 - 9/13/17 Added support for Genie Wishes
1.06 - 1/7/18 Fixed MP burning bug, and trying to fight chateau monster, without access
1.07 - 3/29/18 Fixed bug with fax machine in an Avatar run, and bugs where it always thought you had genie wishes, and would never get spacegate vaccine. Also added support for Madame Zatara
1.08 - 4/10/18 Will now use genie wishes, if available. Fixed issue with miner.ash script, few small things
1.09 - 4/17/18 Fixed bugs with the scripts properties being looked at wrong, added ability to maximize PVP fights now, instead of adventures.
1.10 - 4/18/18 Added rollover turns to +PVP fights if you don't have enough gear to fill all slots with +PVP. Fixed some wording.
1.11 - 4/24/18 Changed how maximizing PVP fights is looked at. Also script will no longer tell you about PVP if you're not maximizing fights. Fixed another Avatar Fax bug (hopefully)
1.12 - 6/21/18 Updated Bounty Hunters text, so script now says what bounties you still have available, if any, instead of saying you always have them (even if you didn't)
1.13 - 12/31/19 Script now checks for turns before running witchess. No turns, no fights.
1.14 - 2/27/20 Script no longer forces you to buy a raffle ticket every day.
1.15 - 3/4/20 Added support for beach combing, fixed issue with deck of every card.
1.16 - 3/6/20 Fixed bug with Deck of Every Card, and Snojo locking script in Standard runs & some other little things
This script does a LOT of stuff for you. It will check all of mafia's daily deeds, all once a day skills, use-able items, free fights, etc, and give you a print out of what you have available to do. It is also setup to maximize your rollover turns.
It will pull upto 3 cards from your deck, it will get you a spacegate vaccine of your choice, it will check all free drops from all of your familiars, it will tell you how your source terminal is doing, if it's not fully upgraded, it will tell you what you need to make it so. The script will also burn most of your MP to re-buff your character. It will NOT use any meat during this process, UNLESS YOU WANT IT TO (beware this is EXTREMELY dangerous). The script will also make sure all of your daily deeds have been completed.
This script can be run in Hardcore, Softcore, or Aftercore. Since it looks at what you currently have available. It will spend 0 turns, and 0 meat, so feel free to try it out!
Below is a list of properties that are user configurable. If you wish to change any of the properties of the script, to change what it does, or the final output, you can!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard1", "ancestral recall"); // Three turns is great!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard2", "island"); // 6 turns is even better!
set_property ("ps_cheatdeckcard3", "1952 Mickey Mantle"); // 10k meat is ALWAYS a nice bonus.

set_property ("ps_spacegateVaccine", "3"); // 1 rainbow +3 each element resist, 2 +50% each stat, or 3 +30 monster level
set_property ("ps_manaburn", "true"); // set this to false if you don't want to burn your free MP restorers - TRUE SETTING WILL NOT USE MEAT!
set_property ("ps_geniewish1", "more wishes");
set_property ("ps_geniewish2", "more wishes");
set_property ("ps_geniewish3", "more wishes");
set_property("ps_checkfamiliar", "true"); // set this to false if you don't want to know about familiar free drops, and free runaways
set_property("ps_checksource", "false"); // set this to false if you don't want to know about your Source Terminal
set_property("ps_dailydeeds", "true"); // set this to false if you don't want to do all daily deeds
set_property("ps_rollover", "turns"); // set this to turns for rollover turns or pvp for pvp fights
set_property("ps_preferences_set", "true");
I must say the following:
This script was originally written by bumcheekcity and hippoking
Designed to optimise rollover adventure amounts and remind you to do daily stuff.
With great thanks to hippoking.
...who actually wrote most of it.
Also, thanks to TH3Y who added some stuff.
I did a major overhaul of the script, but there's still (some) original code.
svn checkout
There are 3 support scripts that are included. First is miner.ash, which I updated, Second is snojo.ash, and Third is witchess_solver.ash. Miner.ash is used if you have the "Unaccompanied Miner" skill, and an outfit to mine with. Snojo.ash will any free fights you have available, and witchess_solver will solve your witchess puzzles, if you have it.
Please let me know if you have any errors with this script, or if you happen to find something I might have missed.
1.00 - 9/2/17 MAJOR re-write, and update, to speed up script, and reduce server hits (PazSox)
1.01 - 9/3/17 added dependencies.txt to include zlib.ash
1.02 - 9/3/17 Fixed License to Chill use bug, and updated error with dependencies.txt
1.03 - 9/7/17 Minor bug fixes with tomes castings, and airports not working properly
1.04 - 9/9/17 Fixed bug where script always said DMT were available, and some issues with checking inebriety
1.05 - 9/13/17 Added support for Genie Wishes
1.06 - 1/7/18 Fixed MP burning bug, and trying to fight chateau monster, without access
1.07 - 3/29/18 Fixed bug with fax machine in an Avatar run, and bugs where it always thought you had genie wishes, and would never get spacegate vaccine. Also added support for Madame Zatara
1.08 - 4/10/18 Will now use genie wishes, if available. Fixed issue with miner.ash script, few small things
1.09 - 4/17/18 Fixed bugs with the scripts properties being looked at wrong, added ability to maximize PVP fights now, instead of adventures.
1.10 - 4/18/18 Added rollover turns to +PVP fights if you don't have enough gear to fill all slots with +PVP. Fixed some wording.
1.11 - 4/24/18 Changed how maximizing PVP fights is looked at. Also script will no longer tell you about PVP if you're not maximizing fights. Fixed another Avatar Fax bug (hopefully)
1.12 - 6/21/18 Updated Bounty Hunters text, so script now says what bounties you still have available, if any, instead of saying you always have them (even if you didn't)
1.13 - 12/31/19 Script now checks for turns before running witchess. No turns, no fights.
1.14 - 2/27/20 Script no longer forces you to buy a raffle ticket every day.
1.15 - 3/4/20 Added support for beach combing, fixed issue with deck of every card.
1.16 - 3/6/20 Fixed bug with Deck of Every Card, and Snojo locking script in Standard runs & some other little things
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